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of June 12, 2002 No. 67-FZ

About basic guarantees of the voting rights and the participation rights in referendum of citizens of the Russian Federation

(as amended on 08-08-2024)

Accepted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on May 22, 2002

Approved by Council of the Russian Federation on May 29, 2002

Democratic, free and periodic elections to public authorities, local government bodies, and also referendum are the highest direct expression of the power belonging to the people. The state guarantees free declaration of will of citizens of the Russian Federation on elections and referendum, protection of democratic principles and regulations of the voting right and the participation right in referendum.

Chapter I. General provisions

Article 1. Limits of operation of this Federal Law

1. This Federal Law determines basic guarantees of realization by citizens of the Russian Federation of constitutional right on participation in the elections and referenda held in the territory of the Russian Federation according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Laws, constitutions (charters), the laws of subjects of the Russian Federation, charters of municipalities.

2. This Federal Law has direct action and is applied in all territory of the Russian Federation.

3. The guarantees of the voting rights and the participation right in referendum of citizens of the Russian Federation supplementing the guarantees established by this Federal Law can be established by the Federal constitutional Laws, other Federal Laws, the laws of subjects of the Russian Federation.

4. The relations connected with appointment, preparation and holding referendum of the Russian Federation are regulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal constitutional Law "About Referendum of the Russian Federation" and this Federal Law.

5. The basic guarantees of the voting rights and the participation right in referendum of citizens of the Russian Federation established by this Federal Law and also the additional guarantees established by other law can be changed precisely by introduction of amendments to the relevant laws.

6. The Federal Laws, constitutions (charters), the laws of subjects of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal acts on elections and referenda accepted in the Russian Federation shall not contradict this Federal Law. If the Federal Law, the constitution (charter), the law of the subject of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal act on elections and (or) referendum contradict this Federal Law, regulations of this Federal Law are applied.

Article 2. Main terms and concepts

For the purposes of this Federal Law the applied terms and concepts mean:

1) propaganda materials - the printed, audiovisual and other materials containing signs of election propaganda, propaganda concerning referendum and intended for mass distribution, promulgation during the election campaign, referendum campaign;

2) the propaganda period - the period during which it is allowed to carry out election propaganda, propaganda concerning referendum;

3) propaganda concerning referendum - the activities performed during campaign of referendum and aiming to induce or inducing participants of referendum to support the initiative of holding referendum or to refuse such support, to vote or refuse vote on referendum, to support or reject the question submitted for referendum;

4) election propaganda (election propaganda) - the activities performed during the election campaign and aiming to induce or inducing voters to vote for the candidate, candidates, the list, candidate lists or against it (them);

5) the residential address - the address (the name of the subject of the Russian Federation, the area, city, other settlement, street, house number and the apartment) to which the citizen of the Russian Federation is registered at the place of residence in bodies of registration accounting of citizens in the place of stay and at the place of residence within the Russian Federation;

6) the bulletin - the ballot, voting bulletin on referendum;

7) question (questions) of referendum - question (questions), the bill, other regulatory legal act on which it is offered to hold or it is held referendum;

8) elected official - The president of the Russian Federation, the management official of the subject of the Russian Federation, and also the citizens of the Russian Federation living in the territory of the municipality, the head of the municipality elected directly;

9) elections - form of the direct declaration of will of citizens performed according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Laws, constitutions (charters), the laws of subjects of the Russian Federation, charters of municipalities for the purpose of forming of public authority, local government body or granting of power to the official;

10) promotion of the candidate - self-promotion of the candidate, initiative of the electoral association in determination of the candidate for elected body, on elective state or municipal office;

11) guarantees of the voting rights and the participation right in referendum - the realization of the voting rights and the participation right established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the law, other regulatory legal act of condition, the rule and procedure, providing in referendum of citizens of the Russian Federation;

12) state automated system "Elections" - State automated system of the Russian Federation "Elections";

12. 1) the state system of registration (accounting) of voters, participants of referendum - complex providing guarantees and realization of the voting rights and the participation right in referendum of citizens of the Russian Federation of measures for collection, systematization and use of information about voters, participants of referendum;

13) the deputy - person elected voters of the respective constituency in representative body of the government or in representative body of the municipality on the basis of general equal and direct suffrage in case of secret vote;

14) donation of the citizen - non-paid introduction by the citizen of the Russian Federation of own money on special election account of the candidate, the electoral association, the special account of referendum;

15) donation of the legal entity - non-paid transfer by the legal entity of money from the settlement account on special election account of the candidate, the electoral association, the special account of referendum;

16) the document replacing the passport of the citizen - the identity document of the citizen issued by authorized state body. In the territory of the Russian Federation for citizens of the Russian Federation such documents are:

the military ID, the temporary certificate issued instead of the military ID or the identity certificate (for persons who pass military service);

the temporary identity certificate of the citizen of the Russian Federation issued for execution of the passport according to the procedure, approved by authorized federal executive body;

the identity document of the citizen of the Russian Federation under which the citizen of the Russian Federation performs entry into the Russian Federation according to the Federal Law regulating procedure for departure from the Russian Federation and entry into the Russian Federation (for persons who are constantly living outside the territory of the Russian Federation);

the reference of the established form issued to the citizens of the Russian Federation who are in places of detention of suspects and persons accused, according to the procedure, approved by authorized federal executive body.

For the foreign citizens specified in Item 10 of article 4 of this Federal Law - the document certifying the right of the foreign citizen to permanent residence in the Russian Federation according to the Federal Law regulating legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation.

Outside the territory of the Russian Federation the documents replacing the passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation are identity documents of the citizen of the Russian Federation under which citizens of the Russian Federation perform entry into the Russian Federation, and also other documents according to which citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to stay in the territory of foreign state according to the international treaty of the Russian Federation;

17) the law - the Federal constitutional Law, the Federal Law, the law of the subject of the Russian Federation;

18) the voter - the citizen of the Russian Federation having active voting rights;

19) the election campaign - the activities for preparation and elections performed during the period from the date of official publication (publication) of the decision of the official authorized on that, state body, local government body about calling of an election about day of representation by the electoral commission organizing elections, the report on expenditure of the funds of the relevant budget allocated for preparation and elections;

20) the election campaign of the candidate, the electoral association - the activities directed to achievement of certain result on elections and performed during the period from the date of promotion of the candidate, the candidate list about day of submission of the closing financial statement by the candidate, the electoral association, and also persons authorized by them;

21) the electoral commission - the collegiate organ created according to the procedure and terms which are established by the law, organizing and providing preparation and elections;

22) the electoral commission higher (higher electoral commission) - the electoral commission determined as that by the law organizing and providing preparation and elections in relation to other electoral commissions organizing and providing preparation and carrying out the same elections;

23) the electoral commission subordinate (subordinate electoral commission) - the electoral commission determined as that by the law organizing and providing preparation and elections in relation to other electoral commissions organizing and providing preparation and carrying out the same elections;

24) the electoral commission organizing elections (the electoral commission organizing elections) - the electoral commission to which the law assigns management of activities of all electoral commissions for preparation and carrying out the corresponding elections;

