Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The document is cancelled since  December 4, 2015 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 4, 2015 No. 993

Approved by the order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 16, 2009 No. 167

Requirements of industrial safety in gas economy of the companies of ferrous metallurgy

(as amended of the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of RK of 21.10.2009 No. 244)

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. These Requirements extend to designing, construction (installation), operation and reconstruction of objects of gas economy of agglomerative, coke-chemical, domain, steel-smelting, rolling, pipe-rolling, fire-resistant, hardware and mining production, repair and other shops, and also the objects of energy economy connected with preparation, transportation and consumption blast-furnace, the coke, enriched coke, converter, ferroalloy, natural gas, associated oil gases, and also their mixes with excessive pressure to 1,2 of MPa and liquefied propane-butane with pressure to 1,6 of the MPa used in fuel quality at the companies of ferrous metallurgy.

Treat objects of gas economy: intershop and shop gas pipelines of the specified gases, the gas equipment of the furnaces, coppers and other aggregates consuming gas, installations for purification of domain and ferroalloy gases, the gas-waste devices, gazopovysitelny, gas-compressor and gas turbine broad stations which are gas-sucking away stations of ferroalloy gas, gas-mixing installations, gas control Items and installations, and also interfactory gas pipelines and gas pipelines to the separate objects of the company located in the isolated territories.

2. Action of these Requirements does not extend on:

1) the gas pipelines and gas installations which are not listed in Item 1 (hydrogen, acetylene, the dissociated ammonia and others);

2) gas pipelines and installations with pressure of combustible gases is higher than 1,2 of MPa and liquefied propane - butane - above MPa 1,6;

3) underground gas pipelines of natural and passing oil gases;

4) gas-filling Items and stations;

5) balloon, reservoir and evaporating installations liquefied propane - butane;

6) the installed gas household objects located in the territory of the company.

The existing safety requirements in gas economy extend to the underground gas pipelines and other objects specified in subitems 3) - 6) Item 2,.

3. In the workshops having gas economy are developed:

1) production schedules;

2) liquidation plan of accidents.

Production schedules - the internal regulating document of the company establishing production methods, technology standard rates, technical means, conditions and the procedure for carrying out engineering procedure providing finished goods with the quality indicators meeting the requirements of standards, establishing safety of conducting works and achievement of optimum technical and economic indicators of production.

Chapter 2. General requirements to combustible gases, arrangement and the device of gas pipelines and gas installations

4. The combustible gases used in furnaces, coppers and other gas-consuming aggregates (domain, coke, converter and ferroalloy) shall conform to requirements of production schedules.

5. The liquefied propane-butane sootvetstvovut GOST 20448-90. The smell of gas is felt in case of its content in air no more than 20% of the lower concentration limit of ignition.

6. Gas pipelines and gas installations depending on the settlement pressure of gas in them are divided into gas pipelines and installations:

1) low pressure - with gas pressure to 0, MPa inclusive (the gas pressure specified here and in the further text is excessive);

2) average pressure - with pressure of gas of more 0,1 to MPa 0,3;

3) high pressure - with pressure of gas of more 0,3 to MPa 1,2, and for propane-butane - to MPa 1,6.

7. Operation of the gas pipeline and gas installations is made with excessive pressure of gas in them, except for the gas pipeline and installations from:

1) coke and pekokoksovy furnaces to superchargers in coke-chemical production;

2) the closed ferroalloy furnaces to gas blowers in ferroalloy production.

8. Gas pipelines and gas installations are located on the open areas with ensuring their free airing. The arrangement of gas pipelines and installations in the enclosed space is allowed only when it is caused by conditions of engineering procedure or servicing.

9. Gas pipelines in the territory of the company are constructed by elevated. In workshops on sites of supply of gas laying of gas pipelines in channels with observance of requirements of Item 106 of these Requirements is allowed to separate furnaces, installations and aggregates.

10. Connection of details of gas pipelines and gas devices among themselves is, as a rule, made by welding. Flange connections are allowed only in installation sites of caps, connections of gas pipelines to the flange equipment, armature and devices, and on certain sites of gas pipelines in cases when it is caused by conditions of installation or operation.

11. Mounting joints of pipes for low-pressure gas pipelines with a diameter of 1000 mm are also more carried out by welding, as a rule, by means of bandages.

12. Application of threaded connections is allowed for connection of instrumentations, armature and the equipment which are produced with threaded connections.

