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of June 21, 2010 No. 468

About procedure for carrying out construction supervision when implementing construction, reconstruction and major repair of capital construction projects

(as amended of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.05.2024 No. 589)

According to part 8 of article 53 of the Town-planning code of the Russian Federation the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the enclosed Regulations on carrying out construction supervision when implementing construction, reconstruction and major repair of capital construction projects.

2. Determine that concerning the capital construction projects financed fully or partially with attraction of financial resources of the federal budget:

a) if preparation of the project documentation is complete and accepted by the customer according to the acceptance act of the performed works before entry into force of this Resolution, the customer of the project documentation has the right to direct it to state examination without carrying out the extra works connected with implementation of calculation of the size of costs for carrying out construction supervision;

b) lack of calculation of the size of costs for carrying out construction supervision in the project documentation submitted for state examination in the case specified in the subitem "an" of this Item and also if state examination of the project documentation is not complete before entry into force of this Resolution is not the basis for preparation of the negative conclusion of state examination of the project documentation;

c) in case of absence in the project documentation of calculation of the size of costs for carrying out construction supervision financing of expenses on its implementation is made at the expense of the means provided for unexpected works and costs in summary estimate calculation of construction cost, in the amount of, not exceeding the size calculated according to Item 15 of the Provision approved by this Resolution, except as specified if costs for carrying out construction supervision for the date of entry into force of this Resolution exceeded the established size.

Russian Prime Minister

V. Putin

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 21, 2010 No. 468

Regulations on carrying out control construction when implementing construction, reconstruction and major repair of capital construction projects

1. This Provision establishes procedure for carrying out construction supervision when implementing construction, reconstruction and major repair (further - construction) capital construction projects irrespective of sources of their financing, and also procedure for determination of the size of costs for carrying out construction supervision and number of the workers exercising construction supervision on the objects financed fully or partially with attraction of financial resources of the federal budget.

2. Subject of construction supervision is check of performance of works when constructing facilities capital construction on conformance to requirements of the project and prepared on its basis working documentation, to results of engineering researches, requirements of the development plan for a land plot, requirements of technical regulations for the purpose of safety of buildings and constructions.

3. Construction supervision is carried out:

person performing construction (further - the contractor);

the builder, the customer or the organization performing preparation of the project documentation and attracted with the customer (builder) under the agreement to implementation of construction supervision (regarding check of compliance of the performed works of the project documentation) (further - the customer).

4. Workers of the contractor and the customer to whom the obligation on implementation of such control is in accordance with the established procedure assigned have the right to perform functions of construction supervision.

5. The construction supervision exercised by the contractor includes holding the following control events:

a) quality check of the construction materials, products, designs and the equipment delivered for asset construction of capital construction (further respectively - products, incoming inspection);

b) check of observance of the established regulations and warehousing rules and storage of the applied products;

c) check of respect for the sequence and structure of technological transactions when implementing asset construction of capital construction;

d) together with the customer survey of the works hidden by the subsequent works (further - the hidden works), and intermediate acceptance of the built building constructions influencing safety of capital construction project, sites of networks of engineering facilities;

e) acceptance of the finished types (stages) of works;

e) check together with the customer of the compliance finished with asset construction to requirements of the project and prepared on its basis working documentation, results of engineering researches, requirements of the development plan for a land plot, technical regulations.

6. The construction supervision exercised by the customer includes holding the following control events:

a) check of completeness and observance of fixed terms of accomplishment by the contractor of incoming inspection and reliability of documentation of its results;

b) check of accomplishment by the contractor of control actions for observance of warehousing rules and storage of the applied products and reliability of documentation of its results;

c) check of completeness and observance of fixed terms of accomplishment by the contractor of control of the sequence and structure of technological transactions on implementation of construction of facilities of capital construction and reliability of documentation of its results;

d) together with the contractor survey of the hidden works and intermediate acceptance of the built building constructions influencing safety of capital construction project, sites of networks of engineering facilities;

e) check together with the contractor of the compliance finished with asset construction to requirements of the project and prepared on its basis working documentation, results of engineering researches, requirements of the development plan for a land plot, requirements of technical regulations;

e) other actions for the purpose of implementation of construction supervision, stipulated by the legislation the Russian Federation and (or) the signed agreement.


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