25) the electoral association - the political party having according to the Federal Law the right to participate in elections, and also the regional department or other structural division of political party having the right to participate in elections of appropriate level according to the Federal Law. In case of elections of deputies of representative bodies of municipalities on single-candidate and (or) multimandatory constituencies, heads of municipalities the electoral association is also other public association which charter provides participation in elections and which is created in the form of public organization or social movement and is registered according to the law at the level corresponding to the level of elections or at higher level, or the relevant structural division of the specified public association. At the same time the specified public association or the changes and amendments providing participation in elections made to its charter shall be registered not later than one year till ballot day, and in case of calling of an election in local government body in connection with early termination of its powers - not later than six months till ballot day. The specified terms do not extend to other changes and additions made to the charter of public association;

26) the voting right active (active voting right) the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to choose in public authorities and local government bodies;

27) the voting right passive (passive voting right) - the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to be elected to public authorities and local government bodies;

28) the voting rights of citizens - constitutional right of citizens of the Russian Federation to choose and be elected to public authorities and local government bodies, and also the right to participate in promotion of candidates, candidate lists, in election propaganda, in observation of elections, work of the electoral commissions, including establishment of results of vote and determination of election results, in other selective actions according to the procedure, established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, this Federal Law, other Federal Laws, constitutions (charters), the laws of subjects of the Russian Federation;

29) ceased to be valid;

30) the constituency - the territory which is formed (is determined) according to the law and from which directly the deputy (deputies), the elected official (elected officials) are elected citizens of the Russian Federation;

31) the constituency single (the single constituency) the constituency including all territory in which elections are held;

32) the constituency multimandatory (the multimandatory constituency) - the constituency in which several deputies are elected and in which for each of them voters vote personally;

33) the constituency single-candidate (the single-candidate constituency) - the constituency in which one deputy is elected;

34) referendum campaign - the activities for preparation and holding referendum performed during the period from the date of registration of initiative group on holding referendum about day of representation by the commission of referendum organizing referendum, the report on expenditure of the funds of the relevant budget allocated for preparation and holding referendum or about day of refusal in holding referendum;

35) the candidate - the person pushed in the procedure established by this Federal Law, other law as the applicant for the position replaced by means of direct elections or for membership in body (chamber of body) of the government or local government body or registered by the relevant electoral commission as the candidate;

35. 1) the candidate affiliated with the foreign agent, - the candidate who is not foreign agent and which during the period constituting two years about day of official publication (publication) of the decision on calling of an election and (or) during the election campaign on the corresponding elections:

enters (was) part of bodies of the legal entity - the foreign agent and (or) is (was) his founder, the member, the participant, the head or the worker;

enters (was) part of bodies of the unregistered public association, other consolidation of persons, foreign structure without formation of legal entity - foreign agents and (or) is (was) their founder, the member, the participant, the head;

performs (performed) political activities and receives (received) money and (or) other property from foreign agents, including through intermediaries, for implementation of political activities;

35. 2) the candidate who is the foreign agent - the candidate, being physical person which is included in the register of foreign agents;

36) the candidate registered (the registered candidate) person registered by the relevant electoral commission as the candidate;

37) the commission - the electoral commission, the commission of referendum;

38) the commission of referendum - the collegiate organ created according to the procedure and terms which are established by the law, organizing and providing preparation and holding referendum;

39) the commission of referendum higher (the higher commission of referendum) - the commission of referendum determined as that by the law, the charter of the municipality organizing and providing preparation and holding referendum in relation to other commissions of referendum organizing and providing preparation and holding the same referendum;

40) the commission of referendum subordinate (the subordinate commission of referendum) - the commission of referendum determined as that by the law, the charter of the municipality organizing and providing preparation and holding referendum in relation to other commissions of referendum organizing and providing preparation and holding the same referendum;

41) the commission of referendum organizing referendum (the commission of referendum organizing referendum) - the commission of referendum on which the law, by the charter of the municipality assigns management of activities of all commissions of referendum on preparation and holding the corresponding referendum;

41. 1) complex for electronic vote - the technical tool intended for carrying out electronic vote, the automated counting of votes, participants of referendum, establishment of results of vote and creation of the protocol of the precinct election commission on vote results;

42) the observer - the citizen of the Russian Federation, authorized to perform observation of carrying out vote, counting of votes and other activities of the commission during vote, establishment of its results, determinations of election results, referendum, including activities of the commission on check of correctness of establishment of results of vote and determination of election results, referendum;

43) the observer foreign (international) (the foreign (international) observer) - the representative of the foreign or international organization given the right to perform according to the procedure, established by the Federal constitutional Law "About Referendum of the Russian Federation", the Federal Law, observation of preparation and elections to federal bodies of the government and referendum of the Russian Federation;

44) - 45) voided

46) the organizations performing release of mass media - the organizations performing TV and (or) broadcasting, and editions of periodic printing editions;

47) public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation - the legislature of subjects of the Russian Federation and management officials of subjects of the Russian Federation elected directly by citizens of the Russian Federation according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, this Federal Law, other Federal Laws, constitutions (charters), the laws of subjects of the Russian Federation and also other public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation provided by constitutions (charters) of subjects of the Russian Federation;

48) federal bodies (federal bodies of the government) - The president of the Russian Federation, the State Dumas of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, other federal bodies of the government provided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and elected directly by citizens of the Russian Federation according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Laws;

49) local government bodies - the bodies chosen directly by the population of the municipality and (or) formed by representative body of the municipality according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, this Federal Law, other Federal Laws, charters of municipalities given own authority according to the solution of questions of local value;

50) ceased to be valid according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 29.05.2023 No. 184-FZ

51) the participation right in referendum - constitutional right of citizens of the Russian Federation to vote concerning referendum, and also to participate in other actions for preparation and holding referendum;

52) the representative of mass media - person having the editorial certificate or other document certifying its powers of the representative of the organization performing release of mass media;

52. 1) the register of voters, participants of referendum the state automated system "Elections" information resource containing set of personal data about voters, participants of referendum;

53) referendum - form of direct declaration of will of citizens of the Russian Federation on the most important issues of the state and local value for the purpose of the decision making performed by means of vote of the citizens of the Russian Federation having the participation right in referendum;

54) referendum local (local referendum) - the referendum held according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, this Federal Law, other Federal Laws, the constitution (charter), the law of the subject of the Russian Federation, the charter of the municipality among the citizens of the Russian Federation having the participation right in referendum whose residence is located in municipality borders;

55) referendum of the Russian Federation - the referendum held according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal constitutional Law "About Referendum of the Russian Federation", this Federal Law among the citizens of the Russian Federation having the participation right in referendum whose residence is located in the territory of the Russian Federation, and also the citizens of the Russian Federation living or being outside the territory of the Russian Federation;

56) referendum of the subject of the Russian Federation - the referendum held according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, this Federal Law, other Federal Laws, the constitution (charter), the law of the subject of the Russian Federation among the citizens of the Russian Federation having the participation right in referendum whose residence is located in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation;

57) occupation - documentary confirmed activities of the candidate which are bringing in it the income, and also the status of the unemployed candidate: the pensioner, the unemployed, the pupil (with indication of the name of educational institution), the housewife, temporarily idle;

58) criminal record of the candidate - the data about ever the being available criminal records with indication of number (numbers) and part (parts), Item (Items), and also the name (names) of Article (Articles) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation based on which, (whom) the candidate was condemned, article (Articles) of the criminal code accepted according to Bases of the penal legislation of USSR and federal republics, articles (Articles) of the law of foreign state if the candidate was condemned according to the specified legal acts for the acts recognized by crime the existing Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;

59) the candidate list - the single candidate list pushed by the electoral association on elections to legislative (representative) public authority, representative or other elected body of local self-government, and also the specified list certified or registered by the electoral commission organizing elections;

60) the participant of referendum - the citizen of the Russian Federation having the participation right in referendum;

61) the Federal Law - the Federal constitutional Law, the Federal Law.

