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of December 16, 2002 No. 162-Z

About natural monopolies

(as amended on 11-11-2019)

It is accepted by the House of Representatives on November 15, 2002

Approved by Council of the Republic on December 2, 2002

This Law determines the legal basis of regulation of the public relations arising in spheres of natural monopolies in the markets of services of the Republic of Belarus and is directed to achievement of the balance of consumer interests and subjects of natural monopolies providing availability of the rendered services to consumers and effective functioning of subjects of natural monopolies.

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. The main terms applied in this Law and their determinations

For the purposes of this Law the following main terms and their determinations are applied:

natural monopoly - market situation of services in case of which creation of competitive conditions for satisfaction of demand for certain type of service is impossible or economically inexpedient owing to technology features of production and provision of this type of service;

methodology and rules of its application - method of price regulation (rates) for the services relating to spheres of natural monopolies by determination of procedure for establishment and use of the prices (rates);

rendering services - provision of services, production (realization) of the goods which are objects of civil circulation;

regulating authority of activities of subjects of natural monopolies (further - regulating authority of natural monopolies) - republican state body to which according to the legislation functions on ensuring counteraction of monopolistic activities and development of the competition (in the goods markets of the Republic of Belarus, areas (city of Minsk)), including regulations of activities of subjects of natural monopolies, the prices (rates) for the services relating to spheres of natural monopolies and also control in these spheres are assigned;

industry republican state bodies (further - industry bodies) - state bodies which according to the legislation implement state policy and (or) perform state regulation, and (or) provide activities in the spheres carried to spheres of natural monopolies;

the consumer - physical person, including the individual entrepreneur (further - physical person), or the legal entity, using or intending to use services relating to spheres of natural monopolies;

public hearings - the procedure of public discussion of the project of the prices (rates) for the services relating to spheres of natural monopolies, the concept of methodology and rules of its application;

the market of services - the market in which the services relating to spheres of natural monopolies are offered;

the subject of natural monopoly - the business entity rendering the services relating to spheres of natural monopolies;

the sphere of natural monopolies - the sphere of the address of service which is legislatively carried to natural monopoly in which the consumer can acquire services of subjects of natural monopolies;

service - activities which results have no material expression are implemented and consumed in the course of implementation of these activities, and also the goods made (implemented) in the conditions of natural monopolies;

the price (rate) - monetary value of cost of unit of service.

For the purposes of this Law terms "state bodies" and "business entity" are used in the values determined by article 1 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of December 12, 2013 No. 94-Z "About counteraction of monopolistic activities and development of the competition".

Article 2. Legal regulation of the relations in spheres of natural monopolies

Operation of this Law extends to the relations in spheres of natural monopolies.


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