Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of May 11, 2010 No. 1001-IIIQ

About fight against the disease caused by human immunodeficiency virus

(as amended on 23-04-2024)

This Law establishes the legal basis of prevention, diagnostics, treatment in the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic of the disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) of rendering medical and social psychological assistance to persons living with HIV governs the relations arising in this sphere.

Chapter I. General provisions

Article 1. Basic concepts

1.0. The concepts used in this Law have the following values:

1.0.1. HIV - human immunodeficiency virus;

1.0.2. HIV infection - the disease caused by HIV;

1.0.3. AIDS - syndrome of the acquired immune deficit (the disease resulting from deep defeat of immune system of the person at the last stage of HIV infection);

1.0.4. HIV the positive status - the availability in HIV human body confirming the infection fact and antibodies against it;

1.0.5. persons living with HIV - the persons infected with HIV and which are both at stage of lack of signs of disease, and at stage of deep defeat of immune system;

1.0.6. anonymous inspection on HIV - the physical examination on HIV performed without provision of the identification document or the message of personal data;

1.0.7. confidential inspection on HIV - the physical examination on HIV performed with provision of a guarantee for preserving in secret data on inspection and its results;

1.0.8. psychosocial consultation - the confidential dialogue which is carried out to or after the test between the examined (examined) person and the health worker or the social worker for the purpose of removal of psychoemotional stress and determination of rules of the correct behavior in connection with HIV;

1.0.9. national groups with high risk - the national groups which are characterized by risk behavior concerning infection of HIV and constituting danger to public health (the users of injecting drugs, persons which are characterized by chaotic sexual communications, sexual minorities, etc.);

1.0.10. post-contact prevention - the rate of highly active anti-retrovirus treatment applied for the purpose of decrease in probability of infection with risk of infection of HIV in connection with professional activity or during the accidental or violent sexual relations and other risk behavior;

1.0.11. anti-retrovirus treatment - the treatment which is carried out with use of specific medicines for the purpose of prevention of reproduction and spread of HIV in organism;

1.0.12. prevention of transfer of HIV from mother to the child - system of the complex preventive actions directed to prevention of transition of HIV from mother to the child during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding;

1.0.13. palliative care - determination, assessment of physical, psychological, spiritual and other problems of persons which are not giving in to treatment, both members of their family and system of actions for assistance to these persons;

1.0.14. replacement treatment - treatment of users of the injecting drugs depending on opioids, replacement opioid medicines (not injection methods) which were registered by the country.

Article 2. The legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic on fight against the disease caused by human immunodeficiency virus

The legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic on fight against the disease caused by human immunodeficiency virus consists of the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About public health care", this Law, other regulatory legal acts and international treaties which participant is the Azerbaijan Republic.

Article 3. Basic principles of fight against HIV infection

Fight against HIV infection and rendering the medical and public assistance to persons living with HIV are performed based on the principles of the state guarantees, legality, humanity, observance and respect of rights and freedoms of man and citizen.

Article 4. The state guarantees in the sphere of fight against HIV infection

4.0. The state guarantees in the sphere of fight against HIV infection consist in the following:

4.0.1. acceptance and implementation of national strategy and state programs on fight against HIV infection;

4.0.2. providing the organization in all territory of the country of services for fight against HIV infection;

4.0.3. comprehensive informing and education of the population in the sphere of HIV infection and fight against it;

4.0.4. implementation of complex actions for effective prevention of HIV infection among national group with high risk;

4.0.5. guaranteeing anonymity and confidentiality of physical examination on HIV;

4.0.6. free implementation of physical examination on HIV in the public medical institutions;

4.0.7. maintenance of physical examination on HIV psychosocial consultations before and after the test;

4.0.8. implementation of physical examination on HIV based on the informed consent;

4.0.9. the organization of system of epidemiological control, monitoring and assessment in the sphere of fight against HIV infection;

4.0.10. safety of medical procedures, including the blood used in the medical and scientific purposes, components of blood, other biological liquids, bodies and fabrics;

4.0.11. providing health workers and other specialists with risk of infection of HIV with safe working conditions and necessary protective equipment;

4.0.12. ensuring prevention of transfer of HIV from mother to the child;

4.0.13. free providing the citizens of the Azerbaijan Republic who are constantly living in the Azerbaijan Republic persons without citizenship and persons to whom the Azerbaijan Republic provides the status of refugees, by medical care in the public medical institutions (including specialized medical care) and medicines living with HIV;

4.0.14. rendering the palliative care to persons living with HIV, which is at AIDS stage;

4.0.15. in the procedure for protection of persons living with HIV established by the legislation and persons, victims of HIV infection;

4.0.16. training of specialists on HIV infection problems, creation of conditions for increase in knowledge and abilities of health workers;

4.0.17. carrying out scientific and special research and studying on HIV infection problems, and also application in the country of the advanced effective methods of prevention, diagnostics and treatment of HIV infection;

4.0.18. support public and the charity directed to the solution of the questions connected with HIV infection;

4.0.19. creation of conditions for development of international cooperation on HIV infection problems, regular data exchange and experience within the international programs;

4.0.20. implementation of other actions established by the legislation.


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