62) electronic vote - vote without use of the bulletin made on paper with use of the technical tool;

62. 1) remote electronic vote - vote without use of the bulletin made on paper with use of the special software;

63) the electronic bulletin - the bulletin prepared by program technical means in electronic form, applied when carrying out electronic vote.

Article 3. The principles of carrying out in the Russian Federation elections and referendum

1. The citizen of the Russian Federation participates in elections on the basis of general equal and direct suffrage in case of secret vote.

2. The citizen of the Russian Federation participates in referendum on the basis of general equal and direct declaration of will in case of secret vote.

3. Participation of the citizen of the Russian Federation in elections and referendum is free and voluntary. Nobody has the right to make impact on the citizen of the Russian Federation with the purpose to force it to participation or nonparticipation in elections and referendum or to prevent its free declaration of will.

4. The citizen of the Russian Federation living outside its territory has all completeness of the voting rights in case of elections to federal bodies of the government, and also has in full the participation right in referendum of the Russian Federation. Diplomatic representations, consular establishments of the Russian Federation shall render assistance to the citizen of the Russian Federation in realization established by this Federal Law, other Federal Law of the voting rights in case of elections to federal bodies of the government and the participation right in referendum of the Russian Federation.

5. Activities of the commissions by preparation and elections, referendum, counting of votes, establishment of results of vote, determination of election results, referendum are performed openly and publicly.

6. Foreign citizens, except for the case specified in Item 10 of article 4 of this Federal Law, the stateless person, the foreign organizations, the international organizations and the international social movements, foreign agents have no right to perform the activities promoting or interfering promotion of candidates, candidate lists, election of the registered candidates, promotion of initiative of holding referendum and holding referendum, achievement of certain result on elections, referendum and also in other forms to participate in the election campaigns, referendum campaigns. Participation in the election campaigns, campaigns of referendum of specified persons and representatives of the specified organizations as foreign (international) observers is regulated according to the Federal Law.

7. Elections and referenda will organize and carry out the commissions. Intervention in activities of the commissions from legislative (representative) and executive bodies of the government, local government bodies, the organizations, officials, other citizens is not allowed.

Article 4. Universal adult suffrage and the participation right in referendum

1. The citizen of the Russian Federation who reached on ballot day of age of 18 years has the right to choose, be the elected deputy of representative body of the municipality, to vote on referendum, and on reaching the age established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Laws, constitutions (charters), the laws of subjects of the Russian Federation - to be the elected deputy of legislative (representative) public authority, the elected official. The citizen of the Russian Federation who will reach on ballot day of age of 18 years will have the right to participate in other selective actions provided by the law and carried out by legal methods, other actions for preparation and holding the appointed referendum. Before announcement of referendum in actions for preparation and holding referendum has the right to take part the citizen of the Russian Federation who reached age of 18 years.

Provisions of Item 1 of article 4 of this Federal Law (in edition of the Federal Law of November 9, 2009 No. 250-FZ) are applied to the legal relationship which arose in connection with elections to representative bodies of the municipalities appointed after day of entry into force of the called Federal Law.

2. The citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to choose, be elected, to participate in referendum irrespective of floor, race, nationality, language, origin, property and official capacity, the residence, the relation to religion, beliefs, belonging to public associations, and also other circumstances.

3. Have no right to choose, be elected, to perform other selective actions, to participate in referendum the citizens recognized by court incapacitated or containing in places of detention according to the court verdict.

3.1. Have no right to be elected the citizens of the Russian Federation having nationality (citizenship) of foreign state either the residence permit or other document confirming the right to permanent residence of the citizen of the Russian Federation in the territory of foreign state. The specified citizens have the right to be elected to local government bodies if it is provided by the international treaty of the Russian Federation.

3.2. Have no right to be elected citizens of the Russian Federation:

a) convicts to imprisonment for making of heavy and (or) especially serious crimes and having on ballot day on elections not removed and unspent conviction for the specified crimes;

and. 1) convicts to imprisonment for making of serious crimes which criminal record is removed or extinguished, - before the expiration of ten years from the date of removal or repayment of criminal record;

and. 2) convicts to imprisonment for making of especially serious crimes which criminal record is removed or extinguished, - before the expiration of fifteen years from the date of removal or repayment of criminal record;

b) condemned for making of the crimes of extremist orientation provided by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and having on ballot day on elections not removed and unspent conviction for the specified crimes and also condemned for making of the specified crimes which criminal record is removed or extinguished, - before the expiration of five years from the date of removal or repayment of criminal record if action of subitems "a.1" and "a.2" this Item does not extend to such persons;

. 1) convicts to imprisonment for making of crimes, stipulated in Article 106, Article part two 107, Article 110 part three. 1, Article part two 112, Article part two 119, Article part one 126, Article part two 127, Article 127 part one. 2, Article part two 133, Article part one 134, Article 136, parts two and third Article 141, Article part one 142, Article 142. 1, parts one and third Article 142. 2, Article part one 150, Article part two 158, parts two and fifth Article 159, Article 159 part two. 1, Article 159 part two. 2, Article 159 part two. 3, Article 159 part two. 5, Article 159 part two. 6, Article part two 160, Article part one 161, Article part two 167, Article part three 174, Article 174 part three. 1, Article part two 189, Article 200 part one. 2, Article 200 part two. 3, Article 205 part one. 2, Article 207 part two. 2, Article 212. 1, Article 228 part one. 4, Article part one 230, Article part one 232, Article part one 239, Article 243 part two. 4, Article part two 244, part pervoy.1 Article 258. 1, parts one and second Article 273, Article 274 part one. 1, Article part two 280, Article 280 part two. 1, Article part one 282, Article part three 296, Article part three 309, parts one and the second Article 313, Article part one 318, Article part two 354, part two of article 354.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and having on ballot day on elections not removed and unspent conviction for the specified crimes, and also convicts to imprisonment for making of the specified crimes which criminal record is removed or extinguished, - before the expiration of five years from the date of removal or repayment of criminal record;

c) subjected to administrative punishment for making of the administrative offenses provided by articles 20.3 and 20.29 of the Russian Federation Code of Administrative Offences if vote on elections takes place before the termination of term during which person is considered subjected to administrative punishment;

d) concerning which the become effective judgment established fact of violation of restrictions, stipulated in Item 1 article 56 of this Federal Law, or making of the actions provided by the subitem "zh" of Item 7 and the subitem "zh" of Item 8 of article 76 of this Federal Law if the specified violations or actions are made till ballot day on elections during the term of office of public authority or local government body established by the law in which elections, or the official for whose election elections are appointed are appointed.

3.3. If effective period of the restrictions of passive voting right provided by subitems "a.1", "a.2", and "B. 1" Item 3.2 of this Article expires during the election campaign till ballot day on elections, the citizen whose passive voting right was limited has the right to be in the procedure established by the law the nominated candidate on these elections.

