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Ministry of Justice

Republic of Uzbekistan

On May 25, 2010 No. 2105


of April 15, 2010 No. 126

About approval of the Regulations on payment procedure for carrying out accreditation and inspection check-up of activities of the expert organizations in the field of industrial safety

(as amended on 25-12-2024)

In pursuance of Item 3 of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 10, 2008 No. 271 "About additional measures for implementation of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About industrial safety of hazardous production facilities" (Collection of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2008, to No. 50, of the Art. 496), I order:

1. Approve Regulations on payment procedure for carrying out accreditation and inspection check-up of activities of the expert organizations in the field of industrial safety according to appendix.

2. This order becomes effective after ten days from the date of its state registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


I. Holmatov



to the Order of the chief of the State inspection Sanoatkontekhnazorat of April 15, 2010 No. 126

Regulations on payment procedure for carrying out accreditation and inspection check-up of activities of the expert organizations in the field of industrial safety

This Provision according to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 10, 2008 No. 271 "About additional measures for implementation of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About industrial safety of hazardous production facilities" (The collection of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2008, No. 50, of the Art. 496) establishes payment procedure for carrying out accreditation and inspection check-up of activities of the expert organizations in the field of industrial safety (further - the expert organization).

I. General provisions

1. Accreditation and inspection check-up of activities of the expert organizations are performed according to the procedure, established by Rules of accreditation and carrying out inspection check-up behind activities of the expert organizations in the field of industrial safety (reg. No. 2022 of October 20, 2009) (Collection of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2009, No. 43, the Art. 463) (the text in Uzbek).

2. Payment for carrying out accreditation and inspection check-up of activities of the expert organizations is performed according to this Provision.

II. Implementation of payment for carrying out accreditation and inspection check-up of activities of the expert organizations

3. For carrying out accreditation (reaccreditation, expansion of area of accreditation) the expert organizations the payment in fivefold size of the minimum wage established by the legislation is levied.

4. In case of refusal the customer from the submitted application the amount of the paid payment is not subject to return.

5. For issue of the duplicate of the certificate of accreditation the payment in fivefold size of the minimum wage established by the legislation is levied.

6. For renewal of the certificate of accreditation as a result of change of the data on the expert organization specified in the certificate of accreditation the payment in fivefold size of the minimum wage established by the legislation is levied.

7. For carrying out planned inspection check-up of activities of the accredited expert organization the payment in triple size of the minimum wage established by the legislation is levied.

8. The means received for carrying out accreditation and planned inspection check-up of activities of the expert organization are enlisted into the account of Committee of industrial, radiation and nuclear safety under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

9. The expenses connected with departure for assessment on site for the purpose of carrying out accreditation and planned inspection check-up of activities of the expert organization are compensated by the customer.

10. The means received for carrying out accreditation and planned inspection check-up of activities of the expert organization are spent for covering of the costs connected with carrying out accreditation and inspection check-up and also for creation and development of system of examination of industrial safety.

III. Final provision

11. This Provision is approved with the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Minister of Finance

R. Azimov


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