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of April 12, 2010 No. 296

About approval of Rules of carrying out monitoring of condition of food security

(as amended on 22-05-2023)

For the purpose of implementation of the subitem 3) of article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About state regulation of development of agro-industrial complex and the rural territories" the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of carrying out monitoring of condition of food security.

2. This resolution becomes effective from the date of signing.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan

K. Masimov

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 12, 2010 No. 296

Rules of carrying out monitoring of condition of food security

1. These rules of carrying out monitoring of condition of food security (further – Rules) are developed according to the subitem 3) of article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About state regulation of development of agro-industrial complex and the rural territories" (further – the Law) and determine procedure for carrying out monitoring of condition of food security.

2. Monitoring of condition of food security is carried out according to article 19-2 of the Law in the relation:

1) production volume of provisions, their merchandising and stock availability;

2) prices of socially important provisions.

3. Monitoring of condition of food security is carried out taking into account the directions specified in Item 2 of these rules according to the list of indicators of monitoring of condition of food security (further –

the list of indicators) according to appendix to these rules.

The list of indicators reflects the directions of monitoring of condition of food security, stipulated in Item 2 these rules in the relation:

1) indicator 1 – production volume of provisions;

2) with 2 on 18 – merchandising of provisions;

3) with 19 on 23 – the prices of socially important provisions;

4) 24 – stock availability of provisions.

4. Measure calculation with 1 on 16, of 18, of 19, 21 is perfromed on methodology of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (further – FAO of the UN), indicator 17 – authorized body in the field of regulation of trading activity as a result of forming of commodity balance of socially important provisions, indicators 20, of 22, 23 – on methodologies of department of authorized body in the field of the state statistics, indicator 24 – by summing of remaining balance of provisions in agricultural enterprises, country or farms, cereal-receiving Items and elevators, outlets, regional stabilization funds of provisions.

5. According to item 4 of these rules:

1) measure calculation 1 conducts authorized body in the field of development of agro-industrial complex (further – authorized body);

2) measure calculation 2, 3 conducts department of authorized body in the field of the state statistics based on data of authorized body on highways;

3) measure calculation 4, of 5, of 6, of 7, of 8, of 9, of 10, of 18, of 19, of 20, of 21, of 22, 23 conducts department of authorized body in the field of the state statistics;

4) measure calculation with 11 on 15 conducts authorized body based on data of authorized body in the field of protection of public health;

5) measure calculation 16 conducts authorized body based on data of authorized body in the field of municipal services;

6) measure calculation 17 conducts authorized body in the field of regulation of trading activity;

7) measure calculation 24 is conducted by local executive bodies.

6. The authorized body annually following the results of year until the end of the first quarter places data on the Internet resource: on indicators 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 – based on the available official statistical information of department of authorized body in the field of the state statistics, on indicators 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 – based on data of authorized body in the field of protection of public health, on indicator 16 – based on data of authorized body in the field of municipal services, on indicator 17 – based on data of authorized body in the field of regulation of trading activity, and also based on administrative data and data of the international organizations.

Local executive bodies of district level perform data collection of indicator 24 at agricultural enterprises, country or farms, cereal-receiving Items and elevators, outlets and annually following the results of year in 15 calendar days until the end of the first quarter represent them to local executive bodies of regional level.

Local executive bodies of regional level provide information on amount of remaining balance of provisions in area (the capital, the city of republican value) in 10 calendar days until the end of the first quarter in authorized body.

7. Monitoring of condition of food security is carried out by authorized body based on these local executive bodies, authorized body in the field of regulation of trading activity and department of authorized body in the field of the state statistics, including in real time.

8. The authorized body annually within a month after publication of FAO of the UN and department of authorized body in the field of the state statistics on the Internet resources of the indicators this according to the list, and also after data presentation about stock availability of provisions by local executive bodies carries out the analysis of condition of food security.

9. The analysis is carried out by comparison of indicators of monitoring of condition of food security of the Republic of Kazakhstan with similar indicators of other countries calculated by FAO of the UN.

10. Analysis result is identification of lagging of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 30 developed countries of rating of the Global index of competitiveness of the World Economic Forum (further – City Elections Commission of the WEF).

11. On the basis of analysis results of condition of food security the authorized body creates the state electronic information resources in the field of food security by means of placement them on the Internet resource.

12. Based on the analysis the authorized body sends offers to the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on improvement of indicators on which the Republic of Kazakhstan lags behind 30 developed countries of rating City Elections Commission of the WEF.


to Rules of carrying out monitoring of condition of food security

List of indicators of monitoring of condition of food security

No. of payment order





Share of the arable lands suitable for irrigation, from total area of ploughland, %


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