It is registered
Ministry of Justice
Republic of Tajikistan
On January 14, 2010 No. 13
of January 12, 2010 No. 587
About use of renewable energy resources
This Law determines organizational, legal and economic basis of energy saving, decrease in level of anthropogenous impact on the environment and climate, effective use of renewable energy resources, power of state bodies, the right and obligation of physical persons and legal entities in the field of use of renewable energy resources.
In this Law the following basic concepts are used:
- renewable energy resources - the fuels which are not relating to fossil types, sources which are constantly existing or periodically arising in the environment under the influence of flows of the sun, wind, water (natural and artificial water currents and reservoirs), geothermal waters, wood waste and biomass;
- use of renewable energy resources - set of the actions directed to transformation, accumulating, distribution and consumption of renewable energy, and also material logistics of these actions;
- traditional energy - energy and hydrocarbonic raw materials (coal, the oil, gas) received from renewable sources, in particular from hydropower plants with installed capacity 30 and more than a megawatts;
- small-scale power generation - micro, pass also small power plants capacity respectively to 100 kW, from 101 to 1000 kW and from 1001 to 30000 kW;
- producers of energy from renewable energy resources the physical persons and legal entities performing energy production by means of installations on use of renewable energy resources for energy ensuring the activities and also for the purpose of its subsequent realization through energy network;
- energy consumers from renewable energy resources - physical and legal and persons acquiring the energy made using installations on use of renewable energy resources for own needs or the physical persons and legal entities acquiring such energy for its subsequent realization through energy network;
- the certificate of conformity - the document issued according to the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan confirmatory that the energy made by means of installation on use of renewable energy resources conforms to the technical regulation, standards and other requirements of technical regulations;
- installation on use of renewable energy resources
- processing equipment or complex of processing equipment on production, transformation, accumulation and the transmission of energy made from renewable energy resources;
- the energy made from renewable energy resources, the electrical, heat and (or) mechanical energy made through installations on use of renewable energy resources;
- operators of energy network - the legal entities who are engaged in services in production, transfer and distribution of energy;
- the operator of energy network - the legal entity rendering services by transfer and distribution of energy;
- energy network - technical means on transfer and distribution of electrical and heat energy.
The legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan on use of renewable energy resources is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan and consists of this Law, other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Tajikistan and the international legal acts recognized by Tajikistan.
This law regulates activities in the field of renewable energy resources in the Republic of Tajikistan, including:
- establishes the principles and the purposes of state policy in the field of development of renewable energy resources;
- determines methods of integration of renewable energy resources in republican power system;
- performs organizational, research project, expert, design, regulating activities, uses of renewable energy resources directed to increase;
- provides correlation (interrelation) of activities in the field of production, accounting, transportation, distribution and energy use from renewable energy resources;
- determines the economic and organizational measures directed to production incentive and uses of renewable energy resources.
According to the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan treat renewable energy resources:
- solar energy;
- wind energy;
- energy of natural and artificial water currents and reservoirs;
- geothermal power;
- wood waste, biomass in the form of waste of the industry, rural and forest, housing-and-municipal farms and household waste.
1. The solar energy can be used in the following purposes:
- receipt of heat energy by means of application of solar collectors or passive systems of heating;
- receipt of electrical energy by means of use of systems with thermodynamic cycle of transformation;
- receipt of electrical energy by means of use of systems with direct methods of transformation of energy (photo-electric, thermoelectric, thermophoto-electric, etc.);
- receipt of electrical, heat energy by means of use of the combined systems with different methods of transformation;
- receipt of hydrogen as energy carrier by means of application of methods of photolysis and photoelectrolysis of water;
- carrying out separate engineering procedures (in dryers, distillers, solar greenhouses and other devices).
2. Wind energy can be used for the purpose of obtaining:
electrical energy by means of application of vetroelektrichesky installations;
mechanical energy by means of application of vetromekhanichesky and vetrogidrodinamichesky installations.
3. Energy of water currents and reservoirs can be used for the purpose of obtaining:
- electrical energy by means of application of microhydroelectric power stations of besplotinny type (derivational, pontoon and svobodnopotochny);
- electrical energy by means of application of microhydroelectric power stations and small hydroelectric power stations with low pressure dikes (available on water storage basins and ponds or constructed specially);
- electrical energy by means of application of microhydroelectric power stations on artificial pressure head waterways (in channels and pipelines);
- mechanical energy by means of use of physical properties of water and differences of levels of reservoirs.
4. The geothermal power can be used for the purpose of obtaining:
- heat energy with use as the heat carrier of geothermal water, geothermal vapor or geothermal combustible gas;
- electrical energy by means of use of turbines with use of high-temperature geothermal steam-and-water mix or the srednepotentsialny geothermal heat carrier.
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