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of November 27, 2010 No. 938

About standards of disclosure of information by the subjects of natural monopolies performing activities in service industries in transport terminals, ports and the airports and services in use of infrastructure of inland waterways

(as amended of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04.09.2015 No. 941)

In compliance with the Federal Law "About Natural Monopolies" Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the enclosed standards of disclosure of information by the subjects of natural monopolies performing activities in service industries in transport terminals, ports and the airports and services in use of infrastructure of inland waterways.

2. To Federal Tariff Service in 3-month time to approve forms, terms and frequency of disclosure of information provided by subitems "a", "b" and "e" of Item 9 of the standards of disclosure of information approved by this resolution and also rules of filling of these forms.

3. To Federal Antimonopoly Service in 3-month time to approve forms, terms and frequency of disclosure of information provided by subitems "v" - "d" and Item 9 of the standards of disclosure of information approved by this resolution and also the rule of filling of these forms.

Russian Prime Minister

V. Putin

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2010 No. 938

Standards of disclosure of information by the subjects of natural monopolies performing activities in service industries in transport terminals, ports and the airports and services in use of infrastructure of inland waterways

I. General provisions

1. This document establishes standards (structure and procedure) of disclosure of information by the subjects of natural monopolies performing activities in service industries in transport terminals, ports and the airports and services in use of infrastructure of inland waterways (further - subjects of natural monopolies).

2. Disclosure of information hereunder is understood as providing with subjects of natural monopolies of open entry of the unrestricted group of people to information on the activities irrespective of the purpose of receipt of information.

3. Information reveals the subject of natural monopoly in the way:

a) placements on the official site of the subject of natural monopoly and (or) on other official site on the information and telecommunication Internet determined by the Government of the Russian Federation (further - the official site);

b) publications in printing mass media in which official materials of the public authorities extended in subjects of the Russian Federation in the territory of which subjects of natural monopolies perform the activities (further - official printing publications) are in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation published;

c) provisions on a grant basis information based on written requests of consumers of works (services) of subjects of natural monopolies.

4. The information which is subject to disclosure posted by the subject of natural monopoly on the official site shall be available to the unrestricted group of people within 5 years.

Subjects of natural monopolies shall report the address of the official site on which disclosure of information is performed at the request of consumers of works (services) of subjects of natural monopolies.

5. In case of primary disclosure of information by publication the reference to the official site is at the same time published in official printing publications.

In case of change of the name of the official site on which disclosure of information is performed data on it are also published in official printing publications.

6. In the territories in which there is no Internet access information reveals by publication in official printing publications.

7. Subjects of natural monopolies within 5 working days from the date of publication of information (modification of it) in official printing publications and (or) report placements of information on the official site in public authority, authorized to exercise control of observance of standards of disclosure of information, and Federal Antimonopoly Service about disclosure of information with indication of the official printing publication and (or) the address of the official site.

8. In case of lack of technical and technological capabilities of access to carried out (rendered) subjects of natural monopolies works (services), the prices (rates, charges) for which are regulated by the state (further - regulated works (services)), absence reasons of the specified opportunities are proved by subjects of natural monopolies.

9. Subjects of natural monopolies the following information in service industries in transport terminals, ports and the airports and services in use of infrastructure of inland waterways reveals:

a) about the prices (rates, charges) of regulated works (services);

b) about the main indicators of financial and economic activities of subjects of natural monopolies in the field of accomplishment (rendering) of regulated works (services);

c) about the main consumer characteristics of regulated works (services) and their compliance to the state and other approved quality standards;

d) about availability (absence) of technical capability of access to regulated works (services), about registration and the course of implementation of requests for connection (technology accession) to infrastructure of subjects of natural monopolies;

e) about conditions on which accomplishment (rendering) of regulated works (services) is performed;

e) about investing programs (projects of investing programs) and reports on their realization;

g) about methods of acquisition, cost and about amounts of the goods necessary for accomplishment (rendering) of regulated works (services).

10. The list of information which is subject to disclosure according to Item 9 of this document is exhaustive.

11. Information specified in subitems "b" and "e" of Item 9 of this document is subject to disclosure for the accounting period. The forecast information specified in subitems "b" and "e" of Item 9 of this document is subject to disclosure in current period (1 year) and the predicted period (2 next years). In case of change of forecast information the specified information reveals.

12. In case of disclosure of information on investing programs (projects of investing programs) in structure of investing program are without fail specified:

a) the amount of investments according to the program in general and according to its Sections in particular;

b) data on capital construction projects with separation on the reconstructed (modernized) objects and new objects which cost exceeds 3 percent of the amount of investments on appropriate sections, but are made by at least 1 percent of the amount of investments in general according to the program;


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