of December 29, 2009 No. 1417
Some questions of activities of the territorial centers of social servicing (provision of social services)
According to the Law of Ukraine "About social services" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
1. Approve applied:
Standard regulations on the territorial center of social servicing (provision of social services);
list of social services, conditions and procedure for their provision of the territorial center of social servicing by structural divisions (provision of social services).
2. In the paragraph the second Item 2 of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of February 22, 1995 No. 136 "About enhancement of management in the sphere of social protection of the population of" the word", headed by deputy heads of department" to exclude.
3. To provide to Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the regional, Kiev and Sevastopol city public administrations coordination of the work connected with reduction till July 1, 2010 of statutory documents of the territorial centers of social servicing (provision of social services) in compliance with this resolution.
4. Recommend to local government bodies to be guided during the organization of activities of the territorial centers of social servicing (provision of social services) by the Standard provision and the list approved by this resolution.
Prime Minister of Ukraine
Yu. Tymoshenko
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 29, 2009 No. 1417
1. The territorial center of provision of social services (further - the territorial center) is budgetary institution, the decision concerning education, liquidation or reorganization of which accepts local executive body or local government body.
The territorial center is formed for provision of social services to citizens who are in difficult vital circumstances and need assistance, at the place of residence, in the conditions of stationary, temporary or day stay.
Activities of the territorial center shall correspond to criteria of activities of the subjects providing social services.
2. The territorial center in the activities is guided by the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, presidential decrees of Ukraine and resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted according to the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Minsotspolitiki's orders, acts of others central and local executive bodies and local government bodies, and also the regulations on the territorial center developed in connection therewith by the Standard provision.
3. The territorial center performs the activities on the principles of targeting and individual approach, availability and openness, the voluntary choice of obtaining or refusal of provision of social services, humanity, complexity, maximum efficiency of use of budgetary funds, legality, social justice, ensuring confidentiality, respect for state standards of social services, ethical standards and rules.
4. In the territorial center have the right to provision of social services:
citizens of advanced years, persons with disability, patients (from among persons of working-age for the period before establishment of group of disability by it, but no more than four months) who are not capable to self-service also need permanent assistance, recognized such according to the procedure, the approved MZ;
citizens who are in difficult life situation in connection with unemployment and are registered in public service of employment as looking for work, natural disaster, catastrophic crash (and have in the dependence minor children, children with disability, persons of advanced years, persons with disability) if the average monthly comprehensive income of their families is lower, than subsistence minimum for family.
5. The territorial center is formed in the presence of necessary material and technical resources, in particular rooms which answer construction, technical, sanitary and hygienic regulations, requirements of fire safety and other regulations according to the legislation.
6. The regulations on the territorial center, its structure according to the offer of structural division on social protection of the population of local public administration or executive body of city, district council in the city approved according to the Ministry of social policy of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea structural division concerning social protection of the population of the regional, Kiev and Sevastopol city state administrations affirm local executive body or local government body which formed it.
The estimate, the staff list of the territorial center are approved by the head of body which formed it.
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