Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC

Accepted at the ninth plenary session of Inter-parliamentary Assembly of the State Parties of the CIS by the resolution of June 8, 1997, No. 9-13


About hydrometeorological activities

This Law is directed to regulation of hydrometeorological activities for the purpose of requirements satisfaction of public authorities, legal entities and physical persons in receipt of information on condition of the surrounding environment and its pollution.

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Basic concepts

In this Law the following concepts are applied:

the surrounding environment - set of the used and not used climatic, land, water resources, subsoil, atmospheric and near-earth space, objects of plant and animal life interconnected among themselves and forming natural ecological complexes or systems;

hydrometeorological service - set organizationally and the companies which are technologically interconnected among themselves, organizations, the centers, the stations, posts providing accomplishment of complex of works in the field of meteorology, hydrology and other adjacent areas including climatology, oceanology, agricultural meteorology, monitoring of condition of the surrounding environment and its pollution, including ionosphere and near-earth space, and provision of information on condition of the surrounding environment, its pollution and the spontaneous phenomena;

national hydrometeorological system - set of the state and departmental hydrometeorological organizations and services, other producers of hydrometeorological information on condition of the surrounding environment and its pollution in the territory of the state;

the international hydrometeorological network - set of technologically interconnected national hydrometeorological systems acting on the basis of international treaties;

observations of condition of the surrounding environment and its pollution - tool measurements and visual observations of condition of the surrounding environment for the purpose of assessment and the forecast of its meteorological, hydrological, climatic, oceanologic, agrometeorological, pathological and heliogeophysical characteristics and parameters, and also condition of its pollution (chemical, radioactive, hydrobiological, thermal);

the supervisory network - system of stationary and mobile Items of observations of condition of the surrounding environment and its pollution;

monitoring of condition of the surrounding environment and its pollution - system of permanent observations, assessment and the forecast of condition of the surrounding environment and its pollution in normal conditions and in emergency situations (impaktny monitoring);

information on condition of the surrounding environment and its pollution - the data obtained as a result of observations of condition, pollution of the surrounding environment and also information products (the data and forecasts received in analysis result and processings of the used data);

emergency information on condition of the surrounding environment and its pollution - the actual and prognostic information on the spontaneous phenomena and dangerous levels of pollution of the surrounding environment which is transferred immediately after its obtaining and preparation in accordance with the established procedure;

information on condition of the surrounding environment and its pollution of general purpose - the actual and prognostic information obtained and collected in the set mode and processed by special techniques;

specialized information on condition of the surrounding environment and its pollution - the target information involving additional costs on its obtaining, processing, the analysis, storage and provision according to consumer requirements;

hydrometeorological works of national and international levels - works and researches of global, national or interregional scales, and also works and researches which are important for development of economy, safety of the population and the state, and also steady functioning of economy and the social sphere;

hydrometeorological works of special purpose - the works and researches which are carried out for the benefit of certain regions, legal entities and physical persons;

single state fund of data on condition of the surrounding environment and its pollution - all data on condition of the surrounding environment and its pollution of hydrometeorological nature received in the territory of the state and beyond its limits by subjects of national hydrometeorological system.

Article 2. Purposes and purpose of the Law

The purposes of this Law are:

establishment of the obligatory legislative requirements imposed to hydrometeorological activities;

approval of national regulations of the legislation of the international legal principles and regulations in the field of hydrometeorological activities;


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