Approved by the order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 29, 2008 No. 219
Table of contents
1. Rules of industrial safety in case of development of mineral deposits by open method extends to designing, construction, operation, expansion, reconstruction, modernization, preservation and liquidation of subjects to open mining operations.
Subjects to open mining operations are pits and drazhny polygons.
Actions of these Requirements do not extend to subjects to open mining operations on production of uranium, radium, thorium and other natural radionuclides.
2. For check new and enhancements of the existing systems of development and their parameters the trial mining of minerals or its part performed based on the project and development plans for mining operations is allowed.
3. In the course of acceptance for operation of open mining operations compliance of subject of the project documentation, readiness of the organization for its operation and actions for localization and recovery from the accident are checked.
Variations from the project documentation in the course of construction, operation, preservation and liquidation of subject to open mining operations are not allowed.
4. Production schedules are developed and affirm on hazardous production facility and consider features of local service conditions of technical devices.
The production schedules contain: the sequence of accomplishment of technology transactions, their parameters, safe conditions of accomplishment, the requirement to level of training of personnel, to the used tools, devices, means of individual and collective protection when carrying out transaction.
5. Explosive works, storage, transportation and accounting of explosive materials on subjects to open mining operations are made according to Requirements of industrial safety during the explosive works, are approved by the order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 19, 2007 No. 141.
6. During the carrying out and operation of underground developments on subjects to open mining operations is guided by Requirements of industrial safety when conducting works as underground method, are approved by the order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 25, 2008 No. 132.
7. Workers and specialists of open mining operations are provided with the special clothes, special footwear, operational protective helmets, points and other individual protection equipment corresponding to their profession and working conditions.
The strangers who are not on the staff in case of visit of object undergo instructing in security measures and are provided with the individual protection equipment provided to compulsory use.
8. The head of the organization operating subject to open mining operations provides safe working conditions, development of protective measures on the basis of danger assessment on each workplace and on object in general, determines operations procedure of workers and officials in case of detection of danger, life-threatening and to human health, possibility of incidents, accidents.
9. Rest of personnel directly in faces, in the danger area of the working mechanisms, on the transport ways and so forth is not allowed.
10. Failures, sumps, funnels, invalid holes, drainage wells and other vertical developments are blocked and protected.
It is not allowed to encumber places of employment of the equipment and approaches to them with the mountain weight or any objects complicating movement of people, machines and mechanisms.
11. Movement of people on the territory of open mining operations is allowed on walking paths or on roadsides of highways towards to the direction of traffic. Examine routes of movement all working under list. The route of movement affirms the technical lead of the organization.
In night-time walking paths and transitions through railway tracks and highways are lit.
Movement of people from ledge on ledge on the blown-up mountain weight is allowed only in case of special business necessity and with permission in each separate case of person of control.
12. On subjects to open mining operations with length of way to workplace of more 2,5 to km and depth of works more than 100 m are organized delivery of workers to work location on the equipped transport. Routes and speed of transportation of people affirm the technical lead of the organization (in case of accessory of transport of contract organization are in addition approved with the head of contract organization). Platforms for landing of people horizontal. The device of airfields on carriageway is not allowed.
Transportation of people in hopper-cars, bodies of dump trucks, cargo trolleys of the ropeways and other vehicles which are not intended for this purpose is not allowed.
13. For the message between ledges of mining operations strong ladders with bilateral hand-rail and inclination no more than 60 hail are arranged. or congresses with bias no more than 20 hail. Mid-flight ladders with height more than 10 m width m 0,8 with horizontal platforms at distance from each other on height no more than 15 m suffices. The distance and installation sites of ladders on length of ledge are established by the development plan for mining operations. Distance between ladders on ledge length no more than 500 m.
Steps and platforms of ladders need to be cleared systematically of snow, ice, dirt and to sand.
Use for transportation of people from ledge on ledge of the mechanized means (escalators and others) allowed to application in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan is allowed.