3.4. If act for which making the citizen was condemned according to the new penal statute is not recognized heavy or especially serious crime, action of the restrictions of passive voting right provided by subitems "a", "a.1" and "a.2" of Item 3.2 of this Article stops from the date of entry into force of this penal statute.

3.5. If serious crime for which making the citizen was condemned according to the new penal statute is recognized especially serious crime or if especially serious crime for which making the citizen was condemned according to the new penal statute is recognized serious crime, the restrictions of passive voting right provided by subitems "a.1" and "a.2" Item 3.2 of this Article are effective before the expiration of ten years from the date of removal or repayment of criminal record.

3.6. Have no right to be elected the citizens of the Russian Federation involved in activities of public or religious association, other organization concerning which the judgment about liquidation took legal effect or you will lock activities for the bases provided by the Federal Law of July 25, 2002 No. 114-FZ "About counteraction of extremist activities" or the Federal Law of March 6, 2006 No. 35-FZ "About counteraction to terrorism" (further - or you will lock the judgment about liquidation activities of the extremist or terrorist organization).

This restriction extends to persons who were the founder, the member of collegiate governing body, the head, the deputy manager, the head of regional or other structural division, the deputy manager of regional or other structural division, the participant, the member, the employee of the extremist or terrorist organization or the other person involved in activities of the extremist or terrorist organization, in time, beginning in three years prior to day of the introduction in legal force of the judgment about liquidation or will lock activities of the extremist or terrorist organization - for the founder, the member of collegiate governing body, the head, the deputy manager, the head of regional or other structural division, the deputy manager of regional or other structural division, in one year prior to day of the introduction in legal force of the judgment about liquidation or you will lock activities of the extremist or terrorist organization - for the participant, the member, the employee of the extremist or terrorist organization and the other person involved in activities of the extremist or terrorist organization, and also after the introduction in legal force of the specified judgment.

Provisions of this Item extend to participants, members, employees of the extremist or terrorist organization and other persons in whose actions the judgment which took legal effect establishes participation in activities of the extremist or terrorist organization: direct realization of the purposes and (or) forms of activities (including separate actions) in connection with which the relevant organization was acknowledged extremist or terrorist, and (or) support expression by statements, including statements in Internet network, or other actions (provision of money, property, organizational and methodical, advisory or other help) to those purposes and (or) forms of activities (including to separate actions) the relevant organization in connection with which it was acknowledged extremist or terrorist.

Persons which were the founder, the member of collegiate governing body, the head, the deputy manager, the head of regional or other structural division, the deputy manager of regional or other structural division of the extremist or terrorist organization cannot be elected before the expiration of five years from the date of the introduction in legal force of the judgment about liquidation or will lock activities of the extremist or terrorist organization.

Persons who were the participant, the member, the employee of the extremist or terrorist organization or the other person involved in activities of the extremist or terrorist organization cannot be elected before the expiration of three years from the date of the introduction in legal force of the judgment about liquidation or will lock activities of the extremist or terrorist organization.

4. The citizen whose residence is located within the constituency has active voting rights. Stay of the citizen of the Russian Federation out of its residence during in the district in which this residence is located of elections cannot form the basis for deprivation of its participation right in elections to public authorities of appropriate subject of the Russian Federation, local government bodies. The active voting right can be granted by the law to the citizen whose residence is located outside the constituency.

4.1. Active voting right on elections to public authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation, also the citizen of the Russian Federation who reached on the ballot day of age of 18 years which does not have registration at the place of residence in the territory of the Russian Federation, registered in the place of stay in the territory of the respective constituency, the district of referendum at least in three months prior to ballot day in case of submission by it of the statement for inclusion in the electoral register, participants of referendum on the location according to Item 16 of article 64 of this Federal Law for vote within the constituency, the district of referendum where it is registered in the place of stay has rights to vote on referendum of the subject of the Russian Federation.

5. The restrictions of passive voting right connected with finding of the residence of the citizen of the Russian Federation in certain territory of the Russian Federation including requirements to duration and term of accommodation of the citizen of the Russian Federation in this territory, are established only by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

6. The additional terms of realization by the citizen of the Russian Federation of passive voting right which are not allowing the same person to hold the same elective office of more assigned amount of terms in a row can be established by the Federal Law, the constitution (charter), the law of the subject of the Russian Federation. The additional terms of realization by the citizen of the Russian Federation of passive voting right which are not allowing the same person to hold position of the head of the municipality of more assigned amount of terms in a row can be established by the charter of the municipality.

7. In the presence concerning the citizen of the Russian Federation the become effective judgment about deprivation of its right to occupy the state and (or) municipal positions during certain term this citizen cannot be registered as the candidate if vote on elections to public authorities, local government bodies takes place before the expiration of the specified term.

8. The additional terms of realization by the citizen of the Russian Federation of passive voting right connected with achievement of certain age by the citizen can be established by the constitution (charter), the law of the subject of the Russian Federation. The established minimum age of the candidate cannot exceed 21 years on ballot day on elections of deputies of legislature of the subject of the Russian Federation and the elected official of local self-government. The citizen of the Russian Federation who reached on ballot day of age of 30 years can be proposed as the candidate for position of the management official of the subject of the Russian Federation.

9. The deputies, elected officials working at the permanent basis having no right to be engaged in business activity, and also other paid activities, except for teaching, scientific and other creative activities. At the same time teaching, scientific and other creative activities cannot be financed only by means of foreign states, the international and foreign organizations, foreign citizens and stateless persons if other is not provided by the international treaty of the Russian Federation or the legislation of the Russian Federation. Deputies of the State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, deputies of legislature of subjects of the Russian Federation cannot replace other state positions of the Russian Federation, the state positions of subjects of the Russian Federation, the position of the public civil service and positions of municipal service, except as specified, provided by the Federal Law, to be deputies of other legislative (representative) public authorities or representative bodies of the municipalities, elected officials of local self-government, except as specified, provided by the Federal Law. Elected officials of local self-government cannot be senators of the Russian Federation and deputies of the State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, deputies of legislature of subjects of the Russian Federation, to replace other state positions of the Russian Federation, the state positions of subjects of the Russian Federation (further also - the state positions), positions of the public civil service and the position of municipal service, except as specified, provided by the Federal Law. Deputies of representative bodies of municipalities cannot replace positions of municipal service, to be deputies of legislative (representative) public authorities. Other restrictions connected with the status of the deputy, elected official can be established by the Federal Law.

10. Based on international treaties of the Russian Federation and according to the procedure, established by the law, the foreign citizens who are constantly living in the territory of the respective municipality have the right to choose and be elected to local government bodies, to participate in other selective actions on the specified elections, and also to participate in local referendum on the same conditions, as citizens of the Russian Federation.

11. In case of adoption of decisions by the commission, the stipulated in Item 1 or 2 articles 63.1 of this Federal Law established by this Federal Law of sales term citizens of the Russian Federation of active voting right, the participation right in the selective actions provided by the law the participation rights in referendum, other actions for preparation and holding referendum connected with achievement of age of 18 years are determined proceeding from the last possible ballot day on the corresponding elections, referenda.

12. In case of adoption of decisions by the commission, the stipulated in Item 1 or 2 articles 63.1 of this Federal Law established by this Federal Law of sales term citizens of the Russian Federation of the right to be elected are determined proceeding from the first possible ballot day on the corresponding elections.

