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The document ceased to be valid since  November 23, 2015 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 29, 2015 No. 862


of December 7, 2009 No. 2030

About approval of Rules of cost recovery to the organizations of health care at the expense of budgetary funds

(as amended on 31-12-2013)

According to the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 18, 2009 "About health of the people and health care system" the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of cost recovery to the organizations of health care at the expense of budgetary funds.

2. Declare invalid the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 6, 2006 No. 965 "About approval of Rules of cost recovery of the medical organizations at the expense of budgetary funds and rendering paid services in the organizations of health care and procedure for use of means from the paid services performed by the state organizations of health care" (SAPP of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2006, No. 37, the Art. 410).

3. This resolution becomes effective since January 1, 2010 and is subject to official publication.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan

K. Masimov

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 7, 2009 No. 2030

Rules of cost recovery to the organizations of health care at the expense of budgetary funds

1. General provisions

1. These rules of cost recovery to the organizations of health care at the expense of budgetary funds (further - Rules) are developed according to the subitem 15) of article 6 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 18, 2009 "About health of the people and health care system" and determine procedure for cost recovery at the expense of budgetary funds to the organizations of health care rendering the guaranteed amount of free medical care (further - the organizations rendering GOBMP), except for public institutions, the organizations of health care determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan to perform the state task within GOBMP; the medical services rendered according to the list of diseases in case of which citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan go for treatment abroad at the expense of budgetary funds, and the list of separate categories of the citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan directed to treatment abroad at the expense of the budgetary funds approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 4, 2009 No. 2016.

2. The basic concepts used in these rules:

1) the complex per capita standard rate on rendering the out-patient and polyclinic help (further - the complex per capita standard rate of APP) - the cost of complex of out-patient and polyclinic services of the guaranteed amount of free medical care (further - GOBMP), according to the list of services determined by authorized body, on one attached person registered in the Registr Prikreplennogo Naseleniya portal (further - the RPN portal), to the subject of health care giving primary health care (further - PHC), consisting of the guaranteed component of the complex per capita standard rate of APP and the stimulating component of the complex per capita standard rate;

2) the guaranteed component of the complex per capita standard rate of APP - estimated cost of complex of out-patient and polyclinic services GOBMP in the PHC forms and the consulting and diagnostic help in the list of services determined by authorized body taking into account correction coefficients;

3) the stimulating component of the complex per capita standard rate (further - SKPN) - the stimulating component of the complex per capita standard rate directed to stimulation of workers of the subject of the health care rendering PHC, for the achieved resulting effects of activities on the basis of indicators according to the procedure, determined by authorized body;

4) the basic complex per capita standard rate of APP - estimated cost of complex of out-patient and polyclinic services GOBMP in the PHC forms and the consulting and diagnostic help in the list of services determined by authorized body without correction coefficients;

5) complex rate of the oncological patient - the cost of complex of medical services GOBMP counting on one oncological patient registered in the oncological register;

6) the complex per capita standard rate on rendering services GOBMP to rural population (further - the complex per capita standard rate on rural population) - the cost of range of services of GOBMP according to the list of forms of medical care determined by authorized body, counting on one villager registered in the RPN portal, to the subject of health care of district value or the village, consisting of the guaranteed component of the complex per capita standard rate on rural population and SKPN;

7) the guaranteed component of the complex per capita standard rate on rural population - estimated cost of range of services of GOBMP rendered to rural population according to the list of forms of medical care determined by authorized body taking into account correction coefficients;

8) the treated case - complex of the medical services rendered to the patient in stationary and (or) hospital-replacing conditions from the moment of receipt to the statement;

9) the per capita standard rate on rendering PHC - cost rate counting on one person for providing GOBMP in the form of PHC;

10) gender and age correction coefficient - the coefficient considering distinctions in level of consumption of medical care by different gender and age categories of the population;

11) kliniko-costly groups (further - KZG) - clinically uniform groups of diseases similar on costs for their treatment;

12) service GOBMP rate (further - rate) - the cost of unit or range of services of GOBMP;

13) tasksetter - the single list of medical services approved by authorized body with indication of their cost;

14) zatratoyemkost coefficient - the coefficient determining degree of cost intensity of service GOBMP and kliniko-costly groups to the cost of base rate;

15) the cost of base rate - estimated cost of one unit of service GOBMP;

16) correction coefficients - the coefficients applied by the administrator of the budget programs for the purpose of adjustment of rate according to the procedure, determined by authorized body;

17) the administrator of the budget program (further - the administrator) - the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan or management of health care of areas, cities of Astana and Almaty;


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