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The document ceased to be valid since April 20, 2018 according to Item 8 of Appendix No. 5 to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of April 17, 2018 No. 322


of December 21, 2009 No. 851

About approval of the Regulations on the organization and functioning of the Agency of tourism, its structure and the extreme number of staff

(as amended on 18-12-2017)

For the purpose of accomplishment of provisions of the Law on the Government No. 64-XII of May 31, 1990 (Art. No. 131-133, 1018), with subsequent changes and amendments is repeatedly published in the Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2002, the Government DECIDES:

1. Approve:

Regulations on the organization and functioning of the Agency of tourism according to appendix No. 1;

Structure of central office of the Agency of tourism according to appendix No. 2;

The list of subordinated organizations and joint-stock companies in which the block of shares of the state the Agency of tourism, according to appendix No. 3 manages.

2. Establish the extreme number of staff of central office of the Agency of tourism in number of 22 units, with the annual salary fund according to the current legislation.

3. Disband in accordance with the established procedure Agency on administration of national tourist areas. To provide to the agency of tourism realization of process of disbandment of the specified legal units.

4. Recognize invalid:

The order of the Government No. 356 of April 3, 2007. "About creation of the Agency on administration of national tourist areas" (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2007, Art. No. 47-49, 375);

The order of the Government No. 152 of February 14, 2008, "About approval of the Regulations on activities of the Agency on administration of national tourist areas" (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2008, Art. No. 40-41, 230).

Prime Minister

Vladimir Filat


Deputy Prime Minister,

Minister of Economic Affairs



Valeriou Lazare

Minister of Finance

Vyacheslav Negrutsa

Appendix No. 1

to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of December 21, 2009 No. 851

Regulations on the organization and functioning of the Agency of tourism

I. General information

1. The regulations on the organization and functioning of the Agency of tourism (further - the Provision) establish mission, functions, powers and the rights of the Agency of tourism (further - the Agency), and also procedure for its organization.

2. The agency is the central industry administrative authority subordinated to the Government with the location in mun. Chisinau which develops and advances state policy in the field of tourism.

3. The agency is legal entity, has seal with the image of the State Emblem of the Republic of Moldova, and also treasurer accounts, financial and appliances.

4. In the activities the Agency is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, the laws, resolutions of Parliament, presidential decrees of the Republic of Moldova, ordinances, resolutions and orders of the Government, other regulations, international treaties in the field which party the Republic of Moldova is, and also this Provision.

5. The agency performs the functions in close cooperation with the ministries, other central and local authorities of public management, economic agents of any kind of property and form of the organization, other legal entities from the Republic of Moldova and from abroad.

6. Financing of activities of the Agency is performed at the expense of the government budget, and also the special means formed and administered according to the legislation.

II. Mission, main functions, powers and rights of the Agency

7. The mission of the Agency consists in development and deployment of the legislative and regulatory base, strategy and state policy in the field of tourism, development of internal tourism and promotion of the country as tourist direction abroad, protection of subjects of legal relationship in the field of tourism, and also in ensuring representation of tourist services according to international standards.

8. For the purpose of accomplishment of the mission the Agency performs the following main functions:

a) ensuring sustainable development of tourism;

b) creation of conditions for continuous preparation and advanced training of personnel of the industry of tourism, including creation of educational and production divisions;

c) ensuring rational use of tourist resources and accomplishment of measures for preserving and environmental protection in tourist areas and resorts;

d) ensuring international cooperation in the field of tourism by means of the conclusion and accomplishment of international treaties in this area;

e) assistance, within the competence, to creation of prerequisites for development of rural tourism for the purpose of reducing regional disproportions;

f) coordinating of the complex, balanced and sustainable development of internal and international tourism by inclusion in the international tourist routes of national tourist property;

g) assistance to creation of favorable climate for investment attraction to the sphere of tourism.

9. For realization of the assigned Agency functions carries out the following obligations:

a) develops and represents to the Government for approval, after preliminary coordination with the interested authorities and organizations, the documents concerning policy in the field of tourism;

b) develops the regulations in the field of tourism brought into accord with the international standards and economic mechanisms of stimulation of tourism development;

c) coordinates measures for realization of state policy in the sphere of tourism and bears responsibility within the competence for their implementation;

d) performs the analysis and forecasting of tourism development in the country and provides information concerning the respective sphere;

e) will organize and holds events for promotion of image of the Republic of Moldova as the country which is of interest both for internal, and for the international tourism, will organize exhibition activities in the field of tourism in the country and abroad;


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