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Approved by the order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 29, 2008 No. 219

General requirements of industrial safety

(as amended on 17-06-2013)

Part 1


Chapter 1. General provisions

1. These Requirements establish general requirements of industrial safety for hazardous production facilities.

2. The personnel which had professional training are allowed to works on hazardous production facilities.

Chapter 1-1. Medical examination

2-1. The personnel connected with works of the increased danger are subject to medical examination according to the List of harmful production factors, professions in case of which obligatory medical examinations and Rules of performing the obligatory medical examinations approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 25, 2012 No. 166 are performed.

2-2. Prereplaceable medical examination is carried out by the regular health worker of the organization (had special training in narcological dispensary (hospital), or the health worker of the medical organization for the agreement between the organization (individual entrepreneur). Results of carrying out survey are registered in the magazine, according to appendix 4 to the Rules of performing obligatory medical examinations approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 25, 2012 No. 166.

2-3. Registration of prereplaceable medical examination is carried out by the health worker in the Magazine of registration of prereplaceable medical examination according to appendix 17 to these Requirements.

Chapter 1-2. Professional training, retraining and advanced training of personnel

Paragraph 1. Individual, group training

2-4. Individual, group professional training, retraining and advanced training, is performed according to article 12 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 3, 2002 "About industrial safety on hazardous production facilities" on the job, is direct on workplace or in the certified educational organization.

2-5. Theoretical training is provided by person of control having the qualification corresponding to training subject, the admission to work on industrial safety.

2-6. Skills training on workplace is made by the worker having length of service by this profession at least two years, allowed to performance of works of the increased danger by this profession.

2-7. The program of professional training, retraining, advanced training of working personnel when training in the certified educational organization is approved with the customer of training.

2-8. Skills training is performed on production base of educational institution or in the organization having the relevant production base in working or not working hours according to the agreement on training.

2-9. The procedure for training, terms, fixing for training on theoretical and skills training, are drawn up by the joint order of the customer and the educational organization.

2-10. Upon termination of training examination in the commission created in the organization of the owner of object or the educational organization for the agreement is held. Results of examination are drawn up by the protocol (appendix 18 to these Requirements), the qualification certificate by this profession (appendix 19 to these Requirements) signed by the commission chairman is issued. Acceptance reports of examinations are stored in archive of the company 3 years.

2-11. The personnel combining professions have the corresponding qualification and the admission to independent work on the main and combined profession.

Paragraph 2. Professional practice on production

2-12. Practice of students at all levels of professional training will be organized on the basis of the bilateral agreement of educational institution (rates) and the employer according to programs professional the practician.

2-13. Professional practice has the task fixing of knowledge gained when studying special objects, generalization and enhancement of knowledge and practical skills, acquaintance is direct with production processes, technology, labor organization.

2-14. The quantity of workplaces, necessary for practice, and terms of movement of probationers on different objects are drawn up by separate Item of the bilateral agreement between heads of the organizations and the head of educational institution (rates).

2-15. In the presence students during professional practice can be enlisted in the organizations of vacant positions on established posts if they meet functional requirements of this position.

2-16. Upon completion of each type the practician students take qualification examinations which are held by the qualification commissions.

Working qualifications (the category, class, category) are appropriated to the students who successfully passed qualification examinations and certificates of the established sample are issued. The studying, not passed qualification examinations upon termination of the practician, can repeatedly hand over them in coordination with the employer.

Paragraph 3. General questions of practice on production

2-17. The organization of professional practice of students in the organization is provided by the head of the organization.

2-18. Head of the organization:

appoints heads of practice from production from among qualification specialists who provide accomplishment by students of the program of practice and their works give quality evaluation;

will organize training in requirements of industrial safety with examination and skills of students;

creates necessary conditions for passing by students of professional practice;

provides students, for practice with the necessary equipment, tools, devices, materials, overalls, special footwear, special power supply and safety devices on regulations, established for this profession;

ensures safety of practical training by students;

exempts students from overtime works and business trips;

provides to students according to the current legislation for professional practice workplaces (position of doublers) answering to contents of the program of practice; duplication is understood as training of the probationer at workplace according to Item 2-6 of these Requirements.

