of April 27, 2010 No. 976
About approval of Rules of preparation and implementation of the message, work with acts and orders of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and control of their execution, carrying out monitoring of normative legal decrees
According to the subitem 3) Item 2 of article 21 of the Constitutional law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 26, 1995 "About the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan" POSTANOVLYAYU:
1. Approve the enclosed Rules of preparation and implementation of the message, work with acts and orders of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and control of their execution, carrying out monitoring of normative legal decrees.
2. Recognize invalid:
1) the Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 2, 1998 No. 4097 "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for preparation, coordination, representation for the signature of acts, carrying out monitoring of normative legal presidential decrees of the Republic of Kazakhstan and control of execution of acts and orders of the President of the Republic" (SAPP of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2008, No. 20, Art. 182; 2009, No. 30, Art. 260);
2) the subitem 4) Item 1 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 24, 2008 No. 576 "About modification and amendments in some acts of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (SAPP of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2008, No. 20, the Art. 182);
3) the Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 18, 2009 No. 828 "About entering of amendments into the Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 2, 1998 No. 4097" (SAPP of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2009, No. 30, the Art. 260).
3. To Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, state bodies and the organizations within two months from the date of enforcement of this Decree:
1) to bring the acts into accord with this Decree;
2) to carry out inventory count of the existing acts and orders of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan with review of terms of their execution according to this Decree;
3) to take other measures for implementation of this Decree.
4. This Decree becomes effective from the date of signing.
President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
N. Nazarbayev
Approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 27, 2010 No. 976
1. These rules of preparation and implementation of the message, work with acts and orders of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further – the President) and control of their execution, carrying out monitoring of normative legal decrees (further – Rules) regulate procedure:
1) preparation, coordination and representation for consideration to the President of the draft of the president's letter;
2) preparation, coordination, representation for the signature of drafts of acts and orders of the President;
3) implementation of the president's letter;
4) control of execution by state bodies and organizations of acts and orders of the President;
5) carrying out monitoring of normative legal presidential decrees.
2. The main contractors of acts and orders of the President are the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further – the Government), the central state and local executive bodies, their officials.
Subjects of the quasi-public sector (organization) are determined as collaborators of orders. At the same time responsibility for coordination of execution is conferred on state body of management or the single founder on behalf of the Government. Concerning the non-state organizations instructions of advisory nature are given, at the same time coordination of execution is assigned to state body of the corresponding industry of public administration.
3. The first heads of state bodies bear responsibility for quality of training of the introduced drafts of acts and orders of the President, including for compliance to requirements of the legislation, coordination with all interested state bodies, completeness and comprehensive study of cases in point.
4. The main terms applied in these rules:
1) acts of the President – decrees and orders of the President;
2) orders of the President – the instructions given following the results of regional trips, the international and socially significant actions, working meetings, the enlarged meetings of the Government with participation of the President, statements (addresses) of the President, meetings of advisory advisory bodies, the Security Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further – the Security Council), Assemblies of the people of Kazakhstan (the decision of session and Council) and other bodies headed by the President; orders of the President according to in-house documents, appeals of physical persons and legal entities, and also the personal orders of the President including published in its official accounts and official accounts of Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further – Presidential Administration) on social networks and mass media;
3) control of execution of acts and orders of the President – set of measures for implementation of the step-by-step control actions aimed at providing high-quality and timely execution of acts and orders with state bodies and the organizations and also for coordination – the non-state organizations;
4) the president's letter – the Annual Appeal of the President to the people of Kazakhstan devoted to provision in the country and to the main directions of domestic and foreign policy;
5) fixing of control on implementation of the act or order of the President – the document of the established form providing possibility of implementation of monitoring and control of execution of the act/order, reflecting on each Item of the order completion date, form of completion, executives in charge, the control level, structural divisions of Presidential Administration responsible for control, and if necessary resulting effect of execution;
6) execution of the act or order of the President – complete and high-quality achievement and accomplishment delivered in contents of the act or order of the purposes and tasks, resulting effect and/or form of completion of the act or order;
7) prolongation of completion date of the act or order of the President – the decision of the President or other authorized persons specified in Items 71 and 76 of these rules by determination of the following completion date of Item of the act or order in case of non-execution, lack of possibility of completion of execution or incomplete, low-quality execution after originally fixed term of execution, including in form of completion or achievement of resulting effect;
8) low-quality execution of the act or order of the President – availability of complaints to workmanship, including formal execution, introduction by contractors of the uncoordinated and not worked offers and conclusions, not elimination of the notes which were earlier this by Presidential Administration. Conclusion about low-quality execution is in the expert opinion of structural division of Presidential Administration, the resolution or legal decisions of the President or management of Presidential Administration, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further – the Prime Minister) or his deputies;
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