It is registered
Ministry of Justice
Republic of Uzbekistan
On January 21, 2010 No. 2071
of January 15, 2010 No. 88/1, 15 of January, 2010 No. 1
About approval of the Regulations on requirements for non-admission of use of work of minors
According to article 2 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About entering of amendments into the Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan about the administrative responsibility in connection with enhancement of the legislation on protection of the rights of minors" (2009, N 52, the Art. 551) the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the population and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan decide collection of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
1. Approve Regulations on requirements for non-admission of use of work of minors according to appendix.
2. This resolution becomes effective since February 1, 2010.
Acting Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population |
A. Haitov |
Minister of Health |
A. Ikramov |
to the Resolution of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the population, the Ministry of Health of January 15, 2010 No. 88/1, 1
This Provision according to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About entering of amendments into the Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan about the administrative responsibility in connection with enhancement of the legislation on protection of the rights of minors" (The collection of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2009, N 52, of the Art. 551) and other regulatory legal acts establishes requirements for non-admission of use of work of minors.
1. Requirements of this provision extend to all legal entities and physical persons.
2. Employment of minors is made according to requirements of the legislation on work.
3. The employer shall provide in employment legal relationship equality of minors with other workers, accomplishment of working conditions and guarantees for the minors established by the legislation.
4. Use of work of minors at works is not allowed:
carried out underground, under water, at dangerous height or in the closed space;
with dangerous mechanisms, the equipment and tools;
with unhealthy conditions under which the minor can be affected by dangerous substances or processes, or temperatures, noise levels or the vibration doing harm to his health;
which are carried out in especially difficult conditions (connected with the big duration of working hours, work at night, etc.);
which in character can damage morality of this employee category;
the weights connected with lifting and moving exceeding the established regulations.
According to the Labor code of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Sheets of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1996, appendix to N 1) the activity list with adverse conditions of work on which application of work of persons more young is forbidden than eighteen years and maximum permissible regulations in case of lifting and moving weights by persons more young than eighteen years are established by the Ministry of employment and reducing poverty of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan of consultation with the Federation Council of labor unions of Uzbekistan and representatives of employers.
5. Use of work of minors from sixteen to eighteen years at works which duration of working hours more than thirty six hours a week, and for persons aged from fifteen up to sixteen years more than twenty four hours a week, is not allowed.
Duration of working hours of the pupils working within academic year in non-study time cannot exceed half of the maximum duration of working hours provided by paragraph one of this Item for persons of the corresponding age.
6. Compensation of minor workers at the reduced duration of daily work is made in the same size, as well as for workers of the corresponding categories at the complete duration of daily work, and work of the pupils working at the companies in non-study time is paid proceeding from worked time or depending on development.
Are established by the employer for minor workers of performance standard, proceeding from general performance standards, in proportion to the reduced duration of working hours established for these workers.
7. The employer shall provide monthly to bodies for work lists with indication of surname, birth dates and positions of minor workers.
8. Passing of work practice by pupils of educational institutions at the works which are not connected with the received specialty or with harmful working conditions and also if is not allowed:
safe working conditions are not created;
instructing and technical guidance is not organized by work practice;
overalls, individual remedies provided for working corresponding specialties and professions are not issued for work practice.
9. Parents (persons, them replacing) when using work of the minor children are responsible for the state of health of the child and prevention of diseases.
10. Compulsion of the minor children to performance of work under the threat of violence or application of any punishment is forbidden to parents (to persons, them replacing).
11. Parents (persons, them replacing) not use work of the minor children at the works specified in item 4 of this provision, and also accomplishment of which can serve as obstacle in receipt of education by them.
12. Parents (persons, them replacing) when implementing according to the legislation of family entrepreneurship and mechanical activities shall observe the following requirements:
the minor family member can participate in family entrepreneurship in case of achievement of fifteen years by it;
in case of achievement of age of sixteen years can be attracted by it for production of products or goods (works, services) as the handicraftsman's pupil, and in case of achievement of age of fifteen years can be attracted by it as the handicraftsman's pupil from written consent of one of parents (persons, them replacing);
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