Article 5. Equal suffrage and the participation right in referendum

1. Citizens of the Russian Federation participate in elections and referendum on an equal basis.

2. If on elections to legislative (representative) public authority or to representative body of the municipality constituencies with different number of mandates are formed, each voter has the poll equal to number of the mandates which are subject to distribution in the constituency with the smallest number of mandates or one voice.

Article 6. Direct suffrage and the right to direct declaration of will on referendum

Citizens of the Russian Federation vote on elections and referenda respectively for candidates (candidate lists), and in the cases provided by the law - for or against the candidate, for the questions submitted for referenda or against them is direct. On elections to local government bodies citizens of the Russian Federation can also vote against all candidates (against all candidate lists) directly.

Article 7. Secret vote

Vote on elections and referendum is the secret, excluding possibility of any control of declaration of will of the citizen.

Article 8. Term of office of public authorities and local government bodies

1. The term for which federal bodies of the government are elected is established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The term for which public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation are elected deputies of the specified bodies, and the term of office of the specified bodies and deputies are established by constitutions (charters), the laws of subjects of the Russian Federation according to the Federal Law of December 21, 2021 No. 414-FZ "About the general principles of the organization of the public power in subjects of the Russian Federation". The term for which local government bodies are elected deputies of the specified bodies, and the term of office of the specified bodies and deputies are established by the charter of the municipality according to the law of the subject of the Russian Federation, at the same time the established term cannot constitute less than two and more than five years. Day of the termination of term on which public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, deputies of the specified bodies are elected is the second Sunday of September of year in which the term of office of the specified bodies or deputies expires, and in year of elections of deputies of the State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the next convocation - ballot day on the specified elections. If the second Sunday of September of year in which the term of office of the specified bodies or deputies expires matches the non-working holiday or preceding it in the afternoon, or in the afternoon, following non-working holiday, or the second Sunday of September is announced in accordance with the established procedure in the working afternoon, in the afternoon of the termination of term to which the specified bodies or deputies are elected, the third Sunday of September is.

2. Change (prolongation or reducing) of term of office of the operating bodies or the deputies specified in Item 1 of this Article is not allowed, except as specified, established by articles 81.1 and 82 of this Federal Law. The regulation about change (prolongation or reducing) established by the Federal Law, the constitution (charter), the law of the subject of the Russian Federation, the charter of the municipality of term to which public authorities are elected, local government bodies, deputies, and (or) term of office of public authority, local government body, deputies can be applied only to bodies and the deputies elected on the elections appointed after entry into force of such regulation.

3. If the term of office of the operating bodies or the deputies specified in Item 1 of this Article expires during action of emergency or warlike situation, then the specified bodies and deputies perform the powers before cancellation of emergency or warlike situation and election of new structure of the specified bodies or deputies.

Article 9. Obligation of elections

Elections of the bodies specified in Item 1 of article 8 of this Federal Law or deputies are obligatory, periodic and are carried out to the terms providing adherence to deadlines of powers of these bodies or deputies.

Article 10. Calling of an election

1. Elections of the bodies specified in Item 1 of article 8 of this Federal Law or deputies are appointed by the body authorized on that or the official.

2. Ballot day on elections to federal bodies of the government is determined according to the Federal Law.

3. In the ballot day on elections to public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation, local government bodies the second Sunday of September of year in which terms of office of the specified bodies or deputies of the specified bodies expire and if terms of office expire in year of elections of deputies of the State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the next convocation, - ballot day on the specified elections, except as specified, provided by items 4 - the 6th this Article is.

4. In case of early termination of powers of the bodies or deputies specified in Item 3 of this Article, the body involving incompetence, early elections shall be held not later than in six months from the date of such early termination of powers, except for early elections of the management official of the subject of the Russian Federation which are held taking into account terms of calling of an election, stipulated in Item the 7th this Article, on the closest second Sunday of September after such early termination of powers, and in year of elections of deputies of the State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the next convocation - in ballot day on the specified elections. At the same time during the period which begins in five months prior to stipulated in Item 3 these Articles of ballot day and comes to an end in month after the specified ballot day early elections of the head of the municipality cannot be held in other day, except the specified ballot day, and are appointed to the specified day taking into account the provisions provided by Items 6 - the 9th this Article.

5. Elections to the public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation which are again formed according to the Federal constitutional Law, the Federal Law, the constitution (charter) of the subject of the Russian Federation are appointed to the second Sunday of September, and in year of elections of deputies of the State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the next convocation - to ballot day on the specified elections or for other day according to the Federal constitutional Law, the Federal Law, the presidential decree of the Russian Federation.

5.1. Elections to local government bodies of again formed municipality shall be held not later than in one year from the date of its creation. At the same time during the period which begins in five months prior to stipulated in Item 3 these Articles of ballot day and comes to an end in month after the specified ballot day such elections cannot be held in other day, except the specified ballot day, and are appointed to the specified day taking into account the provisions provided by Items 6 - the 9th this Article.

6. Vote on elections can be appointed only to Sunday. Appointment of vote to non-working holiday, for the day preceding it, for the day following non-working holiday and on Sunday which is announced in accordance with the established procedure in the working afternoon is not allowed. If the second Sunday of September to which elections shall be appointed matches the non-working holiday or preceding it in the afternoon, or in the afternoon, following non-working holiday, or the second Sunday of September is announced in accordance with the established procedure in the working afternoon, elections are appointed to the third Sunday of September.

7. The decision on calling of an election in federal body of the government shall be made not earlier than before 110 days and not later than 90 days till ballot day. The decision on calling of an election in public authority of the subject of the Russian Federation shall be made not earlier than before 100 days and not later than 90 days till ballot day. The decision on calling of an election in local government body shall be made not earlier than before 90 days and not later than 80 days till ballot day. The decision on calling of an election is subject to official publication in mass media not later than in five days from the date of its acceptance. In case of purpose of early elections the terms specified in this Item and also terms of implementation of other selective actions can be reduced, but no more than on one third.

8. If the body authorized on that or the official does not appoint elections to terms, stipulated in Item the 7th this Article and also if the body authorized on that or the official is absent, elections are appointed: in federal bodies of the government - Russian Central Election Commission according to the procedure, established by the Federal Law; in public authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation - the electoral commission of the subject of the Russian Federation not later than 80 days till ballot day; in local government bodies - the relevant electoral commission not later than 70 days till ballot day. The decision of the electoral commission on calling of an election is published not later than in seven days from the date of the expiration stipulated in Item the 7th this Article of term of official publication of the decision on calling of an election.

9. If the relevant electoral commission does not appoint in stipulated in Item the 8th this Article term elections of the bodies specified in Item 1 of article 8 of this Federal Law or deputies or if such electoral commission is absent and cannot be created according to the procedure, provided by this Federal Law, the relevant court of law according to statements of voters, the electoral associations, public authorities, local government bodies, the term no later than which the body authorized on that or the official, and in case of their absence - the relevant electoral commission elections shall appoint can determine the prosecutor. At the same time the court also has the right to assign to Russian Central Election Commission or the electoral commission of the subject of the Russian Federation (according to the level of elections) to create obligation in ten-day time from the date of judgment entry into force temporary electoral commission in number of no more than 15 members of the commission with observance of the requirements to structure of the electoral commission provided by articles 22, of the 23 and 29 this Federal Law, and in the absence of the representative to appoint elections of body or the official - also to establish the term during which temporary electoral commission shall appoint elections. The term of office and the number of members of temporary electoral commission with the right of casting vote are established by the electoral commission which created it.

