of December 31, 2009 No. 343
About approval of the Regulations on procedure for realization of fixed assets and incomplete construction of facilities of state-financed organizations and state unitary enterprises, and also distributions of money from their realization
For the purpose of increase in efficiency of use of state-owned property and enhancement of the mechanism of distribution of the money arriving from realization of fixed assets and incomplete construction of facilities of state-financed organizations and state unitary enterprises, the Cabinet of Ministers decides:
1. Approve Regulations on procedure for realization of fixed assets to incomplete by construction of facilities of state-financed organizations and state unitary enterprises, and also distributions of money from their realization according to appendix No. 1.
2. Make changes and additions to some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to appendix No. 2.
3. Recognize invalid some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to appendix No. 3.
4. In a month to provide to the Ministry of Finance and the State Property Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with the interested ministries and departments reduction of regulatory legal acts in compliance with this resolution.
5. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Azimov R. S.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Shavkat Mirziyoev
Appendix No. 1
to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 31, 2009 No. 343
1. This Provision according to the Civil code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About privatization and privatization" and other acts of the legislation establishes procedure for realization of fixed assets and incomplete construction of facilities of state-financed organizations and state unitary enterprises, and also distributions of money from their realization.
2. Action of this provision does not extend to fixed assets and incomplete construction objects of state-financed organizations and state unitary enterprises which are collected on account of repayment of debts of the third parties to state-financed organization and the state unitary enterprise.
3. If decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan or the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan the means which arrived from realization of fixed assets and incomplete construction of facilities of state-financed organizations and state unitary enterprises or their part go to other purposes, this Provision extends to their rest.
4. Realization of fixed assets and incomplete state-financed organizations and the state unitary enterprises is performed by construction of facilities (except for implemented according to decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan) in case of satisfaction of one of the following conditions:
termination of fixed term of service (wear-out charge);
receipt to unsuitable condition owing to their physical wear, accident, natural disasters, violations of normal service conditions;
technical obsolenscence;
release in connection with construction, expansion, reconstruction, upgrade and reorganization of state-financed organizations and state unitary enterprises.
5. Buildings and constructions (including not finished by construction) state-financed organizations are implemented by Agency on management of the state assets of the Republic of Uzbekistan or its territorial administrations (further - Agency on management of the state assets) according to the procedure of privatization, except as specified, stipulated in Item the 6th this provision.
Other fixed assets of state-financed organizations, except as specified, stipulated in Item the 6th this provision, are implemented by state-financed organizations in coordination with superior organization, in case of absence of superior organization - independently according to the legislation.
Buildings and constructions (including not finished by construction), automotor-vehicles, and also other fixed assets of state-financed organizations are subject to realization on biddings on electronic trade platform of "E-auksion" after value assessment by the estimative organizations.
Upon the demand of superior organization (in the presence) or on own initiative state-financed organizations fixed assets, except as specified, provided by paragraph one of this Item, can be realized on electronic trade platform of "E-auksion" after value assessment of fixed assets by the estimative organizations.
6. Fixed assets and incomplete objects of the representations of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad which are state-financed organizations are implemented by construction in the following procedure:
buildings and constructions (including incomplete construction) - on the basis of decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
other fixed assets - representations of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad independently in coordination with superior organization (in the presence) by means of the conclusion of direct agreements according to the legislation of the country of arrangement.
7. The means which arrived from realization of buildings and constructions (including not finished by construction), provided by paragraph one of Item 5 of this provision accumulate on accounts of off-budget fund on management, transformation and privatization of the state assets and irrespective of sources of their acquisition are distributed by the Agency as means from privatization.
8. The means which arrived from realization of fixed assets of state-financed organizations according to the procedure, provided by the paragraph the second Item 5 of this provision, accumulate on the off-budget treasurer personal accounts opened in the relevant divisions of Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The specified funds are distributed automatically by the electronic E-auksion platform in the following procedure:
50 percent - in the income of the relevant budget;
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