Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC

Registered by

Ministry of Justice

Republic of Uzbekistan

On October 11, 2010 No. 2147


of October 6, 2010 No. 14

About approval of the Regulations on procedure for forming and maintaining the State register of subjects of natural monopolies

(as amended on 20-09-2023)

According to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About natural monopolies" (Sheets of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1999" No. 9, the Art. 212) and the Regulations on the State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on privatization, demonopolization and development of the competition approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 30, 2012 No. 374 (Collection of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2013, No. 2, of the Art. 19), the State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on privatization, demonopolization and development of the competition decides:

1. Approve Regulations on procedure for forming and maintaining the State register of subjects of natural monopolies according to appendix.

2. Declare invalid the resolution of the State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on demonopolization, support of the competition and entrepreneurship of February 23, 2009 N 7 "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for forming and maintaining the State register of subjects of natural monopolies" (reg. N 1930 of March 30, 2009) (Collection of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2009, N 14, the Art. 166).

3. This resolution becomes effective after ten days from the date of its state registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


Zh. Ismailov


to the Resolution of the State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on demonopolization and development of the competition of October 6, 2010 No. 14

Regulations on procedure for forming and maintaining the State register of subjects of natural monopolies

This Provision according to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About natural monopolies" (Sheets of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1999, N 9, the Art. 212) establishes procedure for forming and maintaining the State register of subjects of natural monopolies (further - the Register).

I. General provisions

1. The register is the joint information base containing data on subjects of natural monopolies in paper and electronic forms.

2. Forming of the Register is performed by Committee on development of the competition and consumer protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - Committee) and, on goods, works and services (further - goods), production (realization) of which is performed by its territorial authorities in the conditions of natural monopoly according to the list according to appendix to this Provision.

3. Maintaining the Register is performed by Committee and its territorial authorities by entering into the joint information base of information about the subject of natural monopoly and its economic activity, updating of these data, exception of information about the subject of natural monopoly of base.

4. The register consists of republican and territorial Sections.

The republican Section of the Register joins the business entities making (implementing) goods in the conditions of natural monopoly in the territory of two and more areas.

The territorial Section of the Register joins the business entities making (implementing) goods in the conditions of natural monopoly within the territory of one area.

The business entities making (implementing) goods in the conditions of natural monopoly and which are part of bodies of the public or economic administration can be made to the republican section of the Register on behalf of this body of the public or economic board.

5. Ceased to be valid according to the Resolution of Committee on development of the competition and consumer protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 20.09.2023 No. 11/05-05/01

6. The business entities making (implementing) goods in the conditions of natural monopoly only for own needs or, owing to the developed force majeur circumstances, for prevention of technology violations, accidents or emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature, and enabling the realization of these goods during the short-term periods (time frame up to three months inclusive), are not subject to inclusion in the Register.

II. Inclusion in the register

7. The Register joins subjects of natural monopoly, irrespective of their form of business and patterns of ownership.

8. The subject of natural monopoly performing types of activity in different spheres of natural monopolies joins in the Register separately on each type of activity.

9. Inclusion of the subject of natural monopoly in the Register is performed based on analysis results of information on production (realization) of goods in the conditions of the natural monopoly received from bodies of the public and economic board, public authorities on places, public associations of consumers, business entities and other sources.

10. The committee or its territorial authority for consideration of question of inclusion in the Register of the subject of natural monopoly sends it the questionnaire which form affirms Committee.

11. The subject of natural monopoly no later than ten days from the moment of receipt of the questionnaire fills and sends it to Committee or to its territorial authority.

12. Inclusion of the subject of natural monopoly in appropriate section of the Register is drawn up by the order of Committee or its territorial authority.

13. The notification on inclusion in the Register is carried by Committee or its territorial authority to the subject of natural monopoly included in the Register and the relevant financial body in five-day time after execution of the order specified in Item 12 of this provision.

14. The subject of natural monopoly from the moment of receipt of the notification on inclusion in the Register in ten-day time addresses to the relevant financial body for price approval (rates) or their limits on the made (implementable) goods in the conditions of natural monopoly (except rates for universal services of mail service) according to the procedure, established by the legislation.

15. In case of change of the place of the stay (postal address), form of business, identification taxpayer number the subject of natural monopoly shall notify in writing in ten-day time on it Committee or its territorial authority.

III. Exception of the register

16. The subject of natural monopoly is excluded from the Register in case:

liquidations of the subject of natural monopoly according to the procedure, established by the legislation;


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