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The document ceased to be valid since   April 21, 2016 according to Item 1 of the Resolution of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 29, 2016 No. 01-02/15-08 "About recognition voided some regulatory legal acts adopted by the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan"

It is registered

Ministry of justice

Republic of Uzbekistan

On May 2, 2002 No. 1134


of April 8, 2002 No. 02/20-8

About approval of the Regulations on customs regime of re-export

(as amended on on June 15, 2010)

According to Article of the Customs code of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Sheets of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1998, N 2, of the Art. 36), the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan decides:

1. Approve Regulations on customs regime of re-export.

2. Enact this Resolution after ten days from the date of its state registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

3. To impose control of execution of this Resolution on the First Deputy Chairman of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan S. A. Aripov.

Chairman of the State Customs Committee

U. Kamilov

Approved by the Resolution of the State Customs Committee of April 8, 2002 No. 02/20-8

Regulations on customs regime of re-export

This Provision is developed according to Article 20 of the Customs code of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Paragraph 1. General provisions

1. Re-export mode in case of which foreign goods are exported from customs area of the Republic of Uzbekistan without collection or with return of import customs duties and taxes and without application of measures of economic policy.

2. Under customs regime of re-export goods cannot be placed:

prohibited to import to customs area of the Republic of Uzbekistan and export from this territory except as specified, stipulated by the legislation;

which were used during stay on customs area of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the production purposes, or for the purpose of extraction of the income, except as specified, provided by paragraphs the second or fourth item 4 of this provision.

3. Goods can be located under the mode of re-export by any person regardless of what person imported them.

4. In the mode of re-export the goods which are earlier placed under customs regimes can be exported:

temporary import;

conversions on customs area;

import (release for free circulation), on condition of observance of requirements of Item 5 of this provision;

customs warehouse;

temporary storage;

duty-free shop;


5. The room in customs regime of re-export of the goods issued for free circulation is allowed in the following cases:

if at the time of movement through customs border goods had defects or these defects were revealed in the course of use of goods on customs area that shall be supported by the relevant documents;

if conditions of the external economic transaction are otherwise not satisfied.

At the same time the condition shall be complied that goods were not used and were not repaired on customs area, except as specified, when use of goods, including during their warranty period, is recognized customs authority as necessary condition for detection of the defects or other circumstances attracting return of goods.

6. The decision on the export permit of goods according to customs regime of re-export is made within 5 days from the date of submission of the last document necessary for customs clearance:

the chief of customs post, if the goods which are earlier placed under temporary import regime and conversions on customs area are re-exported;

the chief of territorial Customs Service, or his deputy, if return of customs payments is required or re-export excise goods (except subjects to marking by excise stamps) and the goods which are earlier placed under the mode of customs warehouse, temporary storage, import destruction (release for free circulation), duty-free shop;

The State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan - in case of re-export of the goods which are subject to marking by excise stamps.

7. In case of difficulties in adoption of the independent decision on goods placement under customs regime of re-export, customs authority sends documents to higher customs authority of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the cover letter with obligatory statement of the reasons of such difficulty. At the same time aggregate term of consideration in higher customs authorities shall not exceed 10 days.

8. For receipt of the export permit of goods according to customs regime of re-export, person files in customs authority petition in any form with appendix of the cargo customs declaration and contract.

9. The goods which are exported in the re-export mode are subject to declaring according to the Instruction "About procedure for filling of the cargo customs declaration", the Republic of Uzbekistan approved by the State Customs Committee of September 24, 1999 (рег. N 834 of November 3, 1999 - the Bulletin of regulations, 1999, N 12). Features of filling of separate columns of the cargo customs declaration are given in appendix to this Provision.

Paragraph 2. Conditions of goods placement and vehicles under the re-export mode

10. For the room under the re-export mode goods shall:

be earlier imported on customs area (at the same time day of adoption of the last document necessary for the customs purposes is considered date of export and the moment of import day of adoption of the customs declaration when importing is considered, and in case of its lack of the document with indication of day of crossing of customs border of the Republic of Uzbekistan);

be in the same condition in which they were at the time of import except changes owing to natural wear, or transportations and storages decreased under normal conditions.

11. Identity of the goods placed under the re-export mode, the fact and the moment of their import and also the fact that goods were imported earlier shall be established (are confirmed) with the method which is not raising doubts at officials of customs authority in authenticity and reliability. Obligation prove the specified circumstances it is assigned to the interested person.

In case of lack of the customs declaration or confirmation about crossing of customs border of the Republic of Uzbekistan day of their production is considered satisfactory method, the moment of commodity importation (if only month of production is specified, the first day of this month is considered in such afternoon if year - on January 1 this year). In case of impossibility of determination of date of production of goods and vehicles, they can be exposed to examination.


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