13. Gas devices in places where it is required to provide access inside and in their lower part for airing, are equipped with hatches. Gas pipelines of low and average pressure with a diameter of 300 mm and more (including gas pipelines of natural gas with a diameter of 600 mm and more, except for gas pipelines of the liquefied gas) are equipped with hatches directly behind latches on the gas course, and on the girdled gas pipelines to arrange hatches on both sides of latch.

14. The closed section of the pipeline with a diameter of 1200 mm and more and more than 25 m long has at least two hatches (at the beginning and at the end of the site).

Diameter of the hatch in light is equal to diameter of the gas pipeline with diameter up to 600 mm and 600 mm - with diameter of gas pipeline of 600 mm and more.

On futerovanny gas pipelines the branch pipe of the hatch is shipped on lining thickness.

15. Installation of explosive valves on gas devices and gas pipelines is not allowed.

16. The outside surfaces of the body of gas devices and gas pipelines, including the gas pipelines which are subject to heat insulation after the end of installation and testing are twice painted by the oil paint, varnishes or other coverings maintaining temperature changes and influence of atmospheric precipitation.

17. Separate elements (bearing areas, thrust bearings, saddles, collars and others) which coloring after installation cannot be executed, are painted before installation.

18. Gas pipelines and gas installations, including the support and supporting frameworks, platforms and ladders located in places with possible pollution korrozionnoaktivny gases or in vapors are protected by anticorrosive covering or manufactured of corrosion-resistant materials.

19. Buildings and gas installations are equipped with lightning protection.

20. All gas machines and devices are grounded irrespective of places of their arrangement. Gas pipelines are grounded in case of input to buildings of workshops and in case of conclusion from them to contours of grounding of shop electroinstallations.

Outside gas pipelines are grounded through each 250 m.

Grounding conductor resistance to spreading of current shall be no more than 10 Ohms.

21. In installation sites of flange connections permanent conducting crossing points shall be arranged.

22. At the exit from the earth of the underground gas pipeline supplying gas to the company the isolating flanges and the case which is filled in with bitumen are established.

23. Blowing-off candles are established at the end of the gas pipeline near cap and just before latches on the gas course, except for latches on removals of gas if branch length to latch less than 3 m, in the upper points of gas pipelines and gas installations; in case of ring system of gas pipelines of candle are established on both sides of latch.

Blowing-off candles are allowed be not to established in the upper points on the route of gas pipelines if their purge on trailer candle is provided by inert gas, compressed air or vapor.

24. Branches to posts of gas-flame processing of metals and other small consumers with geometrical amount of the gas pipeline to m3 0,05 during the work on non-toxical gases, except propane-butane, are allowed to be blown in workshop space after purge of shop collector on trailer candle:

1) posts of gas-flame processing - via the folding union of post;

2) small consumers - through candle at least 3 m high from the mouth of candle to half of the workshop or the platform.

25. Section of blowing-off candle gets out of calculation of ensuring fivefold exchange of the blown amount during no more than 30 minutes, except for collectors diameter of more 1,5 of m and over 500 m long for which duration of purge is allowed to be increased till 1 o'clock.

Diameter of blowing-off candles is at least 20 mm.

Blowing-off candles are removed higher than the level of roof in the place of exit of candle or above the servicing platform of the gas pipeline for non-toxical gases mm 2,5 at least, and for toxic gases - on 4 m at least.

At the same time if the distance from roof ridge or lamp to candle is less than 20 m, then the gas pipeline candle for toxic gases and gases with density of 0,8 and more in relation to air will be removed 4 m above roof ridge or lamp.

For gas pipelines of non-toxical gases and gases with density of less 0,8 in relation to air of candle 10 m from lamp are placed not closer.

The exhaust outlet of blowing-off candles on gas pipelines for toxic gases is located at the height at least 10 m, and for non-toxical gases - at the height at least 7 m from earth level.

26. It is not allowed to combine blowing-off candles of different gases, certain sites of the gas pipelines separated by any lock. On gas pipelines of the aggregates thermal power to 12, kJ/h of kJ/h using only natural or passing gases, and under the conditions excluding possibility of giving to them other gases consolidation of candles from sites of gas pipelines with identical pressure is allowed.

The design of the upper part of blowing-off candle excludes possibility of hit in it atmospheric precipitation and provides the direction of streams of gas from the next workplaces and lamps of buildings aside.

In places of pass of candles through roof cases and protective peaks are provided. On candle behind latch (on the gas course) the union with the crane intended for sampling of air or gas respectively in case of ventilation or purge of the gas pipeline for check of density of latch of candle is established.

27. Mouths of blowing-off candles are placed not closer than 30 m from air intakes of systems of ventilation of buildings and constructions across. In case of distance less than 30 m of the mouth of candles are located above the air intake on 8 m at least, the gases except for liquefied for which the air intake arrangement under blowing-off candle is not allowed.