14. It is not allowed:
1) to be to people in the danger area of the working mechanisms, within prism of possible collapse on ledges and in close proximity to the lower brow of slope of ledge;
2) to work at ledges in the presence of the hanging peaks, blocks of large boulders, navisy of snow and ice. In case of impossibility to make liquidation having pinned up or frill of board all works in the danger area stop, people are removed, and the dangerous site is protected with installation of precautionary signs.
15. The system of protection excluding access for strangers acts on each subject to open mining operations.
16. The organizations occupied with development of mineral deposits by open method have:
1) the approved project of mining of minerals;
2) the established surveying and geological documentation;
3) the development plan for mining operations approved by the technical lead of the organization;
4) license (permission) to conducting mining operations;
5) structure of the project.
17. The organizations occupied with development of mineral deposits by open method are developed:
1) regulations on production supervision;
2) production schedules;
3) liquidation plan of accident.
18. Works on opening of the mineral deposit are conducted according to the working projects approved by the technical lead of the organization.
19. Mining operations on carrying out trenches, development of ledges, drazhny polygons, dumping of dumps are conducted according to the local projects of works approved by the technical lead of the organization (further - passports).
In the passport of each face the admissible sizes of working platforms, berm are specified, corners of slope, height of ledge, prism of collapse, distance from installations it is mountain - the transport equipment to ledge brows.
Effective period of the passport is established depending on conditions of conducting mining operations. In case of change of mining-and-geological conditions conducting mining operations stops before review of the passport.
Study the passport under list of person of engineering supervision, the personnel conducting the works established by the passport for which requirements of the passport are obligatory.
Passports are on all mining machines (excavators, bulldozers and to that similar).
Conducting mining operations without the approved passport, with departure from it is not allowed.
20. Around production sites of subject to open mining operations the sanitary protection zone which sizes are determined by the project is established.
21. Height of ledge is determined by the project taking into account fizikomekhanichesky properties of rocks and mineral, mining conditions of their bedding.
Working off of ledges up to 30 m high layer-by-layer, at the same time height of face of no more maximum height of cherpaniye of the excavator is allowed.
In case of working off of ledges layers perform the security measures excluding collapses and inrushes of pieces of breed from ledge slope (inclined drilling, planimetric detonation, zaotkosk of slopes and others).
Height of ledge does not exceed:
1) in case of development by odnokovshovy excavators like power shovel without application of explosive works - excavator cherpaniye height;
2) in case of development by draglines, mnogokovshovy and rotor excavators - height and depth of cherpaniye of the excavator;
3) in case of development manually friable and loose breeds - 3 m, soft, but steady, strong monolithic breeds - 6 m.
In case of development of breeds using drilling-and-blasting works increase in height of ledge up to the one-and-a-half height of cherpaniye of the excavator on condition of separation of disorder on height on subledges or developments of actions for safe collapse of peaks and navisy is allowed.
Development of coal layers by power shovels one ledge up to 30 m high, and in some cases - to 40 m on condition of detonation of ledges the wells drilled at an angle 65 degrees, and regular frill of ledge from peaks and navisy is allowed.
22. Corners of slopes of working ledges are determined by the project taking into account physicomechanical properties of rocks and do not exceed:
during the operation of excavators like power shovel, dragline, rotor excavators and development manually rocky breeds - 80 hail.;
during the operation of mnogokovshovy chain excavators the lower cherpaniye and development manually friable and loose breeds - corner of natural slope of these breeds;
in case of development manually:
soft, but steady breeds - 50 degrees;
rocky breeds - 80 degrees.
23. Limiting corners of slopes of boards of subject to open mining operations (pit), temporarily preserved sites of board and boards in general (stability corners) are established by the project and adjusted in use according to scientific research, in case of positive experimental testimony according to stability of boards and slopes of pit.
24. Width of working platforms of subject to open mining operations taking into account their purpose, arrangement to them of the mountain and transport equipment, transport communications, utility lines and communication is determined by the project.
