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Ministry of Justice 

Russian Federation

On February 27, 2010 No. 16519


of January 29, 2010 No. 21

About approval of the Standard scheme of the organization of the omission through frontier of the Russian Federation of persons, vehicles, loads, goods and animals at air check points through frontier of the Russian Federation

(as amended on 11-04-2017)

According to Item 2 of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 20, 2008 No. 872 "About approval of Rules of control at check points through frontier of the Russian Federation" (The Russian Federation Code, 2008, 48, of the Art. 5620) I order to No.:

Approve the enclosed Standard scheme of the organization of the omission through frontier of the Russian Federation of persons, vehicles, loads, goods and animals at air check points through frontier of the Russian Federation.

Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation

I. Levitin

The standard scheme of the organization of the omission through frontier of the Russian Federation of persons, vehicles, loads, goods and animals at air check points through frontier of the Russian Federation

I. General provisions

1.1. This Standard scheme determines the sequence of implementation of the main control actions at air check points through frontier of the Russian Federation (omission daleepunkta).

1.2. Control actions at check points are carried out concerning the aircrafts (further - AF) going from/in the foreign states, and also going on them persons, loads, goods and animals.

1.3. Border and customs control, and in the cases established by international treaties of the Russian Federation and the Federal Laws, and other types of the state control (daleegosudarstvenny control) at check points is carried out by divisions of the federal executive bodies performing boundary, customs and other types of the state control (further - the state regulatory authorities) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.4. The dispatching service of the airport (airfield) till 20:00 o'clock prior days represents to divisions of the state regulatory authorities performing the functions at the airport, the daily plan of flights of AF taking into account regular flights of AF (according to the schedule of movement of AF) and irregular flights of AF (out of the schedule of movement of AF).

All changes in the daily plan of flights of AF are approved by dispatching service of the airport (airfield) with the state regulatory authorities.

1.5. The state control AF is exercised on parking of the aircrafts determined by dispatching service of the airport (airfield) in coordination with boundary, customs authorities and bodies of sanitary and quarantine control (in case of arrival of AF from zone with adverse sanitary and epidemiologic situation).

Can begin with AF movement for departure, and equally change the parking lot only with the permission of boundary and customs органов*.

1.6. Survey (in the presence of the bases - examination) AF is performed by officials of boundary body, bodies customs, veterinary, phytosanitary quarantine control, sanitary and quarantine control (with risk of emergence of emergency situations in the field of sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population), services of aviation safety of the airport (further - SAB) jointly with the specialist of air technical base (engineering air service).

1.7. Survey of AF, following with the short-term parking (technical landing) at the international airport (airfield) of the Russian Federation, according to the decision of officials of the state regulatory authorities can not be carried out. Other control actions concerning specified to AF are performed by the state regulatory authorities in the sequence determined by this Standard scheme.

At the same time for all the time of stay of such AF at the international airport (airfield) of the Russian Federation on its parking are established additional regime ограничения*.

1.8. The state control of passengers and members of crews of AF is performed in specially equipped rooms of the check point.

For ensuring free return to the Russian Federation citizens of the Union State, provision of privileges and the passengers needing the special help (disabled people) at check points special conditions (certain canals) for implementation of control actions concerning the specified categories of persons in priority procedure can be created to owners of diplomatic passports, servicing of members of crews of aircrafts, transit and transfer passengers, passengers with small children.

In some cases according to the decision of officials of boundary and customs bodies implementation of the state control of crew members of AF and separate categories of passengers onboard AF or at its ladder is allowed.

1.9. The state control of loads, goods and animals is performed in specially equipped rooms and on the platforms of the check point including equipped with the equipment for pogruzo-unloading works.

1.10. For ensuring free servicing of passengers and members of crews of aircrafts from among citizens of the Union State, the following from/to the Republics (u) Belarus, at check points certain canals in which border control is not exercised in case of confirmation of nationality and following of these persons within the Union State are created.

II. The sequence of implementation of the main control actions by the state regulatory authorities in case of the state control of persons, vehicles, loads, goods and animals arriving to the territory of the Russian Federation

2.1. The actions of officials of the state regulatory authorities performed on the parking and onboard AF:

2.1.1. Having received the cable message (the telegram about departure of AF) with indication of number of flight, the AF type, board number, etc., the dispatching service of the airport (airfield) of arrival informs on it divisions of the state regulatory authorities.

2.1.2. After receipt of the message on landing of AF officials of the state regulatory authorities arrive to the parking of AF.

2.1.3. For AF from the moment of its landing and before statement on the parking border duties perform observation.

On the parking of the arrived AF additional regime restrictions are set. Access for persons to AF and to AF during implementation boundary and other types of control is limited, and in case of need - it is forbidden.

The bringing (opening) of ladder to the arrived AF is made with the permission of officials of boundary bodies.

2.1.4. Officials of bodies of sanitary and quarantine control the first are raised aboard AF, estimate sanitary and epidemiologic situation and within the competence make the decision on acceptance of AF or need of implementation of other actions for sanitary quarantine control.

2.1.5. Officials of the state regulatory authorities conduct survey of the commander of AF on the questions connected with implementation of the state control.

2.1.6. The commander of AF reports to officials of the state regulatory authorities the documents necessary for implementation of the state control.


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