of July 25, 2002 No. 114-FZ
About counteraction of extremist activities
Accepted by the State Duma on June 27, 2002
Approved by the Federation Council on July 10, 2002
This Federal Law for the purpose of protection of rights and freedoms of man and citizen, bases of the constitutional system, ensuring integrity and safety of the Russian Federation determines legal and organizational basis of counteraction of extremist activities, responsibility for its implementation is established.
For the purposes of this Federal Law the following basic concepts are applied:
1) extremist activities (extremism):
violent change of bases of the constitutional system and (or) violation of territorial integrity of the Russian Federation (including alienation of part of the territory of the Russian Federation), except for delimitations, demarcations, redemarkation of Frontier of the Russian Federation with the adjacent states;
public justification of terrorism and other terrorist activities;
excitement of social, racial, national or religious discord;
promotion of exclusiveness, superiority or inferiority of the person on the basis of its social, racial, national, religious or language identity or the relation to religion;
violation of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of man and citizen depending on its social, racial, national, religious or language identity or the relation to religion;
hindrance to implementation by citizens of their voting rights and the participation rights in referendum or violation of mystery of vote connected to violence or threat of its application;
the hindrance of legal activities of state bodies, local government bodies, the electoral commissions, public and religious associations or other organizations connected to violence or threat of its application;
making of crimes based on, specified in the Item "e" of part one of article 63 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;
use of Nazi attributes or symbolics, or the attributes or symbolics similar to Nazi attributes or symbolics to extent of mixing, or attributes or symbolics of the extremist organizations, except as specified uses of Nazi attributes or symbolics, or the attributes or symbolics similar to Nazi attributes or symbolics to extent of mixing, or attributes or symbolics of the extremist organizations in case of which negative attitude to ideology of Nazism and extremism is created and are absent signs of promotion or justification of Nazi and extremist ideology;
public calls for implementation of the specified acts or mass distribution of obviously extremist materials, and their production or storage for the purpose of mass distribution, or public demonstration of attributes or symbolics of the extremist organizations is equal;
public obviously false charge of person replacing the state position of the Russian Federation or the state position of the subject of the Russian Federation in making by it during execution of the job responsibilities of the acts specified in this Article and which are crime;
the organization and preparation of the specified acts, and also instigation to their implementation;
financing of the specified acts or other assistance in their organization, preparation and implementation, including by provision educational, printing and material and technical resources, telephone and other types of communication or rendering information services;
The extremist organization - public or religious association or other organization concerning which on the bases provided by this Federal Law, the court makes the decision on liquidation which took legal effect or you will lock 2) activities in connection with implementation of extremist activities;
3) extremist materials - the documents or information intended for distribution or public demonstration on other carriers calling for implementation of extremist activities or proving or justifying need of implementation of such activities, including works of heads of the national and socialist Labour Party of Germany, Fascist party of Italy, performance, the image of heads of the groups, the organizations or movements recognized criminal according to sentence of the International military tribunal for court and punishment of the chief war criminals of the European countries of axis (The Nuremberg tribunal), performances, images of heads of the organizations cooperating with the specified groups, the organizations or movements, the publications proving or justifying national and (or) racial superiority or justifying practice of making of war or other crimes directed to complete or partial extermination of any ethnic, social, racial, national or religious group;
Symbolics of the extremist organization - symbolics which description contains in constituent documents of the organization concerning which on the bases provided by this Federal Law, the court makes the decision on liquidation which took legal effect or you will lock 4) activities in connection with implementation of extremist activities.
Counteraction of extremist activities is based on the following principles:
recognition, observance and protection of rights and freedoms of man and citizen, and equally legitimate interests of the organization;
priority of safety of the Russian Federation;
the priority died, directed to the prevention of extremist activities;
cooperation of the state with public and religious associations, other organizations, citizens in counteraction of extremist activities;
inevitability of punishment for implementation of extremist activities.
Counteraction of extremist activities is performed in the following main directions:
acceptance of the preventive measures directed to the prevention of extremist activities including on identification and the subsequent elimination of the reasons and conditions promoting implementation of extremist activities;
identification, prevention and suppression of extremist activities of public and religious associations, other organizations, physical persons.
The bible, the Koran, the Tanakh and Gandzhur, their content and quotes from them cannot be recognized as extremist materials.
President of the Russian Federation:
determines the main directions of state policy in the field of counteraction of extremist activities;
establishes competence of federal executive bodies which management of activities it performs, on counteraction of extremist activities.
Government of the Russian Federation:
determines competence of federal executive bodies which management of activities it performs, in counteraction of extremist activities;
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