28. On gas pipelines and gas devices the disconnecting hermeticity class fittings I are used to the gas circle.

Use of fittings of general purpose, with bringing to the I class of hermeticity is allowed.

Installation of bronze cranes or latches with bronze rings on gas pipelines in case of content of hydrogen sulfide in gas more than 20 mg/m3 is not allowed.

29. On gas pipelines and devices latches with sliding spindle are established.

Traffic jams of cranes have to risk, determining crane stopper provision, and handles of cranes - turn limiters. The self-greased cranes have the arrow showing opening of the crane.

30. Requirements for the choice of material of shutoff valves are given in appendix of 1 these Requirements.

31. Latches with the electric drive are established with diameter of 600 mm and more. The electric drive is established on latches of smaller diameter on inputs of gas pipelines, in case of their arrangement at the height more than 10 m or in places, inconvenient for servicing, when implementing automation. Latches have manual control, and latches with the electric drive, besides, - local authority from the earth or the platform (irrespective of availability of remote control).

32. Installation on gas pipelines and devices as the disconnecting devices of hydraulic locks is not allowed.

The above-stated requirement does not extend to permanent hydrolocks of scrubbers, electric precipitators, kondensatootvodchik and to that similar devices, removals of gas from ferroalloy furnaces.

33. For dense disconnection of certain sites of gas pipelines, gas-consuming aggregates and gas devices from functioning gas pipelines after disk latches (on the gas course) sheet latches or caps are established.

Installation in buildings of workshops on gas pipelines of sheet latches of any type without disk latches before them is not allowed.

Note: Hereinafter m3 are specified under normal conditions, that is at temperature of 0 hail. With and pressure of 101,3 of kPa.

34. Sheet latches on gas pipelines with a diameter more than 300 mm are mechanized. Caps are applied in case of repairs, long stops, audits and emergencies if sheet latches are not established.

The cap is established between latch flanges behind it on the gas course.

35. The blocking sheets of sheet latches and caps are made by diameter to 2,0 of m of the whole leaf. With big diameters it is allowed to apply welded sheets from two parts with the corresponding processing and testing for density of seams.

36. The blocking sheets of caps and sheet latches are expected the corresponding pressure of gas taking into account diameter of the gas pipeline, at the same time thickness of their at least 4 mm.

Caps have the shafts supporting limits of flanges. The brand with letter "Z", with indication of sizes of pressure of gas and diameter of the gas pipeline is made shafts.

37. The disconnecting devices are available to management, survey and repair.

38. To installation sites on the open areas or in not heated rooms of the disconnecting and regulating armature on gas pipelines of wet gas vapor supply is provided. Inputs of vapor in gas pipelines are carried out according to requirements of Item 47 of these Requirements.

39. For servicing of the latches, throttle devices, measuring diaphragms, wave and omental compensators, armature and the equipment located at height of 2,2 of m and more stationary platforms and ladders to them are arranged. The specified height is estimated from the level of the earth, floorings, overlappings and to that the serviced device, similar to the upper provision.

40. Platforms for servicing of the armature established on the gas pipeline of diameters of 300 mm and more are arranged on both sides of the gas pipeline, and with diameter of gas pipeline less than 300 mm of the platform it is allowed to arrange on the one hand.

41. Width of platforms is at least 1 m from speakers of parts of the equipment, and m 1,2 barrier height.

42. For again constructed and reconstructed objects of gas economy of ladder to platforms of permanent equipment maintenance have tilt angle the 45th hail., and to platforms of periodic equipment maintenance the 60th hail.

43. For access to platforms 6-12 m long of permanent servicing two ladders located in the opposite ends of the platform, from which one ladder mid-flight are provided. With length of platform more than 12 m of both ladders mid-flight.

For access to the platforms of periodic equipment maintenance located in buildings of workshops the device of vertical ladders no more than 3 m high is allowed.

On intershop gas pipelines and branches the device of vertical ladders between platforms, at the same time height of ladders no more than 3 m is allowed to workshops in case of construction of multilevel platforms.

44. In case of impossibility of compensation of temperature deformations of gas pipelines due to their self-compensation compensators P-shaped or wavy are established.

Installation of omental compensators is allowed only on intershop gas pipelines of coke gas of low pressure - to MPa 0,04.

In the lens and disk compensators established on horizontal sites of gas pipelines of the drained gas the short union with stopper is cut in each wave, and on gas pipelines of wet gas each wave is equipped with two unions intended for filling and descent of anthracene oil.

