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of March 7, 1998 No. ZR-201

About transport

(as amended on 22-12-2023)

Accepted National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia on February 3, 1998

This law determines legal, economic and organizational basis of transport activities in the Republic of Armenia, competence and responsibility of participants of these activities, provides protection of their legitimate interests.

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. The basic concepts used in the Law

Transport – the component of social and economic system of the state provided for satisfaction of transport requirements (needs) of citizens and legal entities and having the following types: automobile, railway, air, water, land electric, subway and pipeline.

Transport system - technology interconnected system of vehicles and ways, irrespective of pattern of ownership.

The transport system includes the airports ropeways, stations of the railroad and the subway, the bus stations, control offices, vehicle parks, ports, bridges, tunnels, repair and other auxiliary objects necessary for handling works, servicing of passengers, operation of vehicles and means of communication.

Transport service – service in implementation of transportations in the paid or established by the law procedure if the owner or the user of the vehicle transports for satisfaction of transport demand (needs) of citizens or legal entities.

Carrier - the legal entity or the individual entrepreneur rendering services in transportation of passengers, baggage, loads and mail and performing transportation activities, and also the physical person who is not the individual entrepreneur who performs passenger traffic by one passenger car taxi or the car irregularly.

The customer - the legal entity or physical person (the consignee, the consignor, the passenger) using transport under the agreement signed with carrier.

Common carrier – the vehicle or transport structure which the organization carrier shall perform paid transportation of passengers, baggage and loads upon the demand of any citizen or the legal entity and according to the transportation agreement.

Article 2. Legislation on transport

The relations connected with transport activities are regulated by the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, this Law, other laws and legal acts.

Requirements and regulations of operation of vehicles, safety of traffic, protection of work, ensuring fire safety both health and ecological requirements and regulations are established by the Government of the Republic of Armenia on representation of the replying state body authorized by the Government of the Republic of Armenia.

Article 3. Transport territory

The lands used for are considered as the transport territory:

- organizations of transport activities;

- constructions, content and road maintenance, means of communication.

Use of the transport territory is regulated by this Law, Land and Civil codes of the Republic of Armenia.

Chapter 2. Management system on transport

Article 4. State regulation of transport activities

State regulation of transport activities is performed in the following forms: legal protection, licensing, taxation, financing, forming of rates, investment, control of execution of the transport legislation.

State bodies have no right to interfere with economic activity of the subjects occupied with transport activities, to use the personnel operating their vehicles, the cases except for established by the law.

Article 5. Public administration by transport system

1. Public administration of transport system is exercised by the state authorized body of transport system.

2. Main objectives of the state authorized body of transport system following:

a) interstate cooperation in the field of transport;

b) development of technical regulations and standards on operation of transport irrespective of pattern of ownership;

c) development of state programs and concepts for all modes of transport, development and realization of technical policy, training and advanced training of personnel;

d) systematization, information analysis and forecasting;

e) organization of single system of passenger transportations;

e) development and approval in accordance with the established procedure the normative and technical regulations regulating activities of all modes of transport;

g) ceased to be valid

h) within the competence established by the legislation coordination of activities with bodies of territorial administration and local self-government.

Article 6. The main objectives of local government bodies in the field of transport

Powers of local government bodies in the field of transport are established by the Laws of the Republic of Armenia "About local self-government" and "About local self-government in the city of Yerevan".

Article 7. Licensing of transport activities

1. Separate types of transport activities which list is established by the Law are performed based on the license.

2. Licensing performs the state authorized body of transport system.

Chapter 3. Basic provisions of transport activities

Article 8. Bases of economic activity

Economic activity in the field of transport is regulated on the basis of the demand and supply of transport services.

The damage suffered by the business entities performing passenger transportations on the rates established by the Government it is free also at reduced prices, it is compensated from state or local authority budgets.

In case of emergency situations, natural disasters other cases established by the law, the damage suffered by the organizations as a result of use of vehicles and the personnel exploiting them by state bodies or local government bodies is compensated in the procedure established by the law.

The construction of means of communication, stations, airports, ports, bridges, tunnels, passenger platforms and other structures is performed at the expense of state and local authority budgets, the trust funds and voluntary contributions of other legal entities and physical persons.

Article 8.1. Provision of transport services

Provision of transport services is performed based on agreements of the organization of transportation of passengers and baggage, the organization of transportation of goods, transport delivery and other transport services.


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