It is registered
Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
On November 23, 2009 No. 15285
of September 30, 2009 No. 805n
About approval of Rules of the request for federal social pension supplement, its establishments and payment
According to article 12.1 of the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 N 178-FZ "About the government public assistance" (The Russian Federation Code, 1999, N 29, Art. 3699; 2004, N 35, Art. 3607; 2006, N 48, Art. 4945; 2007, N 43, Art. 5084; 2008, N 9, Art. 817; N 29, of Art. 3410; N 52, of Art. 6224; 2009, N 18, Art. 2152; 3739) I order to N 30, of the Art.:
1. Approve the enclosed Rules of the request for federal social pension supplement, its establishments and payment.
2. Determine that social pension supplement is established since January 1, 2010, but not earlier than emergence of the right to the specified payment if the request for this payment followed no later than December 31, 2010.
3. This order becomes effective since January 1, 2010.
T. Golikova
Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of September 30, 2009 No. 805n
1. These rules determine the procedure of the request of pensioners for federal social pension supplement, considerations by territorial authority of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of these addresses, procedure for establishment of federal social pension supplement, charge and organization of delivery of federal social pension supplement according to article 12.1 of the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 N 178-FZ "About the government public assistance" * (1).
2. Action of these rules extends to the citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and persons without citizenship which are not performing labor and (or) other activity during which they are subject to mandatory pension insurance according to the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 N 167-FZ "About mandatory pension insurance in the Russian Federation" (The Russian Federation Code, 2001, N 51, of Art. 4832 living in the territory of the Russian Federation; 2002, N 22, Art. 2026; 2003, N 1, Art. of the Art. 2, 13; N 52, of Art. 5037; 2004, N 27, Art. 2711; N 30, of Art. 3088; N 49, of the Art. of the Art. 4854, 4856; 2005, N 1, Art. 9; N 29, of Art. 3096; N 45, of Art. 4585; 2006, N 6, Art. 636; N 31, of Art. 3436; N 32, of Art. 3585; 2007, N 7, Art. 933; N 30, of Art. 3754; 2008, N 18, Art. 1942; N 29, of Art. 3417; N 30, of the Art. of the Art. 3602, 3616; 2009, N 1, Art. 12; N 29, of Art. 3622; N 30, of the Art. 3739) * (2), pension (pensions) to which it is established (are established) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
3. Federal social pension supplement is established to the pensioner by territorial authorities of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation if the total amount of its material security determined according to parts 2 and 3 of article 12.1 of the Law of July 17, 1999 N 178-FZ does not reach the size of subsistence minimum of the pensioner established according to item 4 of article 4 of the Federal Law of October 24, 1997 N 134-FZ "About subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation" (The Russian Federation Code, 1997, N 43, of Art. 4904; 2000, N 22, Art. 2264; 2004, N 35, Art. 3607; 2009, N 30, the Art. 3739) * (3) in the subject of the Russian Federation in the place of his residence or in the place of its stay. The specified pension supplement is established in such size that the total amount of material security of this pensioner taking into account this surcharge reached the size of subsistence minimum of the pensioner in the subject of the Russian Federation, but no more, than in general across the Russian Federation.
4. For the purpose of implementation of federal social pension supplement territorial authority of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation:
explains to citizens of regulation of the legislation of the Russian Federation regulating legal relationship on provision of federal social pension supplements;
adopts the statement for establishment of federal social pension supplement along with the documents specified in Item 13 of these rules;
makes the decision on establishment (on refusal in establishment) federal social pension supplement, takes out the order about review of the amount of federal social pension supplement;
makes charge and payment of federal social pension supplements according to Items 5 and 6 of these rules.
5. Calculation of total amount of material security of the pensioner is performed for calendar month in which the appeal to territorial authority of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation arrived.
In case of calculation of total amount of material security of the pensioner the amounts of the following money payments established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of subjects of the Russian Federation are considered:
1) pensions, including the amount of the relying insurance pension on old age taking into account fixed payment to insurance pension, increases in fixed payment to the insurance pension established according to the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ "About insurance pensions" (The Russian Federation Code, 2013, No. 52, Art. 6965; 2014, No. 2 (amendment); 2015, No. 27, the Art. 3964) * (4), and the funded pension established according to the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 424-FZ "About funded pension" (The Russian Federation Code, 2013, No. 52, the Art. 6989) * (5), in case of refusal the pensioner from receipt of the specified pensions;
2) collateral material (social) security;
3) monthly money payment (including the cost of set of social services, the stipulated in Article 6.2 Laws of July 17, 1999 N 178-FZ);
4) other measures of social support (help) established by the legislation of subjects of the Russian Federation in terms of money (except for the measures of social support provided one-timely).
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The document ceased to be valid since June 6, 2017 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of April 7, 2017 No. 339n