Article 10.1. Elections, referendum in case of introduction of high alert or emergency situation, warlike situation

1. In case of introduction of high alert or emergency situation according to the Federal Law of December 21, 1994 No. 68-FZ "About protection of the population and the territories against emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature" in all territory or on parts of the territory of the constituency, district of referendum if in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation about elections and referenda are appointed or elections according to terms, stipulated in Article the 10th this Federal Law, referendum shall be appointed, vote can be postponed.

2. In the case specified in Item 1 of this Article, the decision on adjournment of vote can be made in case of introduction of high alert or emergency situation:

1) in the territory of the municipality - the electoral commission of the subject of the Russian Federation concerning respectively municipal elections, referenda in the territory of the respective municipality;

2) in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation or in the territories of two and more municipalities of the subject of the Russian Federation - Russian Central Election Commission concerning any elections, referenda in the territory of appropriate subject of the Russian Federation;

3) in the territory of the Russian Federation or at least than one third of subjects of the Russian Federation concerning federal elections (except for by-election of deputies of the State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation), in the territory of the Russian Federation or in the territories of two and more subjects of the Russian Federation concerning other elections (including by-election of deputies of the State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation), referenda of subjects of the Russian Federation, local referenda - Russian Central Election Commission.

3. Terms and procedure for making of the selective actions in case of adoption of the decision by the relevant electoral commission, stipulated in Item 2 these Articles, are determined by this commission in each case proceeding from features of high alert and (or) emergency situation in the corresponding territory.

4. In case of adoption by the electoral commission of the decision on adjournment of vote on the corresponding elections bodies and deputies perform the powers before cancellation of high alert and (or) emergency situation and election of new structure of the specified bodies or deputies.

5. In case of introduction of warlike situation according to the Federal constitutional Law of January 30, 2002 "About warlike situation" the management official of the subject of the Russian Federation in the territory of which the warlike situation is effective has the right to send to No. 1-FKZ to Russian Central Election Commission the offer on calling of an election, referendum in the territory of appropriate subject of the Russian Federation:

1) concerning elections to public authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation - not earlier than before 105 days and not later than 95 days till ballot day;

2) concerning elections to local government bodies - not earlier than before 95 days and not later than 85 days till ballot day;

3) concerning referendum of the subject of the Russian Federation, local referendum - within five days from the date of recognition of the subject of the Russian Federation by legislature or representative body of the municipality of compliance of the question submitted for referendum, to requirements of article 12 of this Federal Law.

5.1. In case of combination of ballot days on elections of different levels, stipulated in Item the 5th this Article, the offer on calling of an election shall be directed during the terms established for elections of higher level.

5.2. In case of introduction of warlike situation on parts of the territory of the Russian Federation after calling of an election, referendum, stipulated in Item this Article if the respective constituency, the district of referendum includes such part of the territory, the management official of the subject of the Russian Federation in the territory of which martial law is imposed, the offer on carrying out the corresponding elections, referendum within five days from the date of introduction of warlike situation, but no later than the day preceding ballot day has the right to send the 5th to Russian Central Election Commission.

6. The Russian Central Election Commission not later than in five days from the date of receipt of the offer, stipulated in Item 5 or 5.2 these Articles, but no later than the day preceding ballot day holds consultations with the federal executive body performing functions on development and realization of state policy, normative legal regulation in the field of defense and federal executive body in the field of safety.

6.1. In case of introduction of warlike situation on part of the territory of the Russian Federation before calling of an election in federal bodies of the government the Russian Central Election Commission not later than in five days from the date of official publication of the decision on purpose of such elections, and in case of introduction of warlike situation after calling of an election - not later than in five days from the date of introduction of warlike situation, but no later than the day preceding ballot day holds consultations with the federal executive body performing functions on development and realization of state policy, normative legal regulation in the field of defense, federal executive body in the field of safety and the management official of the subject of the Russian Federation in the territory of which martial law is imposed.

7. Following the results of consultations, stipulated in Item 6 or 6.1 these Articles, the Russian Central Election Commission taking into account terms, stipulated in Item the 7th article 10 of this Federal Law, makes the decision on purpose of the corresponding elections (including with possibility of reducing terms of the selective actions), referendum or on variation of the offer of the management official of the subject of the Russian Federation on their appointment, and in the cases provided by Items 5.2 and 6.1 of this Article, without delay makes the decision on elections, referendum or on impossibility of elections, referendum on part of the territory of the Russian Federation on which martial law is imposed.

8. The Russian Central Election Commission makes the decision on purpose (carrying out) of elections, referendum in the territory of appropriate subject of the Russian Federation what without delay informs the President of the Russian Federation on, and in case of elections of the President of the Russian Federation - also the Federation Council of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. At the same time elections, referendum will be organized and carried out by the commission of appropriate level.

9. If following the results of consultations, stipulated in Item the 6th this Article, the Russian Central Election Commission will reject the offer of the management official of the subject of the Russian Federation on purpose (carrying out) of elections, referendum, the Russian Central Election Commission without delay informs on it the management official of the subject of the Russian Federation.

10. If preparation and elections to public authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, referendum of the subject of the Russian Federation, local referendum after their appointment according to Item 8 of this Article or decision making on their carrying out according to Item 5.2 of this Article can pose threat of life and to health of citizens of the Russian Federation, the corresponding elections, referendum are postponed according to the decision of Russian Central Election Commission what it without delay informs the President of the Russian Federation on.

10.1. If preparation and carrying out federal elections in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation after decision making about their carrying out according to Item 8 of this Article can pose threat of life and to health of citizens of the Russian Federation, the corresponding elections in the specified territory according to the decision of Russian Central Election Commission are not held or stop and can be resumed according to the procedure, stipulated in Item the 11th this Article, according to aggregate terms of the election campaign in the federal constituency.

10.2. About the decision made according to Item 10.1 of this Article, the Russian Central Election Commission without delay informs the President of the Russian Federation and if the decision is made on election of the president of the Russian Federation, - also the Federation Council of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

11. In case of elimination of the circumstances which formed the basis for adjournment (suspension) of elections, referendum, the election campaign or campaign of referendum can be resumed according to the decision of Russian Central Election Commission according to the procedure, provided by Items 5.2 - the 8th this Article.

12. By the legislation of the Russian Federation on elections and referenda other features of preparation and elections, referendum during action of warlike situation can be provided.

Article 11. Legislation of the Russian Federation on elections and referenda

1. The legislation of the Russian Federation on elections is constituted by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, this Federal Law, other Federal Laws, constitutions (charters), the laws of subjects of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal acts about elections adopted in the Russian Federation.

2. The legislation of the Russian Federation on referenda is constituted by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal constitutional Law "About Referendum of the Russian Federation", this Federal Law, other Federal Laws, constitutions (charters), the laws of subjects of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal acts about referenda adopted in the Russian Federation.

3. In case of acceptance during the election campaign, during campaign of referendum of the subject of the Russian Federation or local referendum of the law containing provisions which determine procedure for preparation and carrying out the corresponding elections, referendum or in case of entering into this period into the law of the changes concerning procedure for preparation and carrying out the corresponding elections, referendum, the specified laws and changes are applied to elections which are appointed after their entry into force, and to referendum which initiative of carrying out is announced after entry into force of the specified laws and changes.