The distance from the lower brow of ledge (disorder of mountain weight) to axis of the next railway track is at least m 2,5.
In case of working off of ledges excavators with the upper loading the distance from ledge brow to axis of railway track or the highway is established by the project, but m 2,5 suffices.
Height of ledge (subledge) provides visibility of vehicles from the excavator operator's cabin.
25. Forming of temporarily non-working boards of subject to open mining operations and renewal of mining operations on them is made on the projects providing security measures.
26. During the overburden works which are carried out on bestransportny system of development, the distance between the lower brows of slope of ledge of pit and pedigree dump is established by the project or the plan of mining operations. In the presence of railway tracks or conveyors distance from the lower brow of dump to axis of railway track or axis of the conveyor at least 4 m.
27. Distance between adjacent berma in case of repayment of ledges and their statement in limiting provision, width, design and procedure for servicing safety berm are determined by the project.
In all cases width of berma provides its mechanized cleaning.
In use parameters of ledges and safety berm are specified in the project by results of researches of physicomechanical properties of rocks.
In case of repayment of ledges, their statement in limiting provision the general corner of slope of boards of pit established by the project is observed.
28. The cross profile safety berm horizontal or has bias towards pit board. Berma on which there is systematic movement of workers have barrier and are regularly cleared of taluses and pieces of breed.
Application of inclined planes berm with longitudinal bias, including combined with transport is allowed according to the project.
29. When conducting mining operations control of condition of boards, trenches, ledges, slopes and dumps is exercised. In case of detection of signs of displacement of breeds of work measures for ensuring their stability stop and are taken. Works are allowed to be resumed with the permission of the technical lead of the organization for the project of the organization of works approved by him.
Frequency of surveys and tool observations on observations of deformations of boards, slopes, ledges and dumps of subjects to open mining operations is established by production schedules.
30. Works are performed according to general to requirements of industrial safety.
During the work on ledges the frill from navisy is carried out them and peaks, liquidation having pinned up.
Works on frill of slopes of ledges are made by the mechanized method. The manual frill is allowed according to the work permit under direct observation of person of control.
The workers who are not occupied with frill leave to the safe place.
31. Works on slopes of ledges with corner more than 35 hail. are made on the separate project of the organization of works in the presence of person of control with use by workers of safety belts with the ropes fixed for reliable support.
Safety belts and safety ropes have mark about date of the last testing.
32. Distance across between the workplaces or mechanisms located on two ledges adjacent down, at least 10 m in case of manual development at least one-and-a-half amount of the maximum radiuses of cherpaniye in case of excavator development.
During the operation of excavators the distance between them at least amount of their largest radiuses of action is coupled on one horizon (for dragline taking into account the size of throwing of ladle).
When using of the mechanisms interconnected in work the distance between them across and verticals is determined by the project.
33. During the works in zones of possible collapses or failures owing to availability of underground developments or karsts the measures ensuring safety of work are taken (the advanced prospecting drilling, branch for the period of detonation of mining machines from the faces which are near zone of possible collapse and so on). At the same time surveying observations of condition of boards and platforms are conducted.
In case of detection of signs of displacement of breeds of work stop and renew on the project of the organization of works approved by the technical lead of the organization.
34. The measures ensuring safety of works are provided in projects of development of the fields put by the breeds inclined to landslides.
If tendency to landslides is established in the course of conducting mining operations, amendments are introduced in the project and the security measures provided in it are performed.
35. When mining the minerals inclined to spontaneous ignition, opening and preparation is conducted taking into account the actions provided by the project ensuring safety.
Forming of pedigree dumps with placement in them of the breeds inclined to spontaneous ignition to conduct with implementation of the preventive actions ensuring fire safety, approved by the technical lead of the organization.
36. When conducting works in avalanche and mudflow areas are developed taking into account local conditions the actions plan on antiavalanche and antimudstone protection approved by the technical lead of the organization.