2-19. Programs of professional practice reflect specifics of industry taking into account form of education (internal, evening, correspondence, etc.), provide acquaintance of students with labor organization, the production technology, participation in production process.

2-20. The general labor law according to the conclusion of individual employment contracts, agreements on social insurance, etc. extends to students.

During work practice, from the moment of transfer studying for workplaces (positions) or as doublers, the requirements of industrial safety existing in this organization extend to them.

The admission to duplication are drawn up by the order.

Correctness of actions of the doubler and observance of requirements of industrial safety by him provide the head of practice from production and the student.

Paragraph 4. Passing professional practician

2-21. Acceptance of students on practice is performed on the basis of obligatory medical examination, the practician (mentors), about distribution of probationers on divisions is drawn up by the order of the organization on acceptance and fixing of skilled workers (specialists) as heads.

2-22. Determination of the organization as base of professional practice is performed on the basis of the bilateral agreement between management of the educational organization (rates) and the organization.

Movement of probationers on divisions of the organization for the purpose of more complete development of work of structural divisions, on business necessity, with passing of primary instructing, release of probationers from the overtime works and production business trips breaking regularity of passing of work practice from the works which are not connected with job responsibilities on the provided workplace and with the program of practice is provided.

The Item "Special Provisions" in which conditions of the admission of persons which did not reach 18 years to professional practicians are determined is brought in the text of the agreement.

2-23. Before and in the period of professional the practician with students all types of instructing, acquaintance with the Liquidation plan of accidents, production schedules are carried out.

2-24. In process the practician the student:

acquires requirements of industrial safety and their practical application on workplace;

studies schemes, production schedules;

fulfills accurate orientation on the workplace;

acquires practical skills of safe accomplishment of production operations;

studies acceptances and conditions of accident-free, safe and economic operation of the serviced equipment.

2-25. In the period of professional the practician (or duplications of obligations) the probationer participates in all actions connected using the Liquidation plan of accidents. Correctness of actions of the probationer is provided the head of practice from production and the probationer.

Paragraph 5. Requirements to heads of practice

2-26. According to article 12 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 3, 2002 "About industrial safety on hazardous production facilities", the head of practice of educational institution of 1 times in 3 years is trained on industrial safety with examination, training lasting 5-10 days at one of the basic companies for the program providing acquaintance with new technologies, the machinery and equipment. The training is understood as training of the teacher at workplace under the leadership of the representative from production for the purpose of practical mastering the new equipment and/or technology in the specialty at the certain level and adaptation to objects of production for training process enhancement by profession (specialty).

Functions of the head regarding carrying out the practician on production, schedule performance control the practician, its omission on workplaces of probationers, creation of safe working conditions for probationers, preparation for passing qualification examinations, and also practice conditions in case of business trip to other city are caused in the bilateral agreement of educational institution (rates) with the production organization.

2-27. The specialist from production in the period of management of it of professional practice is the full head of practice on an equal basis with the representative of educational institution (rates). The head of practice from production is entrusted with the group of probationers to 10 people. Questions of additional payment for management of practice are established in the agreement for practical training.

The head of practice performs:

control of observance by probationers of employment policies and procedures, requirements of industrial work place safety;

carrying out the current instructing;

training in safe methods of work;

creation of conditions for full practice, including providing with overalls, SIZ, tools and devices;

constant control behind activities of the probationer and mastering of professional competences;

communication with the head of practice from educational institution (rates);

high-quality accomplishment of the program of practice;

creation of response about practice.

