Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of December 12, 2002 No. 439-II

About the principles and guarantees of freedom of information

(as amended on 18-04-2018)
Article 1. Main objectives of this Law

The main objectives of this Law are ensuring compliance with the principles and guarantees of freedom of information, realization of the right of everyone freely and freely to look for, receive, research, to extend, use and store information, and also ensuring information security and information security of the personality, society and state.

Article 2. Legislation on the principles and guarantees of freedom of information

The legislation on the principles and guarantees of freedom of information consists of this Law and other acts of the legislation.

If the international treaty of the Republic of Uzbekistan establishes other rules, than those which are stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Uzbekistan about the principles and guarantees of freedom of information then are applied rules of the international treaty.

Article 3. Basic concepts

In this Law the following basic concepts are applied:

information - the information about persons, objects, facts, events, the phenomena and processes irrespective of sources and form of their representation;

the owner of information - the legal entity or physical person performing ownership, use and the order of information at the expense of which this information is acquired or received by other legal method;

information security - measures for prevention of threats of information security and elimination of their consequences;

information resources - separate documents, separate document files, documents and document files in information systems (information and library organizations, archives, departmental archives, funds, databanks and others);

the information sphere - the field of activity of subjects connected with creation, processing and consumption of information;

information security - condition of security of interests of the personality, society and state in the information sphere;

the owner of information - the legal entity or physical person performing ownership, use and the order of information within the rights established by the law or the owner of information;

confidential information - documentary information, access to which is limited according to the legislation;

mass information - documentary information, printing, audio, audiovisual and other messages and materials intended for the unrestricted group of people;

documentary information - information fixed on the material carrier with the details allowing to identify it.

Article 4. Freedom of information

According to the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan everyone has rights to freely look for, receive, research, to extend, use and store information.

The information access can be limited only according to the law and for the purpose of protection of human rights and freedoms, bases of the constitutional system, moral values of society, spiritual, cultural and scientific potential, safety of the country.

Article 5. Basic principles of freedom of information

The basic principles of freedom of information are the openness and publicity, general availability and reliability.

Article 6. Openness and publicity of information

Information shall be open and public, except for confidential.

Do not treat confidential information:

acts of the legislation on the rights and freedoms of citizens, procedure for their realization, and also the establishing legal status of state governing bodies, self-government institutions of citizens, public associations and other non-state non-profit organizations;

data on ecological, meteorological, demographic, sanitary and epidemiologic, extraordinary situations and other information necessary for safety of the population, settlements, production facilities and communications;

the data which are available in open-end funds of information and library organizations, archives, departmental archives and information systems of the legal entities functioning in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

State governing bodies, self-government institutions of citizens, public associations and other non-state non-profit organizations shall transfer to mass media of the message on the events, the facts, the phenomena and processes which are of interest to society, according to the procedure, established by the legislation.

Article 7. General availability and accuracy of the information

Information shall be public and reliable.

Misstatement and falsification of information are forbidden.

Mass media bear together with source and the author of information responsibility for reliability of the distributed information in the procedure established by the law.

The refusal of the owner, owner of information in access to it can be appealed in court.

Article 8. Guarantees of freedom of information

The state protects the right of everyone to search, obtaining, research, distribution, use and storage of information. Restriction of the right to information depending on floor, race, nationality, language, religion, social origin, beliefs, personal and social standing is not allowed.

State governing bodies, self-government institutions of citizens, public associations and other non-state non-profit organizations and officials shall provide in the procedure established by the legislation to everyone access to information affecting its rights, freedoms and legitimate interests, to create available information resources, to perform mass information support of users concerning the rights, freedoms and obligations of citizens, to their safety and other questions which are of public interest.

In the Republic of Uzbekistan censorship and monopolization of information are not allowed.

Article 9. Procedure for receipt of information

Everyone has the right directly or through the representatives to make inquiry for receipt of information in oral, written form, including electronically through information system.

The written request shall contain name, middle name, surname, the address addressing (for the legal entity - its details) and the name of required information or its nature. Requests are subject to registration in accordance with the established procedure.

In the written request the e-mail address of addressing can be specified. Instruction in the written request of the e-mail address is the consent of the reply to the request addressing on obtaining electronically through information system

The answer to the written request including directed in the form of the electronic document shall be this in perhaps short time, but no later than fifteen days from the date of receipt of request if other is not established by the legislation.

The answer to oral request shall be given whenever possible without delay.

In case of impossibility of provision of required information in time, provided in parts four and the fifth this Article, addressed for its obtaining the notification on delay goes.


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