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of December 30, 2009 No. 705

About objects, not privatizeable, and objects, privatizeable according to the decision of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan

(as amended on 17-02-2017)

According to article 9 of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About privatization of state-owned property" the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan decides:

1) to Approve the list of objects, not privatizeable (appendix 1).

2) to Approve the list of objects, privatizeable according to the decision of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan (appendix 2).

To Declare 3) invalid the order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of August 28, 1997 No. 388 "About objects, not privatizeable, and objects, privatizeable according to the decision of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan".

Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan

Emomalii Rahmon

Appendix 1

Approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of December 30, 2009, No. 705

List of objects, not privatizeable

According to article 13 of the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan the earth, its subsoil, water, airspace, animal both flora and other natural resources are exclusive property of the state, and the state guarantees their effective use for the benefit of the people. Also privatizations are not subject:

- objects of historical heritage and national property (art values, culture monuments, museums, reserves, state funds, archives and other objects of historical heritage and national property);

- office buildings and constructions of governing bodies of the government and local government;

- means of the government budget of the republic, currency reserve of the republic, Social Security Fund of the population and other state funds;

- The National Bank of Tajikistan and other organizations, organizations and the companies providing release and storage of bank notes, bonds and other government securities, gold stock of the republic;

- organizations of patent service, standardization and metrology, and also state statistics;

- objects and property of Armed Forces, security service and border troops, other law enforcement agencies, Customs Service and Tax Committee (except for objects and not military vehicles);

- the companies of hydrometeorological service and control service behind state of environment and conservation:

- the companies and organizations of sanitary and epidemiologic service (except for the serving objects and vehicles);

- the state irrigational systems, water management constructions, pumping points and pressure pipelines, water storage basins, water supply systems drinking water, the companies and objects except for serving, and also mechanisms and vehicles;

- companies medical and labor dispensary and correctional institutions; the companies for production of strong poisons, narkotikosoderzhashchy means and toxic agents, and also the performing crops, cultivation and conversion of the cultures containing narcotic and toxic agents;

- objects, companies and equipment for burial of solid industrial and household waste, cattle mortuaries:

- the companies and objects performing scientific developments and production, conversion and burial of radioactive elements and waste, devices and the equipment with use of radioactive materials and isotopes and also property of Hydroelectric power station Nurek, JSC Rogunsky Hydroelectric Power Station and the State unitary enterprise "Tajik Aluminium Company" (except for vehicles);

- the defensive companies, including the companies performing development, production, repair and realization of arms and ammunition to them, explosives, and also special materials and the equipment for their production (except for objects and not military vehicles);

- organizations on emergency situations and cases of civil defense and on providing with special property (except for the serving objects and vehicles);

- inventories of the state reserve, mobilization reserves and objects of their storage;

- the companies and the organizations performing production, repair and realization of hunting and sports firearms and ammunition to it;

- cemeteries;

- the companies and objects of the scientific and experienced and production sphere which are part of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Tajik academy of agricultural sciences (except for the serving objects and vehicles);

- state seed and breeding farms and inspections, selection and hybrid centers, sortoispytatelny stations and sites, nurseries, nurseries of laboratory animals, veterinary service and service of protection of plants;

- theaters to which the rank Academic is in accordance with the established procedure given;

- objects of representations of the Republic of Tajikistan abroad (except for vehicles and equipment);

- the companies of air traffic control system and the company connected with providing single system of air traffic control;

- created at the expense of means of the government budget or budget of the former USSR, materials on creation and condensation of the state astronomo-geodetic, leveling and gravimetric networks, including catalogs of coordinates and heights of geodetic Items and values of gravity on gravimetric Items, primary materials of space and aerial photo shoots, originals of topographical, gravimetric, geographical, thematic, special, digital, electronic and other forms of cards, plans and atlases, the historical maps, plans and atlases which are stored in specialized topographical funds (archives) of the ministries and departments;

- the companies of mail service, the public courier service, public services for supervision and regulation in areas (spheres) of communication and transport, the television and broadcasting centers (except send-receive communication centers which are privatized according to the decision of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the serving objects and vehicles).


Appendix 2

Approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of December 30, 2009, No. 705

The list of objects, privatizeable according to the decision of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan

- especially important and important objects of economic complex;

- railway tracks, highways and engineering constructions (bridges, tunnels, etc.);

- objects of fuel and energy complex (except for the serving objects and vehicles), the main power lines, oil pipelines and gas pipelines;


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