of August 18, 2010 No. 640
About approval of Rules of production, conversion, storage, realization, acquisition, use, transportation and destruction of precursors of drugs and psychotropic substances
According to article 30 of the Federal law "About Drugs and Psychotropic Substances" Government of the Russian Federation decides:
Approve the enclosed Rules of production, conversion, storage, realization, acquisition, use, transportation and destruction of precursors of drugs and psychotropic substances.
Russian Prime Minister
V. V. Putin
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 18, 2010 No. 640
1. These rules establish procedure for production, conversion, storage, realization, acquisition, use, transportation and destruction of precursors of the drugs and psychotropic substances brought in tables I and II of the list IV of the list of the drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors which are subject to control in the Russian Federation, No. 681 approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 1998 (further respectively - precursors, the list).
2. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs perform the activities connected with production, conversion, storage, realization, acquisition and use of the precursors brought in the table I of the list IV of the list based on the corresponding license.
3. Production, conversion, storage, realization, acquisition, use, transportation and destruction of the precursors registered as medicines are performed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation about medicines.
4. The legal entities and individual entrepreneurs performing the activities connected with production, conversion, storage, realization, acquisition, use, transportation and destruction of precursors take measures for safety of such activities and exception of access to precursors of strangers.
5. The legal entities and individual entrepreneurs performing the activities connected with production of precursors, annually, no later than October 15, notify territorial authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on the planned production volume of precursors for the next year in form according to appendix No. 1.
6. The precursors which are not conforming to requirements of technical documentation are subject to conversion.
7. The legal entities and individual entrepreneurs performing the activities connected with conversion of precursors represent to territorial authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation:
annually, no later than October 15, - the notification on the planned amount of conversion of precursors for the next year in form according to appendix No. 2;
within 30 days from the date of conversion implementation - the notification on amount of the processed precursors in form according to appendix No. 3.
8. Storage of precursors is performed in metal case (safe) or the isolated room which after the termination of the working day are locked and sealed (oplombirovyvatsya).
In case of impossibility to store precursors in their storage it is performed in the protected territories located on reservoirs (tanks, reservoirs, barrels and other transport container) which after the termination of the working day are sealed (oplombirovyvatsya).
9. The head of the legal entity (individual entrepreneur) designates persons responsible for storage of precursors (for the precursors brought in the table I of the list IV of the list - from among allowed to work with precursors), the procedure for storage of keys from rooms, and also seals (sealing devices) is established.
10. Realization of the precursors brought in the table II of the list IV of the list to physical persons is performed in case of presentation of the identity document by them.
Realization of the precursors brought in the table I of the list IV of the list is performed to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in case of presentation of the license for activities connected with turnover of the precursors brought in the table I of the list IV of the list, or its notarized copy by them.
11. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs can store and use precursors in the quantity which is not exceeding their production needs.
12. The legal entities and individual entrepreneurs performing acquisition of precursors for production needs within 10 days after acquisition of precursors notify territorial authorities by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on quantity of the acquired precursors in form according to appendix No. 4.
13. Precursors are transported by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs on condition of ensuring their safety along the line.
14. For transportation of precursors the transport container, packaging and packaging materials conforming to the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the conditions for safety of precursors providing along the line are used. On transport container addresses of the sender and the receiver are specified.
15. Precursors expired, and also undergone to chemical or physical impact which consequence their unfitness excluding possibility of recovery or conversion turned out to be are liable to retirement and subsequent destruction in full.
16. The decision on need of destruction of precursors is made by the head of the legal entity (individual entrepreneur). In the decision on destruction of precursors their name and weight, and also the destruction reasons are specified.
17. Use of precursors on which the decision on destruction is made is forbidden.
18. Destruction of precursors is performed with observance of requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on environmental protection and carried out in the presence of the commission on destruction of precursors created by the legal entity (individual entrepreneur) destroying precursors which structure joins (in coordination) representatives of territorial authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
19. The personnel performing works on destruction of precursors shall conform to the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for work with precursors have knowledge of technology of their destruction, physical and chemical and toxic properties of the destroyed substances and the chemical reactions proceeding in case of their destruction.
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The document ceased to be valid since March 1, 2022 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 15, 2021 No. 1752