37. The workplace for conducting drilling operations is provided:
1) the prepared scope of work (the cleared and planned working platform);
2) set of the operational boring tool;
3) passport of drilling.
38. The drilling rig is established on the planned platform at the safe distance from the upper brow of ledge determined by calculations or the project, but at least 2 m from brow to the closest point of support of the machine, and its longitudinal axis when drilling the first row of wells is perpendicular to ledge brow.
In case of installation of drilling rigs of sharoshechny drilling on the first from slope number of wells control of machines is exercised remotely.
39. Movement of the drilling rig with the lifted mast on ledge is allowed on the planned horizontal platform. In case of stage of the drilling rig from ledge on ledge or under the high-voltage line (further - VL) the mast keeps within transport provision, the boring tool - acts or fixed.
40. Well-drilling is made according to the passport of drilling and production schedules for each method of drilling (fire, sharoshechny and others).
Prior to drilling on the site the place of drilling for identification of not blown up charges of explosive materials and means of their initiation is examined.
41. Well-drilling by machines of fire (thermal) drilling in the rocks inclined to ignition and release of poisonous gases is not allowed.
42. Each well with a diameter more than 250 mm, after the end of drilling is blocked. Sites of the drilled wells are protected with precautionary signs. The procedure for barrier of zone of the drilled wells and their overlapping is established by production schedules.
The prospecting boreholes which are not subject to use are liquidated.
43. Screws at machines of rotary drilling with nonmechanized assembly dismantling of boring stav and cleaning of the mouth of well have the barriers blocked with giving of power supply on the rotator engine.
44. Work on drilling rigs with defective limiters of reraising of boring shell is not allowed, in case of defective brake of the winch and system of dust suppression.
45. The lifting rope of the drilling rig is calculated on maximum demand and has fivefold margin of safety. In case of the choice of rope is guided by the factory act certificate. At least once a week person of control performs external examination of rope and logging about results of survey is made.
The acting ends provolok are cut off. In the presence in lifting rope more than 10% torn provolok on length of what step of twist are subject to replacement.
46. In case of use of the self-rotating rope locks the direction of twist of locks of rope and cutting of threaded connections of the boring tool opposite.
47. Working at mast of the drilling rig uses the safety belt attached to mast. Finding of people on machine mast is not allowed during its work and movement.
48. When drilling by perforators and electrodrills width of working berma at least 4 m. The oversized pieces prepared for drilling keep within steadily one layer out of zone of possible collapse of ledge.
49. Location, quantity, procedure for forming and operation of internal and external dumps of overburden breeds, heaps of lixiviation, their parameters are determined by the project.
Placement of dumps is made according to the project.
Precede the choice of sites for placement of dumps engineering-geological and hydrogeological researches. The characteristic of soil on the sites intended for placement of dumps is provided in the project.
The procedure for education and operation of the dumps located over the operating underground developments for filling of failures and the fulfilled sites of open mining operations is determined by the project containing the actions ensuring safety of works.
Conducting mining operations with intermediate dumps (warehouses) is made on the project approved by the technical lead of the organization.
Placement of dumps on the areas of the fields which are subject to working off by open method is not allowed.
50. Forming of dumps is performed taking into account degree of frictional danger of rocks. In case of placement of dumps on slopes the measures interfering slipping of dumps are provided.
51. Warehousing of snow in pedigree dumps is not allowed.
In areas with significant amount of rainfall in the form of snow warehousing of breeds in dump is performed on the project in which the actions ensuring safety of work at all seasons of the year are provided.
Removal of ground, flood and rain waters is provided in the project.
It is not allowed to make dumping (drain) of surface and career water, removal of snow from cleaning of ledges and career roads to pedigree dumps.
52. In case of signs of the landslide phenomena of work on otvaloobrazovaniye stop before development and taking measures of safety. Works stop also in case of exceeding of the speeds of deformation of dumps regulated by production schedules on otvaloobrazovaniye. Works on dump are resumed after positive control measurements of speeds of deformations of dumps with the written permission of the technical lead of pit.