4. If the term of office of public authority of the subject of the Russian Federation, local government body expired or powers were ahead of schedule stopped, and the relevant law of the subject of the Russian Federation on elections is absent or the provision (provisions) of the law of the subject of the Russian Federation cannot be applied (cannot be applied) owing to recognition by its court invalid and not subject to application, elections to public authority of the subject of the Russian Federation, to local government body regarding provision (provisions) of the law of the subject of the Russian Federation recognized by court invalid and not subject to application, are carried out by the relevant electoral commission on the basis of this Federal Law, other Federal Laws providing realization of the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to choose and be elected to public authorities and local government bodies, and in case if the available legal base is insufficient, in the part which is not settled by the law, also on the basis of presidential decrees of the Russian Federation.

5. If the law of the subject of the Russian Federation on referendum of the subject of the Russian Federation, on local referendum is absent or the provision (provisions) of the law of the subject of the Russian Federation cannot be applied (cannot be applied) owing to recognition by its court invalid and not subject to application, referendum of appropriate level regarding provision (provisions) of the law of the subject of the Russian Federation recognized by court invalid and not subject to application, is carried out by the relevant commission of referendum on the basis of this Federal Law, other Federal Laws providing realization of the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to participation in referendum and if the available legal base is insufficient, in the part which is not settled by the law, also on the basis of presidential decrees of the Russian Federation.

Article 11.1. Procedure for calculation of the terms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on elections and referenda

1. If any action can (shall) be performed from the date of approach of any event, then (shall) be is performed in the first afternoon in which this action can, calendar date of approach of the corresponding event, but not earlier than time of approach of this event is.

2. If any action can (shall) be performed not later than certain number of days or for certain number of days about day of approach of any event, then respectively last afternoon or (shall) be is performed in the afternoon when this action can, day after which there is number of days specified in this Federal Law about day of approach of the corresponding event is.

3. If any action can (shall) be performed not earlier than before certain number of days about day of approach of any event, then (shall) be is performed in the first afternoon when this action can, day after which there is number of days specified in this Federal Law about day of approach of the corresponding event is.

4. If any action can (shall) be performed not later than through certain number of days after day of approach of any event, then this action can (shall) be is performed during the number of days specified in this Federal Law. At the same time the day following after calendar date of approach of this event, and the last - the day following behind day in which the specified number of days expires is considered in the first afternoon.

Chapter II. Guarantees of the right of citizens of the Russian Federation for announcement of referendum

Article 12. Referendum questions

1. The questions which are subject to removal at referendum of the Russian Federation, and also questions which cannot be submitted for referendum of the Russian Federation are determined by the Federal constitutional Law.

2. Only the questions which are under authority of the subject of the Russian Federation or under joint maintaining the Russian Federation and subjects of the Russian Federation can be submitted for referendum of the subject of the Russian Federation if the specified questions are not settled by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law.

3. Only questions of local value can be submitted for local referendum.

4. The questions which are subject to obligatory removal at referendum of the subject of the Russian Federation can be determined by the Federal Law, the constitution (charter), the law of the subject of the Russian Federation. The questions which are subject to obligatory removal at local referendum can be determined by the Federal Law, the constitution (charter), the law of the subject of the Russian Federation, the charter of the municipality.

5. Questions of referendum shall not limit or cancel the conventional rights and freedoms of man and citizen, the constitutional sales warranties of such rights and freedoms.

6. Questions of referendum of the subject of the Russian Federation shall not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation. Questions of local referendum shall not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation, the legislation of appropriate subject of the Russian Federation.

7. The question of referendum shall be formulated so that the possibility of its multiple interpretation was excluded, that is on it it would be possible to give only definite answer and also that uncertainty of consequence in law of the decision made on referendum was excluded.

8. Questions cannot be submitted for referendum of the subject of the Russian Federation, local referendum:

a) about early termination or prolongation of term of office of public authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, about suspension of implementation of the powers by them, and also about holding early elections to public authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation, local government bodies or about delay of the specified elections;

b) about staff of public authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation, local government bodies;

c) about election of deputies and officials, about approval, about position assignment and about dismissal of officials, and also about consent on their position assignment and dismissal;

d) about acceptance or about change of the relevant budget, execution and change of financial liabilities of the subject of the Russian Federation, the municipality;

e) about acceptance of emergency and urgent measures on ensuring health and safety of the population.

9. Establishment of other restrictions for the questions submitted for referendum except specified in this Article, is not allowed.

Article 13. The circumstances excluding appointment and holding referendum

1. The referendum is not appointed and is not held in the conditions of the military or state of emergency imposed in the territory of the Russian Federation or in the territory in which it is supposed to hold referendum, or on part of this territory and also within three months after cancellation of warlike or emergency state, except as specified, provided by Items 8 and 11 of article 10.1 of this Federal Law.

2. The public authority of the subject of the Russian Federation, local government body authorized according to the constitution (charter), the law of the subject of the Russian Federation, the charter of the municipality to make the decision on the announcement of referendum having the right to refuse announcement of referendum only in case of violation in case of promotion of initiative of holding referendum of the regulatory legal acts regulating preparation and holding the corresponding referendum.

3. The fixed term during which referendum of the subject of the Russian Federation, the local referendum with the same formulation of question in sense is not held can be the law of the subject of the Russian Federation, the charter of the municipality. The specified term cannot exceed two years from the date of official publication of results of referendum.

4. Establishment of other circumstances excluding appointment and holding referendum except specified in this Article, is not allowed.

Article 14. Initiative of holding referendum

1. The initiative of holding referendum in the Russian Federation belongs to the citizens of the Russian Federation having the participation right in referendum.

2. The initiative of holding referendum can be provided by the Federal Law to other subjects.

3. For promotion of initiative of holding referendum, stipulated in Item 1 this Article, and petition of citizens of the Russian Federation in its support the initiative group on holding referendum is formed. The citizen or group of citizens of the Russian Federation having the participation right in referendum has the right to form such initiative group. The quantitative structure of initiative group on holding referendum of the Russian Federation is established by the Federal constitutional Law, the quantitative structure of initiative group on holding referendum of the subject of the Russian Federation, local referendum is established by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation according to Item 1 of article 36 of this Federal Law. Announce initiative of holding referendum of the subject of the Russian Federation, local referendum also the electoral association, other public association which charter provides participation in elections and (or) referenda and which is registered according to the procedure, determined by the Federal Law, at the level corresponding to referendum level or at higher level not later than one year about day of formation of initiative group on holding referendum can. In this case the governing body of this electoral association, other public association or governing body of its regional department or other structural division (according to referendum level) irrespective of its number acts as initiative group on holding referendum.

4. For announcement of referendum the initiative group on holding referendum formed according to Item 3 of this Article shall provide to the body established by the Federal constitutional Law, the law of the subject of the Russian Federation, the charter of the municipality, the signature of participants of referendum in support of initiative of its carrying out.

Article 15. Announcement of referendum

1. Appointment and holding referendum is obligatory if the procedure and terms of promotion of initiative of holding referendum and its realization established according to referendum level by the Federal constitutional Law "About Referendum of the Russian Federation", this Federal Law, the constitution (charter), the law of the subject of the Russian Federation, the charter of the municipality are observed.

