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The document ceased to be valid since  March 26, 2022 according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 25.03.2022 No. 133


of October 27, 2009 No. 284

About approval of Provisional regulations for the simplified licensing procedure on right to use by subsoil plots for geological studying, trial and commercial production of brick raw materials

(as amended on 14-11-2017)

In pursuance of the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of June 19, 2009 "About additional measures for stimulation of increase in production and improvement of quality of wall materials", and also for the purpose of support of the companies making burned brick on the basis of modern energy-saving technologies, the Cabinet of Ministers decides No. PP-1134:

1. Approve Provisional regulations for the simplified procedure for issue of licenses for right to use by subsoil plots for geological studying, pilot promyshlepiy and commercial production of brick raw materials according to appendix.

2. Of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with JSC Uzstroymaterialy till February 1, 2010 to provide with Goskomgeologni issue of licenses for right to use by subsoil plots for geological studying, opytnopromyshlenny and commercial production of brick raw materials to the operating plants making burned brick on the basis of modern energy-saving technologies according to their requests.

Determine that the companies making burned brick on the basis of the modern energy-saving technologies having the right to continue productive activity until receipt of licenses for right to use by subsoil plots for geological studying, opytnopromyshlenny and commercial production of brick raw materials, but no later than February 1, 2010.

3. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Hodzhayev B. A.


Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Shavkat Mirziyoyev


to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of October 27, 2009 No. 284

Provisional regulations for the asked procedure for issue of licenses for right to use by subsoil plots for geological studying, trial and commercial production of brick raw materials

I. General provisions

1. These Provisional regulations are developed according to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of June 19, 2009 No. PP-1134 "About additional measures for stimulation of increase in production and improvement of quality of wall materials" and the Regulations on procedure and conditions of provision of right to use by subsoil plots approved by the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of June 7, 2007 No. PP-649, and determine the simplified procedure for issue of licenses for right to use by subsoil plots for geological studying, opytnopromyshlenny and commercial production of brick raw materials.

II. Procedure and conditions of issue of licenses for right to use by subsoil plots

2. Licenses for right to use by subsoil plots for geological studying for the purpose of creation and expansion of source of raw materials, trial and commercial production of brick raw materials as popular mineral can be issued by results of direct negotiations of the State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on geology and mineral resources (further - Goskomgeologiya) with the companies - the producers of burned brick which implemented energy-saving technologies with replacement of non-standard, uneconomical furnaces on special power - and resource-saving technologies.

3. For receipt of the license for right to use by the subsoil plot the license applicant submits the application in Goskomgeologiya (the scheme of issue of licenses is given in appendix to this Provision).

In the request the name of the asked subsoil plot, its location (the region, the area, distance to the next settlement, the railway station) and the provided type of use of natural resources is specified. The following documents shall be attached to the request:

notarized copies of the certificate on state registration of the legal entity - the license applicant;

data on technical and technological capabilities of the license applicant on accomplishment of core activities and production, and also on the companies attracted by it as contractors to accomplishment of such works, if necessary - copies of licenses (permissions) to the right of implementation of the separate types of activity connected with use of natural resources;

the data on financial condition of the license applicant confirming possibility of performance of works, connected with use of the asked subsoil plot (year balances and reports on financial results for the last three years - in the presence), if necessary, guarantee of bank or other creditor about loan granting;

the expert opinion of JSC Uzkurilishmateriallari, confirmatory that the license applicant has available or in the course of implementation in production modern energy-saving technologies with use of special furnaces (ring, tunnel, etc.) on release of burned brick.

4. Expertize is carried out by JSC Uzkurilishmateriallari within ten days from the date of receipt of the corresponding address from the license applicant.

5. In writing informs the license applicant within five working days from the date of receipt of the request on acceptance or motivated variation of the request of Goskomgeologiya of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

6. For consideration of the request for licensing for right to use by the subsoil plot collection in quadruple size of the minimum wage established by the legislation is levied. The collection amount for consideration of the request is credited into Goskomgeologiya's account of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

7. The request can be rejected in cases if:

in the documents submitted by the applicant there are doubtful or distorted data;

the applicant did not provide or cannot produce the evidence that he has or will have necessary financial and technical means for use of the subsoil plot.

8. After adoption of the request of Goskomgeologiya within ten days develops the project of the conditions of use of the subsoil plot included in the license.

The project of conditions of use of the subsoil plot within ten days from the date of intake of materials is approved along with Goskomgeologiya, Goskomecology and the State inspection Sanoatgeokontekhnazorat.

9. The agreed project of conditions of use of the subsoil plot is submitted to the job seeker for acquaintance.

10. In case of the consent of the job seeker with the offered terms of use of natural resources to it the geological and other information on the asked subsoil plot sufficient for preparation is submitted within five-day term in accordance with the established procedure:

the enlarged technical and economic calculations for use of the subsoil plot - in case of provision of subsoil for geological studying on the terms of entrepreneurial risk, and also for trial production of brick raw materials;


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