Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The document ceased to be valid since  May 5, 2021 according to part 1 of article 7 of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of  May 5, 2021 No. 59


(as amended on 28-12-2016)

Accepted by referendum (national vote) on June 27, 2010

We, people of Kyrgyzstan,

revering memory of the heroes who gave life for freedom of the people;

confirming commitment of the purpose of creation of the free and independent democratic state which supreme values are the person, his life, health, the rights and freedoms;

expressing deep-seated faith in the future of the country and strong will to develop and strengthen the Kyrgyz statehood, to preserve the state sovereignty and unity of the people, to develop its language and culture;

aiming to approve supremacy of law, and also to provide social justice, economic welfare and spiritual development of the people;

proceeding from precepts of our ancestors to live in peace, in harmony with the nature, we accept this Constitution.

Section first. Bases of the constitutional system

Article 1.

1. The Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan) is the sovereign, democratic, constitutional, secular, unitary, social state.

2. The Kyrgyz Republic has completeness of the government in the territory, independently performs domestic and foreign policy.

Article 2.

1. The people of Kyrgyzstan are the carrier of sovereignty and the single source of the government in the Kyrgyz Republic.

2. The people of Kyrgyzstan perform the power directly on elections and referenda, and also through system of state bodies and local government bodies on the basis of this Constitution and the laws.

3. The laws and other important issues of the state value can be submitted for referendum (national vote). The procedure for holding referendum and the list of the questions submitted for referendum are established by the constitutional law.

4. Elections are free.

Elections of deputies of Jogorku Kenesh, the President, deputies of representative bodies of local self-government are carried out on the basis of general equal and direct suffrage in case of secret vote.

The citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic who reached 18 years have to choose the right.

5. The state creates conditions for representation of various social groups determined by the law in state bodies and local government bodies, including at the level of decision making.

Article 3.

The government in the Kyrgyz Republic is based on the principles:

1) supremacy of the power of the people represented and provided in public elected by Jogorku Kenesh and the President;

2) separations of the government;

3) openness and responsibility of state bodies, local government bodies to the people and implementation of the powers by them for the benefit of the people;

4) differentiations of functions and powers of state bodies and local government bodies.

Article 4.

1. The political variety and multi-party system is recognized the Kyrgyz Republic.

2. Political parties, labor unions and other public associations can be created by citizens on the basis of free declaration of will and community of interests for realization and protection of the rights and freedoms, satisfaction of political, economic, social, labor, cultural and other interests.

3. Political parties promote expression of political declaration of will of citizens, take part in elections of deputies of Jogorku Kenesh, the President and local government bodies.

4. In the Kyrgyz Republic it is forbidden:

1) merge of the state, municipal and party institutes; education and activities of the party organizations in the public and local government offices and the organizations; implementation by the government and local government officers of party work, except as specified, when such work is carried out out of office activities;

2) membership of the military personnel, law enforcement officers and judges in political parties, their performances in support of any political party;

3) creation of political parties on religious, ethnic basis, prosecution by religious associations of political goals;

4) creation by associations of citizens of paramilitary forces;

5) activities of the political parties, public and religious associations, their representations and branches pursuing political goals which actions are directed to violent change of the constitutional system, undermining national security, incitement of social, racial, international, interethnic and religious strife.

Article 5.

1. The state and its bodies serve all society, but not its some part.

2. No part of the people, any consolidation, any individual has right to appropriate the power in the state. Usurpation of the government is especially serious crime.

3. The state, its bodies, local government bodies and their officials cannot be beyond the powers determined by this Constitution and the laws.

4. State bodies, local government bodies and their officials bear responsibility for illegal actions according to the procedure, provided by the law.

Article 6.

1. The constitution has the highest legal force and direct action in the Kyrgyz Republic.

2. On the basis of the Constitution the constitutional laws, the laws and other regulatory legal acts are adopted.

3. The international agreements which came in the procedure established by the law into force which participant is the Kyrgyz Republic and also the conventional principles and rules of international law are component of system of law of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The procedure and conditions of application of international treaties and the conventional principles and rules of international law are determined by the laws.

4. Official publication of the laws and other regulatory legal acts is the compulsory provision of their introduction in force.

5. The law or other regulatory legal act establishing new obligations or aggravating responsibility has no retroactive force.

Article 7.

1. In the Kyrgyz Republic no religion can be established as state or obligatory.

2. The religion and all cults are separated the state.

3. Intervention of religious associations and attendants of cults in activities of state bodies is forbidden.

Article 8.

1. The territory of the Kyrgyz Republic within the existing border is complete and inviolable.

2. For the purpose of the organization of public administration and local self-government the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic is divided into the administrative and territorial units determined by the law.

3. The cities of Bishkek and Osh are the cities of republican value, their status is determined by the law.

Article 9.

1. The Kyrgyz Republic develops the social programs directed to creation of worthy living conditions and free development of the personality, employment assistance.

2. The Kyrgyz Republic provides support of socially unprotected categories of citizens, the guaranteed minimum wage, labor protection and health.

3. The Kyrgyz Republic develops system of social services, medical attendance, establishes national pensions, benefits and other guarantees of social protection.

Article 10.

1. State language of the Kyrgyz Republic is the Kyrgyz language.

2. In the Kyrgyz Republic as official Russian is used.

3. The Kyrgyz Republic guarantees to representatives of all ethnoses forming the people of Kyrgyzstan, the right to preserving the native language, creation of conditions for its studying and development.

Article 11.

1. The Kyrgyz Republic has the state symbols - the Flag, the Coat of arms, the Anthem. Their description and procedure for official use are established by the law.

2. The capital of the Kyrgyz Republic is the city of Bishkek.

3. Monetary unit of the Kyrgyz Republic is the som.

Article 12.

1. Variety of patterns of ownership is recognized the Kyrgyz Republic and equal legal protection private, state, municipal and other patterns of ownership is guaranteed.

2. The property is inviolable. Nobody can be randomly deprived of the property.

Withdrawal of property without volition of the owner is allowed only by a court decision.

Forced withdrawal of property without the judgment is allowed in the cases provided by the law for the purpose of protection of homeland security, public order, health protection and morality of the population, protection of the rights and freedoms of other persons. Legality of such withdrawal is subject to obligatory consideration by court.


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