53. The possibility of dumping of dumps in the boggy and nesdrenirovanny territories is determined by the project providing security measures of conducting dump works.
54. Height of pedigree dumps and dump tiers, corners of slope and prism of collapse, speed of promotion of the front of dump works are established by the project depending on physicomechanical properties of breeds of dump and its basis, methods of otvaloobrazovaniye and land relief.
55. The distance from axis of railway track to brow of plow dump after everyone recursors of ways is established depending on stability of ledge of dump and makes: at least 1600 mm - in case of load-carrying capacity of dumpkar to 60 t and 1800 mm - in case of loading capacity more than 60 t.
56. On the dumps equipped with odnokovshovy excavators in the place of unloading of dumpkar the distance from axis of railway track to the upper brow makes for normal track - at least 1600 mm and for track of 900 mm - at least 1300 mm.
57. The external rail of unloading way has exceeding in relation to internal on 100-150 mm. As the exception, when unloading breed on inside of curve of railway track both rails of the unloading deadlock on excavator dumps in the emptying point of dumpkar is allowed to have at one level. For providing the procedure for the organization of works affirms as these safety conditions of works as the technical lead of the organization.
58. The locations of reloading points in the working area of pit are determined according to development plans for mining operations.
The reloading point is implemented on the project approved by the technical lead of the organization. The project of reloading point determines procedure for its education and operation, number and the sizes of sectors, the scheme of lighting and electric utility service of the excavator and the rudokontrolny station, the scheme of maneuvers on the unloading platform of reloading point, way of movement of people and the sound alarm system and so on.
59. Forming of safety shaft on reloading point is made according to the passport of reloading point, at the same time movement of the bulldozer is made by knife forward.
60. Height of tier of reloading point where the excavator is used, is established depending on physicomechanical properties of mountain weight, but no more than height of cherpaniye of the excavator.
Loading railway tracks have the excess over the level of standing of the excavator or other mechanisms determined by the passport.
61. At the end of unloading deadlocks the emphasis which is carried out on the project, having the operational indexes of traveling obstacle lit in night-time or covered with light-reflective materials is established. When filling the site of dump from priyamk to the deadlock with length of unloading ways of less one-and-a-half length of structure the security measures established by production schedules are performed.
Indexes of traveling obstacle have from the driver of the locomotive and take out from axis of way on distance of at least 2,5 of m and on m 1,5 height.
On the unloading deadlock the alarm sign "Locomotive Stop" at distance of the greatest length of structure from the place of unloading is established.
62. Acceptance of loaded trains for unloading of breed in dump after everyone recursors of dump way is allowed with the permission of the technical lead of change with the corresponding log entry.
63. Giving of loaded trains on unloading deadlocks of dumps is made by cars forward, except for their giving on the way of dumps of self-propelled mnogokovshovy aggregates (abzettser). Giving of loaded trains by locomotives is allowed on condition of observance of the security measures provided by production schedules forward.
64. When unloading dumpkar people are out of zone of disorder of mountain weight. Along railway track, in the place of unloading of structure from the party, opposite to priyamk, the platform for the personnel servicing structure is planned.
Cleaning of dumpkar is mechanized. Manual cleaning of dumpkar is allowed in case of observance of requirements of production schedules. Cleaning of dumpkar manually on priyamka is not allowed.
For safe unloading of the dumpkar loaded with the freezing together, sticking breeds and large-size pieces, the measures provided by production schedules are carried out.
65. Capsizing of bodies of dumpkar and their return to transport provision after unloading is made without the aid of supports of cross ties, rails and to that similar.
66. For a while recursors and repair of railway tracks the site of way on which works are performed are protected with signals.
67. Passable roads are located outside borders of rolling pieces of breed from slopes of dumps.
On dumps warning labels about danger of finding of people on slopes, near their basis and in places of unloading of vehicles are established.
