Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of June 1, 2010 No. 2297-VI

About personal data protection

(as amended on 22-02-2024)
Article 1. Law coverage

This Law governs the legal relations connected with protection and personal data processing and is directed to protection of fundamental rights and freedoms of man and citizen, in particular the rights to non-interference to private life, in connection with personal data processing.

This Law extends to activities for personal data processing which are performed fully or partially using the automated means, and also on personal data processing which contain in card-index or are intended to entering into card-index, using non-automated means.

The part three is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 03.07.2013 No. 383-VII.

The part four is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 03.07.2013 No. 383-VII.

Article 2. Determination of terms

In this Law the terms below are used in such value:

base of personal data - the referred to as set of the arranged personal data electronically and/or in the form of card-indexes of personal data;

the owner of personal data - physical person or legal entity which determines the purpose of personal data processing establishes structure of these data and the procedure of their processing if another is not determined by the law;

the consent of the subject of personal data - the voluntary declaration of will of physical person (on condition of its awareness) about provision of permission to processing of its personal data according to the formulated purpose of their processing stated in writing or in shape that allows to draw conclusion on consent provision. In the field of electronic commerce the consent of the subject of personal data can be provided in case of registration in information communications system of the subject of electronic commerce by putting down of mark about provision of permission to processing of the personal data according to the formulated purpose of their processing provided that such system does not create opportunities for personal data processing until putting down of mark;

the paragraph the fourth is excluded;

the paragraph the fifth is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 03.07.2013 No. 383-VII;

featurelessness of personal data - withdrawal of the data giving the chance directly or mediately to identify person;

card-index - any structured personal data available by certain criteria irrespective of, such data centralized, decentralized or are divided by the functional or geographical principles;

personal data processing - any action or set of actions, such as collection, registration, accumulating, storage, adaptivising, change, recovery, use and distribution (distribution, realization, transfer), depersonalization, destruction of personal data, including with use of the information (automated) systems;

the receiver - physical person or legal entity to which personal data, including the third party are provided;

personal data - data or set of information about the physical person who is identified or can be specifically identified;

the manager of personal data - physical person or legal entity which by the owner of base of personal data or the law is granted the right to process these data on behalf of the owner;

the subject of personal data - physical person which personal data are processed;

the third party - any person, except for subject of personal data, the owner or the manager of personal data and the Representative of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for human rights to which the owner or the manager of personal data perform transfer of personal data.

Article 3. Legislation on personal data protection

The legislation on personal data protection is constituted by the Constitution of Ukraine, this Law, other laws, and subordinate regulatory legal acts, the international agreements of Ukraine which consent to be bound is provided by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Article 4. Subjects of the relations connected with personal data

1. Subjects of the relations connected with personal data are:


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