2. Acceptance by public authority, other state body, local government body of the decision to the point which can be submitted for referendum, is not the circumstance excluding possibility of holding referendum on the matter.

3. The referendum of the Russian Federation is appointed according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal constitutional Law.

4. The referendum of the subject of the Russian Federation is appointed by legislature of the subject of the Russian Federation according to this Federal Law, other Federal Law, the constitution (charter), the law of the subject of the Russian Federation.

5. The local referendum is appointed according to this Federal Law, the constitution (charter), the law of the subject of the Russian Federation, the charter of the municipality representative body of the municipality, and in case of absence of the specified body or rejection of the decision by it at the scheduled time - court.

6. Vote on referendum can be appointed only to Sunday. Appointment of vote on holiday and non-working festive days, for the day following non-working holiday and also on Sunday which is in accordance with the established procedure announced in the working afternoon is not allowed. The decision on announcement of referendum of the Russian Federation, referendum of the subject of the Russian Federation is subject to official publication in mass media at least in 60 days prior to ballot day, local referendum - at least in 45 days prior to ballot day.

7. According to the law of the subject of the Russian Federation, the charter of the municipality vote on referendum of the subject of the Russian Federation, local referendum not later than 25 days before appointed day of vote can be postponed by the representative for that body for later term (but no more than for 90 days) for the purpose of its combination with ballot day on the appointed elections to public authorities or local government bodies or with ballot day on other appointed referendum.

8. The decision on announcement of referendum, and also on transferring of ballot day on referendum according to Item 7 of this Article is subject to official publication in mass media not later than in five days from the date of its acceptance.

Chapter III. Guarantees of the rights of citizens of the Russian Federation in case of registration (accounting) of voters, participants of referendum, creation of electoral registers, participants of referendum, formation of constituencies, the polling precincts, sites of referendum

Article 16. Registration (accounting) of voters, participants of referendum

1. All voters, participants of referendum are subject to registration (accounting).

2. Registration (accounting) of voters, the participants of referendum living in the territory of the respective municipality is performed by the head of local administration of the municipal district, municipal district, city district, the intracity territory of the federal city, and in the cases provided by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation - the federal cities, - the head of territorial executive body of the federal city. The basis for registration (accounting) of voters, participants of referendum in the territory of the municipality is the fact of finding of the residence (concerning displaced persons the fact of temporary stay) voters, participants of referendum in the corresponding territory. The specified fact is determined based on the data represented by the bodies performing registration of citizens of the Russian Federation in the place of stay and at the place of residence within the Russian Federation.

3. Registration (accounting) of voters, participants of referendum of the military personnel, members of their families and other voters, the participants of referendum living in limits of arrangement of military unit is performed by the commander of military unit. The basis for registration (accounting) of this category of voters, participants of referendum is the fact of finding of their residence within arrangement of military unit determined based on the data represented by the relevant service of military unit.

4. Registration (accounting) of the voters, the participants of referendum living outside the Russian Federation or who are in long foreign business trips is performed by the head of the relevant diplomatic representation or consular establishment of the Russian Federation. The basis for registration (accounting) of this category of voters, participants of referendum is the fact of their permanent residence in the territory of foreign state or stay in long foreign business trip in the territory of the corresponding foreign state established by diplomatic representations, consular establishments of the Russian Federation.

5. The bodies performing registration of citizens of the Russian Federation in the place of stay and at the place of residence within the Russian Federation issue and replacement of identity documents of the citizen of the Russian Federation in the territory of the Russian Federation, at least represent once a month data on the facts of issue and replacement of the passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation, registration and removal from registration accounting at the place of residence (concerning displaced persons - in the place of stay) citizens of the Russian Federation, issue of the passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation in defiance of established procedure with indication of the following personal data of the citizen: surnames, name, middle name, birth date, the birthplace, floor, nationality, the residential address (concerning displaced persons - the place of stay), the document type proving the identity, series and numbers of this document, the name or code of the body which issued the document, dates of issue of the document - in Russian Central Election Commission and (or) the head of local administration of the municipal district, municipal district, city district, the intracity territory of the federal city, and in the cases provided by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation - the federal cities, - to the head of territorial executive body of the federal city in the place of the stay.

6. The head of local administration of the municipal district, municipal district, city district, the intracity territory of the federal city, and in the cases provided by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation - the federal cities, the head of territorial executive body of the federal city receives data on state registration of death and data on introduction of corrections or changes in record of acts of death from the Unified state register of civil registrations according to the procedure provided by the Federal Law of November 15, 1997 No. 143-FZ "About acts of civil status".

7. At least once in three months the bodies performing military accounting report about the citizens of the Russian Federation who are called up (arrived under the contract) for military service (discharged from military service), and bodies (organizations) of criminal executive system - about the citizens containing in places of detention according to the court verdict, the head of local administration of the municipal district, municipal district, city district, the intracity territory of the federal city, and in the cases provided by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation - the federal cities, - to the head of territorial executive body of the federal city at the place of residence of the citizen.

8. Court, having made the decision on recognition of the citizen incapacitated, and also the decision on recognition of the citizen who is earlier recognized by court incapacitated, capable reports about the made decision to the head of local administration of the municipal district, municipal district, city district, the intracity territory of the federal city, and in the cases provided by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation - the federal cities, - to the head of territorial executive body of the federal city at the place of residence of the citizen.

9. The data specified in Items 5 - the 8th this Article, at least are transferred once a month by the head of local administration of the municipal district, municipal district, city district, the intracity territory of the federal city, and in the cases provided by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation - the federal cities, the head of territorial executive body of the federal city in the electoral commission of the subject of the Russian Federation for forming and maintaining the register of voters, participants of referendum.

9.1. The procedure for transfer to Russian Central Election Commission of the data specified in Item 5 of this Article is established by Russian Central Election Commission in coordination with the federal executive body performing functions on development and realization of state policy and normative legal regulation in the sphere of internal affairs.

10. Registration of the voters, participants of referendum and establishment of number registered in the territory of the municipality, the subject of the Russian Federation in the Russian Federation and outside the territory of the Russian Federation of voters, participants of referendum are performed as of January 1 and on July 1 every year with use of state automated system "Elections".

11. Registration (accounting) of voters, participants of referendum, establishment of number of the registered voters, participants of referendum, forming and maintaining the register of voters, participants of referendum are performed according to the procedure, established by regulations on the state system of registration (accounting) of voters, participants of referendum which affirm Russian Central Election Commission.

12. The voter, the participant of referendum has the right to easy access to documentary information (personal data) about themselves, including to information which is on machine-readable carriers to refining of this information for the purpose of ensuring its completeness and reliability, and also has the right to know who and in what purposes uses or used this information by whom and to whom she is presented.


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Effectively work with search system

Database include more 50000 documents. You can find needed documents using search system. For effective work you can mix any on documents parameters: country, documents type, date range, teams or tags.
More about search system

Get help

If you cannot find the required document, or you do not know where to begin, go to Help section.

In this section, we’ve tried to describe in detail the features and capabilities of the system, as well as the most effective techniques for working with the database.

You also may open the section Frequently asked questions. This section provides answers to questions set by users.

Search engine created by SoyuzPravoInform LLC.