P-shaped compensators are manufactured bent of seamless pipes with a diameter up to 500 mm or physical control methods, welded with check of welded seams, using krutozagnuty branches. Compensators, are established without flanges.

45. On drawings of the compensator the size of preliminary deformation of the compensator is specified. The preliminary extension (or compression) compensators is made just before their installation taking into account air temperature that is fixed in the act on their installation.

46. Intershop gas pipelines of the domain, coke, ferroalloy, converter and mixed gases on all length through each 150-200 m, in installation sites of kondensatootvodchik are equipped with inputs of vapor. Settlement vapor pressure, given to gas pipelines, no more 1,2 of MPa.

47. Inputs of vapor in gas pipelines for periodic action are executed in the form of short unions with shutoff valves to Paro - and the gas pipeline. Installation of the gate on the union of the gas pipeline is not allowed. For the period of steaming unions unite flexible hose or metal pipe. Upon termination of steaming the hose or pipe are disconnected, and on the union of the gas pipeline the cap is established.

Stationary (fixed) steam lines for input of vapor in gas pipelines are equipped with backpressure valves and the alarm system about pressure drop of vapor removed in control office of gas economy.

48. The locations of armature and the devices requiring permanent servicing are lit.

49. Placement under intershop gas pipelines of any rooms and installations which are not relating to gas pipelines is not allowed.

Chapter 3. Laying of gas pipelines

Paragraph 1. General requirements

50. Laying of gas pipelines of high pressure is allowed to be provided over windows of upper floors of factory buildings. Laying of gas pipelines of low and average pressure is allowed along impost of deafs (not opening) covers of window openings of buildings of heating boiler rooms and factory buildings.

Under window openings of buildings to provide flange or threaded connections on gas pipelines it is not allowed.

Laying of gas pipelines on roofs of factory buildings 1, 2 and 3 degrees of fire resistance of categories G and D is allowed.

With pressure of gas of more 0,6 of MPa laying of gas pipelines on walls and roofs of buildings of workshops in which the gas-consuming aggregates working with pressure of gas of more 0,6 of MPa are placed is allowed.

On walls and roofs of buildings of category A laying of gas pipelines which belong to the productions placed in these buildings is allowed.

51. When laying of again constructed and reconstructed gas pipelines on walls of buildings distance in light between forming the gas pipeline and wall:

¦       Диаметр труб мм           ¦      Расстояние не менее мм      ¦
¦     500 и более                 ¦              500                 ¦
¦     от 200 до 500               ¦              300                 ¦
¦     менее 200                   ¦              150                 ¦

In case of installation on gas pipelines of wavy compensators distance in light between wave of the compensator and wall at least 300 mm.

52. The gas pipelines laid on outside walls of buildings are protected from the water which is flowing down from roof for prevention of their ice accretion.

53. Crossing window and doorways gas pipelines, laid on walls of buildings is not allowed.

54. Supporting frameworks of gas pipelines are made of metal or steel concrete.

55. Welding of all elements of metal support, the details welded on walls of gas pipelines is made by continuous welded seams.

56. Gas pipelines densely keep within on saddles. At the same time cross welded joints of gas pipelines taking into account their temperature deformations are from edge of support on 50 mm at least, and longitudinal seams are located above support from the visible party. If the specified distance from cross welded joints to support cannot be sustained, it is allowed to apply the podkladny tsarg welded on all perimeter.

57. Welding of bracket is allowed to be made for fixture of support of the accompanying pipelines and the servicing platforms to gas pipelines of low and average pressure. At the same time welding is made to ring stiffening ribs, or to walls of gas pipelines at least 6 mm thick.

Welding of saddles of support, elements of grounding and the razzhimny brackets which are details of these gas pipelines, brackets for fixture of the cables and pulse postings intended for gas pipelines is allowed to gas pipelines of high pressure in case of their construction.

58. Joint laying on one support or platforms of gas pipelines of combustible gases with pipelines of other gases, waters, vapor, condensate, fuel oil, pitch and oils, oxygen is allowed in case of observance of requirements of Items 1 and 2 of appendix of 3 these Requirements.

Joint laying with gas pipelines of pipelines of flammable liquids and steam lines of the first category is not allowed (except pipelines of by-product recovery departments of coke-chemical production).

59. Gas pipelines are laid with bias at least:

1) 0,005 - for the domain, coke, converter and ferroalloy gases saturated with moisture;

2) 0,003 - for wet natural and passing gases;

3) 0,001 - for the drained gases.

Laying of certain sites of gas pipelines of the drained gases without biases is allowed if in case of their operation the possibility of formation of condensate is excluded.

