of December 7, 1997 No. ZR-163
About troops of Police
1. This Law establishes concept, tasks, the legal basis and the principles of activities of troops of police, the right and obligation of the military personnel of troops of police, the state guarantees of the right and social security of the military personnel of troops of police and members of their families, and also procedure for financing and material logistics of troops of police.
1. Troops of police (further - troops of police) is the structural division of Police under the Government (further - Police) designed to protect according to the law human rights and freedoms from criminal and other illegal encroachments, to ensure safety of society and state.
1. Tasks of troops of police are:
1) participation in protection of public order and providing, including prevention, prevention and suppression of offenses of public safety;
2) protection of special and major objects and safety of movement of particular loads;
3) participation in providing, holding quarantine actions during epidemics of legal regime of warlike and emergency state;
4) participation in defense of the Republic of Armenia.
1. Activities of troops of police are performed on the basis of the principles of legality, respect of rights and freedoms of man and citizen, individual management, centralized management.
2. Troops of police when implementing the rights shall be guided by need of protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen affirmed by the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, the principles of their equality, proportionality of implementation of powers and exceptions of arbitrary behavior and also to pursue other aims predetermined by the law.
3. Implementation of powers of troops of police of forced nature shall be directed to the purposes pursued by the Constitution and the laws of the Republic of Armenia to correspond to the obligations assumed by international treaties, and means of their achievement shall be legal, necessary and moderate.
1. The number of troops of police establishes the Government.
1. The structure and the charter of troops of police are approved by the chief of Police.
2. Troops of police have structural divisions.
1. Activities of troops of police are regulated by the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, this Law, international treaties of the Republic of Armenia, other laws and legal acts.
1. State bodies and officials within the powers help troops of police when implementing their tasks.
2. The state authorized body in the field of defense performs appeal of citizens on obligatory military service and mobilization for service in troops of police and helps with preparation and retraining of officers of troops of police, and also to replenishment by ordinary structure.
3. The relations of the state authorized body of management in the field of defense and troops of police directed to assistance to troops of police are regulated by the joint order of the head of authorized body of public administration in the field of internal affairs and the head of the state authorized body in the field of defense.
4. Officials of state body in the field of the transport authorized by the Government, representatives of Police as regards transport and special vehicles in case of execution by the military personnel of troops of police of service duties promote their transportation, and in the conditions of emergency situations - out of turn.
1. The staff of troops of police consists of the military personnel and civil personnel.
1. The military service in troops of police is performed in compliance by the laws and other legal acts regulating service in armed forces.
2. In troops of police of employees appoints to positions of officer, younger officer and ordinary structure (employs) and gives the ranks, dismisses (dismisses from service), the chief of Police of the Republic of Armenia or the commander of the troops of police except for provided by the law of cases authorized by it appoints to position above, equal or below post.
1. Employment relationships of civil personnel of troops of police are governed by the labor law of the Republic of Armenia.
1. Preparation and retraining of personnel of troops of police is carried out in police and other military educational institutions of the Republic of Armenia.
1. The common directorship of troops of police is performed by the chief of Police, and direct management - the commander of troops of police.
2. Troops of Police have flag which description and the charter are approved by the chief of Police.
1. The military personnel of troops of police when implementing tasks of troops of police shall:
1) to participate in security guard and patrol service together with divisions on protection of public order and ensuring public safety of Police;
2) in emergency situations to participate in actions for civil defense, evacuation, search and rescue, rescue, emergency and recovery actions;
3) to perform protection of special objects, subjects to important appointment, the particular loads included in the list approved by the Order of the Government, material and technical resources and warehouses, constructions of communication of Police and troops of police;
4) to participate in observance of legal regime of warlike or emergency state, and also quarantine;
5) to participate in prevention and suppression of mass riots.
1.1. With participation in ensuring protection of public order the military personnel of troops of police shall wear uniform of the established form on which the distinctions allowing to identify personally the serviceman of troops of police are in a visible place attached.
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