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of July 27, 2010 No. 220-FZ

About the national research center "Kurchatov Institute"

(as amended of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 23.11.2015 No. 312-FZ)

Accepted by the State Duma on July 16, 2010

Approved by the Federation Council on July 19, 2010

Article 1. The relations regulated by this Federal Law

This Federal Law determines features of creation, legal status and procedure for financial provision of the national research center "Kurchatov Institute" (further - the Center).

Article 2. Features of legal status of the Center

1. Activities of the Center are regulated by this Federal Law, other Federal Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, and also the charter of the Center.

2. The center is created in the form of federal state budgetary institution.

3. Powers of the founder of the Center and the owner of its property on behalf of the Russian Federation are performed by the Government of the Russian Federation.

4. The property of the Center is federal property and belongs to the Center on the right of operational management. The center performs ownership, use and the order of the property in the limits set by the legislation of the Russian Federation with the features determined by this Federal Law according to the purposes of the activities and purpose of this property.

5. Implementation of separate powers of the Government of the Russian Federation as founder of the Center and owner of its property can be transferred by the Government of the Russian Federation to other federal executive bodies.

6. The center treats the most significant organizations of science.

7. The center has the right to perform the activities which are bringing in incomes only so far as it serves goal achievement for the sake of which it is created, and answering these purpose provided that such activities are specified in its charter. Income of the Center gained as a result of its activities and the property acquired at the expense of this income goes into its independent disposal.

Article 3. Purposes of creation and function of the Center

1. The center is created and is effective for the purpose of forming of technological base of innovative economy, ensuring the advancing scientific technology development and the accelerated implementation in production of scientific developments, carrying out complete innovative cycle of research and development works, including creation of industrial designs, in the priority directions of development of science, technologies and the equipment in the Russian Federation. The list of the specified works is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation as a part of the program of activities of the Center.

2. The center for achievement of 1 this Article of the purposes established by part realizes the following main functions:

1) receipt of new scientific knowledge in the field of natural and socio-humanistic sciences and their use for the benefit of economy, ensuring defense of the country and safety of the state, environment protection, and also training of scientists;

2) carrying out complete innovative cycle of research and development works, including creation of industrial designs, in the priority directions of development of science, technologies and the equipment in the Russian Federation according to the program of activities of the Center;

3) development and scientific maintenance of implementation of new technologies;

4) participation in forming of the state scientific and technical policy in the directions of the activities;

5) ensuring involvement of results of intellectual activities in civil circulation;

6) participation in implementation of forecasting of scientific technology development of the Russian Federation, including in the analysis of use by the organizations of scientific and technical results taking into account terms of the development of technologies achieved technological level, amount and technical and economic indicators of the turned-out innovative products, the corresponding production capacities, the park of the used equipment and its characteristics;

7) development of modern research, technological, innovative and engineering infrastructures;

8) participation in implementation of scientific and methodical ensuring coordination of projects of the international sci-tech cooperation;

9) participation on behalf of the Russian Federation in implementation of the international projects based on decisions of the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation.

Article 4. Program of activities of the Center

1. The center for goal achievement, established by this Federal Law, develops the program of activities of the Center for a period of up to five years.

2. The center performs on behalf of the Russian Federation powers of the founder and the owner of property concerning the organizations, including the unitary enterprises which list affirms the Government of the Russian Federation (further - the organizations of the Center), according to the procedure and amount which are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

3. The program of activities of the Center provides the corresponding scientific, investment and financial performance.

4. Financial provision of the actions provided by the program of activities of the Center is performed for the account:

1) budgetary appropriations from the federal budget;

2) voluntary contributions, donations of legal entities and physical persons;

3) other sources which are not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 5. Powers of the Government of the Russian Federation as founder of the Center

Government of the Russian Federation:

1) is approved by the charter of the Center;

2) approves the program of activities of the Center;

3) is approved by the list of the organizations of the Center;

4) ceased to be valid according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 23.11.2015 No. 312-FZ

5) appoints to position and dismisses the director of the Center;

6) is carried annually out by the analysis of results and efficiency of accomplishment of the program of activities of the Center;

7) makes other decisions according to this Federal Law, other Federal Laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation.

Article 6. Governing bodies of the Center

1. Governing bodies of the Center are the supervisory board of the Center, bureau of the supervisory board of the Center and the director of the Center. Creation of other governing bodies of the Center can be provided by the charter of the Center.

2. Control facility behind financial and economic activities of the Center is the audit committee of the Center.

3. In the Center the consultative and advisory body - the academic council of the Center is created.

4. Competence of governing bodies of the Center is determined by its charter.

5. The supreme body of management of the Center is its supervisory board.


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