of November 27, 2010 No. 939
About standards of disclosure of information by subjects of natural monopolies in the field of rail haulings
According to the Federal Law "About Natural Monopolies" Government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Approve the enclosed standards of disclosure of information by subjects of natural monopolies in the field of rail haulings.
2. To Federal Tariff Service in 3-month time to approve forms, terms and frequency of disclosure of information provided by subitems "a", "b" and "e" of Item 9 of standards of disclosure of information by subjects of natural monopolies in the field of the rail haulings approved by this resolution and also the rule of filling of these forms.
3. To Federal Antimonopoly Service in 3-month time to approve forms, terms and frequency of disclosure of information provided by subitems "v" - "d" and Item 9 of standards of disclosure of information by subjects of natural monopolies in the field of the rail haulings approved by this resolution and also the rule of filling of these forms.
Russian Prime Minister
V. Putin
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2010 No. 939
1. This document establishes structure and procedure for disclosure of information by subjects of natural monopolies in the field of rail haulings, including in the field of provision of services on use of infrastructure of rail transport of general use (daleesfer of rail haulings) concerning which state regulation and control are performed (further - subjects of natural monopolies).
Disclosure of information hereunder is understood as ensuring access of the unrestricted group of people to information on regulated activities of subjects of natural monopolies (daleeinformation) irrespective of the purpose of receipt of information.
2. Subjects of natural monopolies information reveals in the way:
a) publications on the official site of the subject of natural monopoly on the Internet and (or) on other official site determined by the Government of the Russian Federation (further - the official site);
b) publications in official printing mass media which extend in subjects of the Russian Federation in the territory of which subjects of natural monopolies render regulated services in the field of rail haulings (daleeofitsialny printing editions);
c) provisions free of charge information on written requests of consumers of services of subjects of natural monopolies, including in electronic form (further respectively - requests, consumers).
3. If information is posted by the subject of natural monopoly only on the official site chosen by it, it shall publish data on it in official printing publications with indication of the reference to the corresponding website. At the same time information posted on the official site shall be available within 5 years.
Subjects of natural monopolies shall report the address of the official site and the name of official printing publications where information is placed at the request of consumers.
4. In the territories where there is no Internet access, information reveals by publication in official printing publications in full.
5. In case of the address of the consumer to the subject of natural monopoly with request such request shall be signed and contain the following data:
a) the name of the organization to which the inquiry is sent;
b) surname, name, middle name of person who made inquiry (the name of the legal entity);
c) the list of information concerning which the request is sent;
d) date of the address with request;
e) method of receipt of required information (by means of the mailing, issue personally to the consumer and (or) the directions of the electronic message) with indication of mail and (or) electronic addresses.
6. The subject of natural monopoly within 20 days from the date of receipt of request provides to the consumer the relevant information according to the method of its obtaining elected by the consumer.
If information requested by the consumer is opened in required amount on the official site and (or) in official printing publications, the subject of natural monopoly has the right, without opening required information, to tell the consumer the address of the official site and (or) the name and details of official printing publications where such information is placed.
Subjects of natural monopolies keep registration and account of requests of consumers, and also store copies of replies to the requests within 5 years.
7. Subjects of natural monopolies within 5 working days from the date of publication give information on it (with indication of official printing publications and (or) the address of the official site) to federal executive bodies, authorized to exercise control of observance of standards of disclosure of information.
8. The changes made to the opened information are subject to publication in the same sources in which the relevant information, in the following terms was originally published:
within 30 days from the date of decision making about introduction izmeneniyv official printing publications;
within 5 days from the date of decision making about introduction of izmeneniyn the official site.
9. In the field of rail haulings information is subject to disclosure:
a) about the prices (rates) for works (services) of subjects of natural monopolies to which state regulation is applied (further - regulated works (services));
b) about the main indicators of financial and economic activities concerning which regulation according to the Federal Law "About Natural Monopolies", including structure of the main production costs on accomplishment of regulated works (rendering services) is performed;
c) about the main consumer characteristics of regulated works (services) and their compliance to the state and other approved quality standards;
d) about availability (about absence) technical capability of access to regulated works (services), about registration and the course of implementation of requests for connection (technology accession) to infrastructure of subjects of natural monopolies;
e) about conditions on which subjects of natural monopolies perform accomplishment (rendering) of regulated works (services);
e) about investing programs (about projects of investing programs) and reports on their realization;
g) about methods of acquisition, cost and about amounts of the goods necessary for accomplishment (rendering) of regulated works (services).
10. The list of information which is subject to disclosure according to Item 9 of this document is exhaustive.
11. Within disclosure of price information (rates) for regulated works (services) the following data are published:
a) the list of works (services) of the subject of natural monopoly in the field of rail haulings, rates (rates of charges and payments) on which are regulated by the state;
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