Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The document ceased to be valid since  April 17, 2017 according to the Decision of the Supreme Eurasian economic council of 14.04.2017 No. 10


of November 27, 2009 No. 18

On single customs and tariff regulation of custom union of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation

(as amended on 15-11-2016)

Interstate Council of Eurasian economic community (the supreme body of custom union) at the level of heads of states solved:

1. According to the Protocol on procedure for entry into force of the international treaties directed to forming of the contractual legal base of custom union, exit from them and accessions to them of October 6, 2007 to determine that since January 1, 2010 become effective:

The agreement on single customs and tariff regulation of January 25, 2008;

The agreement on conditions and the mechanism of application of the tariff quotas of December 12, 2008;

Protocol on conditions and procedure for application in exceptional cases rates of the import customs duties other than rates of the Common customs tariff than December 12, 2008;

The protocol on provision of the tariff privileges of December 12, 2008;

The protocol on single system of tariff preferences of custom union of December 12, 2008.

2. Approve with the term of entry into force since January 1, 2010 the following documents:

The list of developing countries - users of system of tariff preferences of custom union (appendix 2);

The list of the least developed countries - users of system of tariff preferences of custom union (appendix 3);

The inventory, occurring and imported from developing and the least developed countries when which importing tariff preferences (appendix 4) are provided;

Ceased to be valid according to the Decision of the Supreme Eurasian economic council of 08.05.2015 No. 16

3. Determine that application of rates of the Common customs tariff of custom union depending on country of source of imported goods and conditions of their import are regulated by the national legal system if other is not provided by the Agreement on single customs and tariff regulation of January 25, 2008 and decisions of the Commission of custom union.

4. Determine that during 2010 - 2019 import of raw sugar reed subline items 1701 13, is allowed by 1701 14 FEACN CU (further - raw sugar) for industrial conversion in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan with release from collection of import customs duties.

Condition of import of raw sugar for industrial conversion in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan is availability of confirmation of authorized body of the Republic of Kazakhstan about purpose of the imported raw sugar for providing the sugar-processing companies in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Republic of Kazakhstan informs the Commission of custom union on annual amounts of import of raw sugar for industrial conversion according to the balance of production and consumption of sugar created for the forthcoming period in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

According to the decision of the Commission the corresponding consultations of the State Parties of custom union for the purpose of non-admission of destabilization in the market of sugar of custom union can be held.

The government of the Republic of Kazakhstan guarantees that imported for industrial conversion raw sugar, and also the white sugar made from raw sugar also the Republic of Belarus will not be redirected in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Provisions of this Item are not the basis for application of rationing arrangements by the Republic of Kazakhstan to import of sugar from the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation.

5. The customs clearance on line items of the Common customs tariff "for industrial assembly of motor vehicles of goods items 8701 - 8705, their nodes and aggregates" is performed in the State Party of custom union in the presence of the corresponding confirmation of authorized body of this State Party of custom union.

If the legislation of the State Party of custom union establishes the requirement for localization of the components used in case of industrial assembly of motor vehicles of goods items of 8701 - 8705 FEACN CU, use of the components made in other State Parties of custom union is recognized proper accomplishment of such requirement.


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