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The document ceased to be valid since January 1, 2019 according to Item 2 of the Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 29, 2018 No. 269


of March 1, 2010 No. 24

About approval of Requirements to content and production of forms of insurance policies, to registration and issue of insurance policies on compulsory insurance of civil responsibility of owners of vehicles, compulsory insurance of civil responsibility of tour operator or travel agent, and also to contents of statements of the insurer for the conclusion of agreements of compulsory insurance by separate types of compulsory insurance

(as amended on 22-12-2017)

For the purpose of implementation of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 30, 2009 "About modification and amendments in some legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan concerning compulsory and mutual insurance, the taxation", the Board of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and supervision of the financial market and the financial organizations (further - the Agency) DECIDES:

1. Approve:

1) Requirements to content and production of forms of insurance policies, registration and issue of insurance policies on compulsory insurance of civil responsibility of owners of vehicles, compulsory insurance of civil responsibility of tour operator or travel agent according to appendix 1 to this resolution (further - Requirements);

2) Requirements to contents of the statement of the insurer for the conclusion of the agreement of compulsory insurance of civil responsibility of owners of vehicles according to appendix 2 to this resolution;

3) Requirements to contents of the statement of the insurer for the conclusion of the agreement of compulsory insurance in crop production according to appendix 3 to this resolution;

4) Requirements to contents of the statement of the insurer for the conclusion of the agreement of compulsory insurance of civil responsibility of tour operator or the travel agent and the list of copies of the documents confirming the data specified in the statement according to appendix 3-1 to this resolution.

2. Recognize invalid regulatory legal acts according to appendix 4 to this resolution.

3. This resolution becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication, except for Chapter 2 of Requirements which becomes effective since January 1, 2011.

4. To department of supervision of subjects of the insurance market and other financial organizations (Karakulov D. Sh.):

1) together with Legal department (Sarsenova N. C) to take measures to state registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan of this resolution;

2) in ten-day time from the date of state registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan to bring this resolution to the attention of the interested divisions of the Agency, the insurance (reinsurance) organizations, Consolidation of legal entities "Association of financiers of Kazakhstan" and Actuarial Statistical Bureau LLP.

5. To service of the Chairman of the Agency to take measures to the publication of this resolution in mass media of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

6. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the vice-chairman of the Agency Aldambergen A. U.



Appendix 1

to the Resolution of Board of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and supervision of the financial market and the financial organizations of March 1, 2010 No. 24

Requirements to content and production of forms of insurance policies, registration and issue of insurance policies on compulsory insurance of civil responsibility of owners of vehicles, compulsory insurance of civil responsibility of tour operator or travel agent

These Requirements to content and production of forms of insurance policies, registration and issue of insurance policies on compulsory insurance of civil responsibility of owners of vehicles, compulsory insurance of civil responsibility of tour operator or travel agent (further - Requirements) are developed according to the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 18, 2000 "About insurance activity", of July 1, 2003 "About compulsory insurance of civil responsibility of owners of vehicles" (further - the Law), of December 31, 2003 "About compulsory insurance of civil responsibility of tour operator or travel agent" and establish requirements to content and production of forms of insurance policies, to registration and issue of insurance policies on compulsory insurance of civil responsibility of owners of vehicles, to compulsory insurance of civil responsibility of tour operator or travel agent.

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. The insurance policy - the document issued by the insurer to the insurer and which is the insurance contract.

2. The insurance policy contains the following data:

1) name, location, phone and bank details of the insurer;

2) surname, name, middle name (in case of its availability), individual identification number, code of the sector of economy, sign of residence (resident/nonresident), the address of the insurer (for physical persons);

3) the name, business and identification number, code of the sector of economy, sign of residence (resident/nonresident), the address, bank details of the insurer (for legal entities);

4) type of economic activity (for legal entities);

5) data on date of issue, series and number of the state license for the right of implementation of the insurance activity granted by authorized state body by the form of insurance;

6) specifying of object of insurance;

7) specifying of insured event;

8) sizes of insurance sum, procedure and terms of insurance payment;

9) the sizes of insurance premium (insurance premium if payment is made by installments), currency type, procedure and terms of its payment;

10) specifying of the territory of action of the insurance policy;

11) effective period of the insurance policy;

12) specifying about insured (beneficiary) if he is not insurer according to the insurance contract;

13) signature of the insurer;

14) insurance policy number;

15) date of issue of the insurance policy;

16) other conditions which are not contradicting the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


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