60. For removal of condensate from all low points of gas pipelines of wet gases, from the gas pipeline of the enriched coke gas, before the main consumers kondensatootvodchik are established, on gas pipelines of the drained gas are established spuskny the union with gates or latches.

Paragraph 2. Requirements to laying of gas pipelines

61. Requirements to laying of gas pipelines are given on low support in appendix of 4 these Requirements.

62. Laying of gas pipelines on pedestrian galleries is not allowed.

63. Laying of gas pipelines on conveyor galleries is allowed in case of observance of the following conditions:

1) if the gallery is made of fireproof materials and intended for transportation of nonflammable materials;

2) in case of gas pipeline arrangement over gallery at distance is at least 0, m from lower forming the gas pipeline and ensuring access to the gas pipeline on all its length.

Laying of gas pipelines of the liquefied gas irrespective of pressure on conveyor galleries is not allowed.

64. Laying of gas pipelines on railway bridges and platforms is not allowed.

65. Gas pipelines with pressure to 0,6 of MPa are allowed to be laid on fireproof (steel concrete, metal and stone), to automobile and pedestrian bridges. They are located openly, at distance across at least 1 m (in light) from edge of panels for pass of people and are available to servicing. The bearing elements of the bridge are checked for additional loadings from gas pipelines. Laying of gas pipelines in channels of bridges is not allowed.

The gas pipelines laid on metal and steel concrete bridges are grounded.

All welded seams of gas pipelines are checked by physical control methods.

66. Installation of fittings of flange connections within the bridge is not allowed.

67. Requirements to joint laying of gas pipelines with other pipelines and communications are given in appendix of 2 these Requirements.

68. The minimum distances across in light from the elevated gas pipelines laid on platforms or separate support to the buildings or constructions in the territory of the company at least the sizes specified in appendix of 3 these Requirements.

69. In the constrained conditions combination in respect of routes of elevated gas pipelines with trasses of underground communications with their omission in body of the bases of support of gas pipelines, and pipes of water supply systems is allowed, sewerages and central heatings should be concluded in the cases acting on m 2,5 in both parties from base sawn-off shotgun, and the bottom of the base is lower forming the specified pipes 1 m at least.

Installation of support of gas pipelines on tunnels of different function on condition of placement of air shafts of tunnel at distance of 10 m in light across from forming the extreme gas pipeline, and stitched air shafts before installation of kondensatootvodchik at least 20 m across is allowed.

70. When crossing elevated gas pipelines with electricity transmission air-lines (further - the power transmission line) gas pipelines pass below these lines.

Passing (crossing) of electric lines up to 1000 Volts under gas pipelines is allowed. At the same time the distance in light between the gas pipeline and the unprotected electrical wire makes at least 1,0 of m, and between the gas pipeline and cable - m 0,25 suffices.

Down in light from underground gas pipelines, including heat insulation, to wires of the air power transmission lines in case of the greatest arrow of pro-weight in case of their crossing to accept the minimum distances of L in meters depending on U tension:

U, kV... <1 20 35 - 110 150 220 330 500

L m. 1 3 4 4,5 5 6 6,5

In case of determination of distances between wires of air-lines of electricity transmission and gas pipelines, the barriers arranged over them in the form of lattices, platforms and to that similar are considered as part of the gas pipeline from which these distances are estimated.

71. Over the gas pipeline in places of crossing with the air power transmission lines, settle continuous or mesh barrier for protection against fall of electrical wires on it. The barrier supports on both sides of crossing extreme wires of the air power transmission lines at the distances specified in Item 70.

Barriers over the gas pipelines having the protected pass arrange at height of at least 2,2 of m from pass level.

Also the size of transitional resistance of grounding is not allowed to opirat barriers directly on gas pipelines, the barrier is not exceeded by 10 Ohms.

The disconnecting devices on gas pipelines, kondesatootvodchik of gas pipelines are established not closer than 10 m in light from extreme wires of the air power transmission lines.

72. When crossing the minimum distances down from gas pipelines:

1) to the lower part of trolley of the suspended road (taking into account sagging of cable) at least 3 m;

2) to the upper wire of power line of the electrified railroad, tram or trolleybus way is at least m 1,5.

In places of crossing about suspended expensive gas pipeline it is protected from damage to case of fall of trolley.

When passing the gas pipeline under platform the devices excluding possibility of fall of loads from platform on the gas pipeline are provided.

In places of crossing of pipelines with the gas pipelines having passes transitional bridges with handrail are arranged, and the pipelines insulation is in these parts protected by metal casings.


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