Chapter 1-3. Inservice training and examination of employees of the organizations on hazardous production facilities

Paragraph 1. General provisions

2-28. According to article 12 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 3, 2002 "About industrial safety on hazardous production facilities", inservice training and examination of personnel in the field of industrial safety is based on the basis of the principle of continuity of training; primary, in case of substitution of position, after long work stoppages, periodic, extraordinary.

2-29. If for separate categories of personnel the industry regulations approved by authorized body establish additional requirements to training and control of knowledge in the field of industrial safety, then also the requirements provided by industry regulations are applied.

2-30. In case of use for examination of personal computers, the programs consisting of two Sections are developed: actually training and examination. The developed program of examination provides access if necessary to questions and answers of the checked faces.

2-31. Results of examination are drawn up by the protocol (appendix 20) and is issued the certificate (appendix 21).

In case of absence of the state inspector on examination the signature certified by personal number stamp of the protocol of examination, of the certificate - the inspector is not put.

2-32. In the certificate all work types of the increased danger on which examinations are passed are specified and the admission is resolved.

Prolongation of effective period of the certificate is allowed no more than one month. Prolongation is drawn up by the order on the organizations, the operating object.

Certificates - the admission about examination, issued by examination committees, are valid in all territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the workers and specialists sent by the organization and who are carrying out the same obligations.

2-33. The extraordinary examination is carried out according to the decision of administration of the organization in case of establishment of insufficiency of knowledge by personnel of requirements of industrial safety; commissions on investigation of the reasons of accidents, accidents; according to the instruction of the state inspector in the field of industrial safety.

The amount and procedure for the procedure of extraordinary examination is determined by the party initiating its carrying out.

2-34. Timely holding examination is provided by the head of the organization.

Paragraph 2. Inservice training of working personnel

2-35. According to article 12 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 3, 2002 "About industrial safety on hazardous production facilities", in the organization performing operation, repair, installation and construction works on the operating hazardous production facilities inservice training of working personnel is provided.

2-36. Inservice training is made annually in divisions of the organizations or the certified educational organizations.

2-37. Programs of inservice training provide personnel training on:

to safe performance of works, operation of the equipment;

to first aid;

to use of means of individual and collective protection, safety devices;

to actions in the conditions of accident, incident.

2-38. The procedure for training, terms, the place of training, the list of teachers, the commissions on acceptance of examinations are established by the order on the organization (approved with the educational organization when training in the certified educational organization).

2-39. The division managers of the organization who passed examination for the admission, but having growth of accident rate, injury rate in the entered division to management of the commission on acceptance of examinations at working personnel, are not allowed.

2-40. In case of unsatisfactory assessment of knowledge repeated inspection is carried out not earlier than in two weeks, but no more than a month.

The worker who did not pass examination after the repeated examination is not allowed to works of the increased danger.

2-41. The commission on acceptance of examinations at working personnel is created of heads, specialists of divisions of the organizations which passed examination in industrial safety in PDEK of the organization or in the certified educational organization.

Paragraph 3. Training of heads and specialists in the field of industrial safety

2-42. According to article 12 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 3, 2002 "About industrial safety on hazardous production facilities", heads and specialists in the field of industrial safety, with the higher and secondary technical education undergo training and examination:

1) the requirements of industrial safety established by the laws and other normative legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) regulations and normative and technical documents in the field of industrial safety on the questions carried to their competence.

2-43. The examination in the field of industrial safety of heads and specialists is preceded by their preparation. Preparation is carried out in the certified educational organizations which are engaged in preparation on industrial safety of heads and specialists. The training programs of preparation developed by these organizations are approved with authorized body or its territorial subdivision.

2-44. Heads and specialists are subject to training and examination:

1) the activities for construction, operation, preservation and liquidation of hazardous production facility, for production, installation, adjustment, repair and engineering certification, reconstruction and operation of the technical devices used on hazardous production facilities which are directly participating in engineering procedure on hazardous production facility, namely performing;

2) developing the project, design and other documentation connected with operation of hazardous production facility;

3) carrying out expertize of industrial safety;

4) performing personnel training in the field of industrial safety.

