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The document ceased to be valid since December 12, 2021 according to the Order of the General inspectorate on cherezvychayny situations of the Republic of Moldova of June 8, 2021 No. 98


of November 25, 2009 No. 195

About approval of the Regulations on the organization and implementation of the state fire supervision in the Republic of Moldova

(as amended on 01-07-2016)

According to requirements of the Law No. 267-XIII of November 9, 1994 on fire safety, and also for the purpose of enhancement of regulatory framework of Service of civil protection and emergency situations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova in the field of the prevention of the fires I ORDER:

1. Approve Regulations on the organization and implementation of the state fire supervision in the Republic of Moldova (appendix No. 1).

2. Approve standard forms of bodies of the state fire supervision (appendix No. 2).

3. To impose control of execution of this order on the deputy chief of Service of civil protection and emergency situations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the head of department of rescuers and firefighters of the colonel of rescue service Anatol Vinichuk.


Chief of Service of civil protection and emergency situations, colonel of rescue service

Mikhail Harabizhiu

Information note

to the Order of Service of civil protection and emergency situations No. 195 of November 25, 2009 about approval of the Regulations on the organization and implementation of the state fire supervision in the Republic of Moldova

The regulations on the organization and implementation of the state fire supervision in the Republic of Moldova approved by the Order of Service GZ and emergency No. 195 from 25.11.2009, are developed for the purpose of creation of the effective mechanism on enforcement and functioning of the Law No. 267-XIII of November 9, 1994 on fire safety, and also increases in level of protection of citizens and their material values from the fires and their pernicious effects.

Reacting to recently happened large-scale fires with the human victims which took place in neighboring countries, there is need of mediatization of requirements of this order consisting of complex of regulations which main purpose is the prevention of the fires and safety of citizens. This provision establishes procedure for the organization and implementation by officials of the state fire supervision of activities in the field of observance of fire safety regulations by the ministries and departments, bodies of the local public government, the companies, organizations and the organizations, irrespective of type of property and form of business, including citizens of the Republic of Moldova, foreign citizens and stateless persons.

Proceeding from the above and considering interests of the state and society, we consider expedient publication of this provision in the official publication of the Republic of Moldova.


Chief of Service of civil protection and emergency situations, colonel of rescue service

Mikhail Harabizhiu

Appendix №1

to the Order of Service of civil protection and emergency situations of the Republic of Moldova of November 25, 2009 No. 195

Regulations on the organization and implementation of the state fire supervision in the Republic of Moldova

I. Basic provisions

1. The regulations on the organization and implementation of the state fire supervision in the Republic of Moldova (further - the Provision) determine procedure for the organization and implementation by officials of bodies of the state fire supervision (further - GPN) activities for observance of the central and local public authority by bodies, the companies, organizations and the organizations, irrespective of type of property and form of business, including citizens of the Republic of Moldova, foreign citizens and stateless persons (further - citizens) regulations and fire safety regulations.

2. The powers of bodies of GPN provided by this provision do not exempt the ministries and departments, local authorities of public management, organization and the organization, the company and officials from obligations on systematic control, observance and fulfillment of requirements of fire safety on subordinated objects.

3. For the purpose of the organization and implementation of departmental control of condition in the field of fire safety in structures of the ministries and departments, in local authorities of public management, at the companies, in organizations and the organizations special services are created.

4. The ministries, other bodies of public management, organization, economic units, officials, other employee categories, and also physical persons shall provide easy access on objects and to documentation on fire safety to the state fire supervision inspectors during execution of the obligations assigned to them on implementation of supervising functions.

II. State fire supervision inspectors

5. In the activities bodies of the state fire supervision are guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, legislative and regulations, international treaties which part is the Republic of Moldova, and this provision.

6. The main objectives of bodies of GPN are:

1) the organization of development of the state measures and the regulating documentation in the field of fire safety;

2) the state fire supervision in settlements, at the companies, in organizations and the organizations (further - the companies), irrespective of type of property and form of business;

3) bodies of GPN according to the tasks set for them:

a) render assistance in development of legal acts, regulations and rules of fire safety, constitute the conclusions on the projects containing requirements of fire safety;

b) exercise supervision of observance by the ministries, the central administrative authorities, the central organizations and the organizations, officials, other employee categories, and also citizens of the current legislation;

c) organize carrying out scientific and technical policy in the field of fire safety;

d) perform together with other supervisory authorities or independently control of fire safety of goods, works, services;

e) consider and coordinate the town-planning design estimates on construction, capital repairs, reconstruction, expansion and modernization of the companies, buildings and constructions in case of reasonable variations from existing rules or their absence;

f) participate in structure of the commissions on the choice of sites for construction and on acceptance for operation of objects;

g) interact with the ministries, the central administrative authorities, the central organizations and the organizations in ensuring fire safety;

h) according to the current legislation, apply sanctions in the form of penalty to officials, physical persons and legal entities for non-compliance or failure to carry out of standards, specifications, regulations and fire safety regulations, instructions and conclusions;

i) carry out actions for consideration (establishment) of the fires and their effects;

j) promote strengthening and development of voluntary fire societies and forming;

k) ensure information, educational and explanatory functioning about fire safety;

l) give help to the companies and organizations in the organization of training of workers, pupils and students in fire safety regulations at production and in life;

m) interact with other state supervisory authorities and voluntary fire forming.

7. When implementing GPN, the directive and order of higher state inspectors on fire supervision are obligatory for execution by subordinate state inspectors on fire supervision.

Intervention of other officials in their activities is not allowed.

Higher state fire supervision inspectors in particular cases have the right to change decisions of subordinate state inspectors on fire supervision.

III. Rights, obligations and responsibility of officials of bodies of GPN

8. Central body of GPN:

1) Directs activities of bodies of GPN of the republic.

2) Provides realization of the powers established by the Law No. 267-XIII of November 9, 1994 on fire safety.

3) Will organize work of bodies of GPN on the prevention of the fires at the companies and in settlements of the serviced territory.

4) is Determined by procedure and terms of conducting specialized technical checks of objects, at the companies and in settlements.

Records 5) and analyzes activities of the GPN local authorities.


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