Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of November 27, 2009 No. 317

About approval of the standard form of Information on collection for use of highways of cars, the lump, weight loads on axis or dimensions who are exceeded by admissible limits, estimated according to part (5) Art. 352 of the Tax Code

(as amended on 03-03-2023)

1. Approve according to appendix to this order the standard form of Information on collection for use of highways of cars, lump, weight loads on axis or dimensions of which exceed admissible limits, estimated according to part (4) Art. 351 of the Tax Code.

2. Approve as Information component - the Instruction about procedure for its filling and representation.

3. In Information which will be provided for the IV quarter 2009 shall be, including, also data on subjects of the taxation addressed to which, since August 21, 2009 (date of publication in the Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova of the Order of the Ministry of construction and development of the territory No. 63 of May 4, 2009), protocols on the made control of load of axis were constituted are included.

4. To department of the secretariat and protocol (Mrs. L. Kiriyazev) of provision of the provided protocol to inform all structural divisions of GGNI and the state territorial tax authorities, including the Ministry of Transports and Road Infrastructure.

5. To provide to legal management (Mr. A. Gogh) the publication of the provided order in the Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova.

6. The provided order becomes effective from the date of the publication.

Deputy chief of the Main state tax authorities

Prokopiye Duca 


The standard form of Information on collection for use of highways of cars, the lump, weight loads on axis or dimensions of which exceed admissible limits, estimated according to part (5) Art. 352 of the Tax Code

See. The standard form of Information on collection for use of highways of cars, the lump, weight loads on axis or dimensions of which exceed admissible limits, estimated according to part (5) Art. 352 of the Tax Code (13Kb In original language)


The instruction about procedure for filling of Information (the TDLMS-09) Form

When filling Information on the standard form the authorized body without fail shall specify:

- fiscal code of body, authorized to provide information;

- name of authorized body;

- code of the area of place of registration of authorized body - single identification code (4 signs) according to the Qualifier of administrative and territorial units of the Republic of Moldova (KATEM) approved and enacted by the Resolution of department "Moldova Standard" No. 1398-ST of September 3, 2003;

- division of the State Tax Administration in place of registration of authorized body;

- date of submission of information;

- the tax period - is specified that period for which information is provided;

- the signature of the responsible person certified by seal at discretion

- signature of the head of authorized body.

Information is provided quarterly, to the 25th following reporting quarter in which protocols of weight control of weight loads on axis on the cars using highways were constituted the lump or dimensions of which exceed admissible limits.

* In the standard form of Information the heading "Tax period" is designated by single code of the following structure: P/N/AAAA (where P - code of tax period which accepts value T - quarter; N - number of quarter; AAAA - year. For example, for the IV quarter 2009 - the code of tax period will have the following structure - T/4/2009).

In the table of Information the following is specified:

- in gr. 2 - fiscal code / IDNO of legal / physical person on whom the protocol of weight control of weight loads on axis was constituted;

- in gr. 3 - name/surname of the subject of the taxation addressed to which the protocol of weight control of weight loads was constituted;

- in gr. 4 - date of calculation of the corresponding collection;

- in gr. 5 - number of the protocol of control of weight loads;

- in gr. 6 - the collection size estimated according to h (5) Art. 352 of the Tax Code, (it is specified in lei).

Checksum - is specified the collection amount estimated according to provisions of h (5) Art. 352 of the Tax code which shall correspond to the amount specified in gr. 6 (it is specified in lei).

Note: In case of detection of the mistakes made in case of reflection of fiscal code / IDNO of the subject of the taxation, information on the estimated amounts will be reflected in personal account of body, authorized to provide information.

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