68. Cars and other vehicles unload on dump in the places provided by the passport out of prism of collapse (slipping) of breed. The sizes of prism are established by employees of surveying service of the organization and are regularly brought to the attention of persons working at dump.
On dumps traffic patterns of cars and other vehicles are established. The zone of unloading is designated on both sides by signs in the form of the image of dump truck with the lifted body with unloading direction signs.
69. Platforms of bulldozer dumps and reloading points have on all front of unloading cross bias at least 3 hail., sent from slope brow to dump depth at length of base of the working dump trucks, and the front for shunting transactions of cars, road trains, bulldozers and others of vehicles.
The zone of unloading is limited on both sides to signs. For traffic restriction of machines backing unloading platforms have safety wall (shaft) height of at least 0,7 of m for cars with a loading capacity up to 10 t and at least 1 m for cars with a loading capacity over 10 t. In the absence of safety wall than 5 m with a loading capacity over 10 t are not allowed to approach brow of the unloading platform closer than on 3 m to machines with a loading capacity up to 10 t and closer. The safety shaft serves as reference point for the driver.
Arrival on safety shaft when unloading is not allowed. All working at dump and reloading point study the passport under list.
Height of barrier of loading opening of the reception bunker is at least 0,5 of diameter of wheel of the car. When using cars of different load-carrying capacity the entrance to the reception bunker breaks into sectors with height of barrier of loading opening for cars of the corresponding loading capacity.
70. Giving of dump truck on unloading is performed by backing, and operation of the bulldozer - is made perpendicular to the upper brow of slope of the platform. At the same time movement of the bulldozer is made only by knife with simultaneous forming before dump of the bulldozer of safety shaft according to the passport of reloading point forward.
Unloading of dump trucks within collapse prism in case of the tier slope which is earned additionally by the excavator is not allowed.
71. Work in the sector is performed according to the passport of conducting works and regulated by signs and notices.
Concurrent work in one sector of the bulldozer and dump trucks with the excavator is not allowed.
Distance between the vehicles standing on unloading and passing at least 5 m.
The structure of contact network on platform of the unloading platform is not allowed.
72. In the territory of warehousing of the mountain weight (breeds), on unloading platforms, reloading points (warehouses) finding of the strangers, motor transport and other equipment which is not connected with technology of conducting handling works is not allowed. People are in all cases from the working mechanism at distance at least 5 m.
73. The organization performs monitoring of stability of breeds in dump and tool observations of deformations of all area of dump. Frequency of observations, number of profile lines and their length, arrangement, type of soil reference points and distance between them on profile lines are determined by the project of the observing station.
74. The geological and surveying service of the organization exercises control of stability of breeds in dump, and in case of placement of dumps on slopes - tool observations of deformations of all area of dump.
75. The construction and operation of hydrodumps of subjects to open mining operations is allowed to be made in the presence of the project documentation constituted based on mining-and-geological researches and determination of physicomechanical properties of breeds. In case of construction and operation of hydrodumps are guided by Requirements of industrial safety in case of operation of tail and slurry farms of the mining and nonmetallic organizations approved by the order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 29, 2008 No. 189.
76. The mining, transport and construction and road machines which are in operation are equipped with signaling devices, brakes, barriers of available moving parts of mechanisms (couplings, transfers, shkif and so forth) and working platforms, fire-proof means, have lighting, set of the operational tool, devices, protective equipment from defeat by electric current and control - the measuring equipment, regularly operating protection against overloads and rerise.
77. Acceptance in operation of mining, transport, stroitelnodorozhny machines and processing equipment after installation and capital repairs is made by the commission with creation of the act.
Cabins of excavators, drilling rigs and other operated mechanisms are warmed and equipped with safe heating devices.
78. On each unit of the mining-transport equipment the magazine of acceptance - delivery of changes is kept. Maintaining the magazine is checked by persons of control.
79. Operation, servicing of processing equipment, technical devices, their installation and dismantle is made according to regulating documents of manufacturing plants.