2-45. Recurring inspection of knowledge of heads and specialists is carried out at least once in three years.

2-46. Certification of heads and specialists is carried out:

1) in the central commissions of authorized body;

2) in the territorial commissions of authorized body;

3) in certifying commissions of the organizations;

2-47. The examination of specialists in industrial safety performed in the commissions of the organizations is held along with the examination according to requirements of regulatory legal acts in the field of protection of the population and the territories against emergency situations, sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population, protection of the surrounding environment, ecological safety and labor protection with participation of relevant organs of the state supervision and control.

2-48. Training and examination of specialists in industrial safety in the organizations is performed according to the schedule approved by the head of the organization. Persons which are subject to examination study the schedule and the venue of training and examination.

2-49. The central commissions are created by department of authorized body in the field of industrial safety. The central commissions heads and specialists of industry managements and - under approval - representatives of the scientific, project, expert organizations and organizations performing training of heads and specialists in the field of industrial safety are included. One of deputy managers of department of authorized body in the field of industrial safety heads the commission.

The commission of authorized body takes examinations in industrial safety:

heads, members of permanent examination committees of the organizations, if the number of employees of the organizations performing activities in the field of industrial safety constitutes more than 1000 people;

heads of the expert organizations in the field of examination of industrial safety;

heads of the organizations (divisions of the organizations) performing training in the field of industrial safety;

heads and specialists of the foreign organizations.

The territorial commissions are created by orders of heads of territorial subdivisions of authorized body.

In structure of the commissions along with the state inspectors, join on soglasovaniyupredstavitel of the scientific, project, expert organizations and organizations performing training of heads and specialists in the field of industrial safety.

2-50. Work of the central and territorial commissions of authorized body is performed based on the educational organizations in which preparation preceding an examination was carried out. Organizational support of work of the commissions is performed by these organizations.

2-51. The decision on compliance of knowledge of industrial safety of heads and specialists is accepted based on positive results of examination and is drawn up by the protocol. The heads and specialists who underwent examination receive the copy of the minutes of the commission the certificate admission. The storage location of originals of protocols of the commission is determined by its chairman. Storage duration of originals protokolovdo examination following.

2-52. The examination in the field of industrial safety at leading employees and specialists of the organizations which number does not allow to create examination committee at persons who are engaged in the business activity connected with accomplishment of works under control to authorized body is held in the commissions of the certified educational institutions.

Paragraph 4. Examination

2-53. The examination is performed:

at members of the permanent commissions of the organizations, with annual average number of personnel more than 1000 people in the commission of authorized body;

at members of the permanent commissions of the organizations, with annual average number of personnel up to 1000 people in the commission of territorial subdivision of authorized body;

heads and specialists have organizations in the permanent commission of the organization;

during creation of the commissions in divisions of the organization in the permanent commission of the organization only members of the commissions created in divisions of the organization take examinations. All other heads and specialists in this case take examinations in these commissions. The decision on creation of the commissions on acceptance of examinations at heads and specialists in divisions of the organization is accepted by the technical lead of the organization;

the working personnel take examinations in the commissions on acceptance of the examinations created from among the heads and specialists who successfully passed examinations in industrial safety in the decision of the technical lead of the organization;

in case of examination by all heads and specialists, in the commissions created under the educational organizations, creation of the commissions in the organization are not required.

Heads and specialists of the organizations certified in compliance of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 3, 2002 "About industrial safety on hazardous production facilities" take examinations in the commission of authorized body.

For acceptance of examinations the organization submits the application to the commissions of authorized body or its territorial subdivision. Acceptance of examinations is performed in the terms coordinated by the parties and drawn up by the protocol.

About date, time and the venue of examinations at heads and specialists in the organization, in five working days the territorial subdivision of authorized body is informed."

