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The document ceased to be valid since January 2, 2023 according to article 32 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 21, 2022 No. 166-VII ZRK


of July 3, 2002 No. 332-II

About geodesy and cartography

(as amended on 24-11-2021)

This Law governs the relations between state bodies, physical persons and legal entities in the field of geodetic and cartographic activities.

Article 1. The basic concepts used in this Law

In this Law the following basic concepts are used:

1) geographical information system - the program system providing collection, accumulating, storage, the analysis and distribution of space information on Earth about objects of the land surface, natural, technogenic and public processes and the phenomena of the real world;

2) geodetic and cartographic activities - management, productive, technical and scientific activity in the field of geodesy and cartography;

3) geodetic and leveling network - the system of Items on the land surface fixed on the area by the special centers and signs which mutual provision is determined in the planned relation and by height as a result of geodetic activities;

4) geodetic Item - the Item of geodetic network noted on the area pledged to the earth (or in constructions on the earth) the center and the construction built over it (is familiar);

5) geodesy - area of the relations arising in the course of scientific, technical and productive activity by determination of figure, the sizes and external gravitational field of Earth, coordinates and heights of points of the land surface and their changes in time which is carried out for the purpose of creation of cards and plans and also for providing the solution of different engineering tasks on the land surface;

6) hydrography - studying and the description of water objects, their quality and quantity characteristics;

7) delimitation - the determination of provision and direction of frontier under the agreement between the adjacent states fixed in the agreement and graphical represented on the cards attached to the agreement;

8) demarcation - determination of frontier on the area according to the agreement on delimitation and designation by its corresponding border markers;

9) cartographic products - the reduced, measurable and generalized images received as a result of cartographic activities on paper and magnetic carriers of the Earth's surface and celestial bodies constructed under certain mathematical laws and in the accepted system of conventional signs;

10) cartography - area of the relations arising in the course of scientific, technical and productive activity on studying, creation and use of cartographic works;

11) kartografo-geodetic fund - set of the materials and data created as a result of geodetic and cartographic activities, having nation-wide, cross-industry value and which are subject to long-term storage for the purpose of their further use;

12) satellite technologies - satellite systems of receipt of information for coordinate and time determination of the location of the observer or object, and also for mapping of sites of the Earth's surface;

13) topography - studying of the land surface in the geometrical relation and development of methods of the image of this surface on the plane in the form of topographic maps or plans;

14) National infrastructure of space data - the data on space objects including the data on their form, location and properties displayed on cartographic basis, including provided with use of coordinates.

Article 2. The legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of geodesy and cartography

1. The legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of geodesy and cartography is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and consists of this Law and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. If the international treaty ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan establishes other rules, than those which contain in this Law then are applied rules of the international treaty.

Article 3. Objects and subjects of geodetic and cartographic activities

1. Objects of geodetic and cartographic activities are the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and geographical objects, and also continents of the globe which are on it, the World Ocean, including islands, space, including natural celestial bodies and artificial Earth satellites.

2. Subjects of geodetic and cartographic activities are the central state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan and state bodies of administrative and territorial units within their competence established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and also physical persons and legal entities.

Article 4. Main directions of geodetic and cartographic activities

1. Depending on purpose of the performed works geodetic and cartographic activities are subdivided on:

1) activities of the state appointment which results have nation-wide, cross-industry value;

2) activities of special and (or) industry purpose which need of carrying out is determined by needs of subjects of geodetic and cartographic activities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. Geodetic and cartographic activities of the state appointment include:

1) determination of figure, sizes and external gravitational field of Earth;

2) remote sensing and geodynamic research of Earth;

3) creation, development and maintenance in working order the state geodetic networks which the fundamental astronomo-geodetic network, high-precision geodetic network, satellite geodetic network, leveling networks of all classes fundamental and the first class gravimetric networks which density and accuracy provide creation of the state topographic maps and plans, the solution of defense, research and other tasks treat;

4) creation, updating and the edition of the state topographic maps and plans, including plans of the cities and settlements, in graphical, digital, photographic, electronic and other forms, the accuracy and which content provide the solution of nation-wide, defense, research and other tasks;

5) implementation and use of geodetic satellite technology;

6) geodetic, cartographic, topographical and hydrographic support of delimitation, demarcation and check of passing of the line of Frontier of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and also delimitation of sea spaces of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

7) mapping of the shelf of the seas, lakes, rivers, water storage basins and creation of topographic, sea navigation charts, benefits, locies of the seas, navigable rivers and reservoirs;

8) carrying out geodetic, cartographic, topographical and hydrographic works for the benefit of the state, its defenses and safety, and also safety of general navigation at the seas, the navigable rivers and reservoirs;

9) aerokosmosjemochny works for creation and updating of topographic and special maps and plans, including the territory of foreign states and the World Ocean;

10) forming and maintaining National kartografo-geodetic fund;

11) creation and maintaining geographical information systems;


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