The technical characteristics normalized by manufacturing plants are maintained throughout the entire period of operation of the equipment.
80. Before work or movement of the machine (mechanism) the driver is convinced of safety of members of crew and persons which are nearby.
Before launch of mechanisms and start of motion of machines, railroad trains, cars, the loading equipment the sound or light signals established by production schedules with which value all working are acquainted are given. At the same time signals are heard (are visible) to all working in the action area of machines (mechanisms).
The table of signals is hung out on the working mechanism or near it. Each incorrectly given or unclear signal is perceived as signal "Stop".
81. Training, certification and the admission to performance of works of drivers and assistants to drivers of mining and transport vehicles, management of which is connected with operational inclusion and shutdown of electroinstallations, are performed with assignment of qualification groups on electrical safety. Availability of qualification groups grants the right to drivers and assistants to drivers according to the job specification (order) with entry in the operational magazine to make operational switchings of cable lines, within the mountain equipment fixed to them and its priklyuchatelny Item.
In case of temporary transfer of drivers and assistants to drivers on other mountain equipment accomplishment of switchings is allowed after acquaintance with utility power system of the operated equipment.
82. In time off mountain, transport and roadway construction equipments are taken away from face to the safe place, working body (ladle and others) is lowered on the earth, the cabin is locked, from the feeding cable stress is removed.
83. Journey in many-placed cabins of cars, in railroad trains and cabins of locomotives is allowed to persons accompanying structures, to other persons in the presence at them the written permission of the technical lead of the organization. The number of the transported people is established by the technical lead of the organization.
84. Moving through railway tracks on subject to open mining operations to bulldozers, cars and another to the wheel, caterpillar or walking machines is allowed in the places equipped and designated by indexes.
85. The stage of mining, transport and construction and road machines and their transportation on vehicles is made according to production schedules.
Transportation (towage) of self-propelled mining machines and the service equipment in the territory of open mining operations is allowed using tough hitch and when implementing the actions ensuring safety according to production schedules.
Transportation of machines and the equipment using other types of hitch, is performed by use of two and more tractors on the projects approved by the technical lead of the organization with execution of the work permit.
86. In case of sudden interruption in supply of the electric power the personnel servicing mechanisms transfer starting arrangements of electric motors and control levers to the provision "Feet" (zero).
87. Presence of strangers at cabin and on outside platforms of the excavator and drilling rig is not allowed during their work, except the specialists fulfilling the direct functional duties, adjustment personnel, the technical lead of change and persons having permission of the technical lead of the organization.
88. Lubricant of machines and the equipment is made according to technical documentation of manufacturers.
The lubrication system has the devices preventing spraying and pouring of oils.
All devices entering the lubrication system contain in good repair, net and safe in servicing.
The lubricant of drives of the equipment and mechanisms which does not have the built-in lubrication systems in operating time is not allowed.
Use of naked flame and blowtorches for warming up of oils and water is not allowed.
89. Lubricant and cleaning cloths are stored in the closed metal boxes. Storage on mining and transport vehicles of gasoline and other flammable substances is not allowed.
90. Structural elements of transport and dump bridges, otvaloobrazovatel and excavators, their ladders, hand-rail and platforms are every shift cleared of the mountain weight and dirt.
91. Use of systems of automatic equipment, telemechanics and remote control of machines and mechanisms is allowed in the presence of the blocking which is not allowing energy supply in case of defect of these systems.
92. In case of movement of the caterpillar excavator on horizontal way or on rise, its leading axis is behind, and during descents from bias - ahead. The ladle is emptied and there is not higher than 1 m from the soil, and the arrow is established in the direction of the excavator.
In case of movement of the walking excavator the arrow is established in the opposite direction movements of the excavator.
In case of movement of the excavator on rise or during descents the measures excluding spontaneous sliding are provided.
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The document is cancelled since December 4, 2015 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 4, 2015 No. 993