Chapter 2. Instructing in safe works

3. For acquaintance of personnel with special conditions of safe works on object the owner will organize briefings:

induction - in case of employment, transfer into work on other profession;

extraordinary - in case of change of technology of works, in case of transfer into other site of work, in case of abuse of regulations of safe performance of works - upon the demand of person of production supervision or the State inspector;

periodic - time in half a year.

4. For the personnel which directly are not occupied on works of the increased danger it is instructed once in half of year according to the lists approved by the technical lead of the organization.

5. Briefing is registered in the Magazine of briefing (appendix 1 to these Requirements).

6. In case of production of especially dangerous works it is instructed directly on workplace before works, with registration according to the procedure, established by these Requirements.

7. In case of each instructing it is checked:

knowledge of safe methods of work;

ability to use remedies of individual and collective use, safety devices;

first aid;

knowledge of the Liquidation plan of accidents, the actions in case of accident.

8. In case of change of emergency exits acquaintance is made immediately with instructing logging.

Chapter 3. Antiemergency trainings

9. Trainings are held with personnel of dangerous object according to the plan, approved as the technical lead of the organization.

10. Holding antiemergency training shall not cause violations of works on object.

11. The purpose of holding training is check of readiness of object for accident liquidation, knowledge by personnel of the actions during accident and its liquidation.

12. On analysis results of antiemergency training actions for elimination of the revealed shortcomings of the Liquidation plan of accidents on object are developed.

Chapter 4. Liquidation plan of accidents

13. The Liquidation plan of accidents is developed for each hazardous production facility.

14. Are provided in the Liquidation plan of accidents:

1) actions for rescuing of people;

2) actions for accident elimination in initial stage of their origin;

3) actions of personnel in case of accidents;

4) actions of the militarized rescue service (daleeass), emergency rescue forming (further - ASF).

15. The liquidation plan of accidents is subject to approval:

to primary - in case of start-up of dangerous object;

to extraordinary - in case of change of technology of works or requirements of standard rates - immediately.

16. The liquidation plan of accidents is approved with the commander of ASS (ASF) and affirms the head of the organization in 15 days prior to works.

If necessary changes are not made to the Liquidation plan of accidents, the commander of ASS (ASF) has the right to remove the signature about approval of the Plan of it.

The commander of ASS (ASF) in writing informs management of the organization and the Chief state inspector of territorial subdivision of authorized body of removal of the signature, for acceptance of necessary measures by them.

17. Persons of control are trained according to the plan of accident elimination prior to instructing. Training of persons of control is drawn up by the order on the organization operating dangerous object.

18. Person of control instructing provides knowledge with personnel of the actions during accidents.

19. The liquidation plan of accidents includes:

1) operational part;

2) distribution of obligations between the personnel participating in accident elimination and procedure for its action;

3) the list of officials and organizations who are immediately informed on accident (appendix 2 to these Requirements).

20. The liquidation plan of accident with all appendices is at:

technical lead of object;

dispatcher or person on duty on object;

at the commander of ASS (ASF).

Forms of omissions on object of people are attached to the copy of the Liquidation plan of accidents which is at the technical lead of object during accident (appendix 3 to these Requirements), the Operational magazine on accident liquidation (appendix 4 to these Requirements).

21. Operational part of the liquidation plan of accidents is this in appendix 5 to these Requirements.

22. The following measures are provided in the Liquidation plan of accidents:

1) for all types of accidents (including the fires, explosions):

procedure for the notification of personnel about accident;

procedure for evacuation of personnel from accident impact zone;

procedure for delivery of health care by the victim;

use of technical means for safety of personnel and its fastest evacuation;

appointment of persons performing evacuation of personnel from each workplace (working area);

2) for sudden and suflyarny releases of gas, toxic agents:

number, location and procedure for use of SIZ of group and individual use;

use of special devices for self-rescuing;


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