of July 5, 1995
The Armenian people, based on the fundamental principles of the Armenian statehood and the national purposes enshrined in the Declaration on independence of Armenia, having performed sacred precept of the freedom-loving ancestors about recovery of sovereign statehood, being committed to case of strengthening and development of the Homeland for ensuring freedom, general welfare, civil consent for descendants, confirming the fidelity to universal values, accepts the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia.
The Republic of Armenia – the sovereign, democratic, social, constitutional state.
The power in the Republic of Armenia belongs to the people.
The people perform the power by means of free elections, referenda, and also through the state bodies provided by the Constitution, local government bodies and officials.
Usurpation of the power by any organization or the personality is crime.
1. In the Republic of Armenia the person is the supreme value. Inaliennable advantage of the person is the integral basis of its rights and freedoms.
2. The respect and protection of basic rights and freedoms of man and citizen are obligations of the public authorities.
3. The public power is limited to the basic rights and freedoms of man and citizen which are directly the law in force.
The government is performed according to the Constitution and the laws
– on the basis of separation and balance of the legislative, executive and judicial authorities.
1. The constitution has the highest legal force.
2. The laws shall correspond to the constitutional laws, and subordinate regulatory legal acts – to the constitutional laws and the laws.
3. In case of contradiction between regulations of the international treaties ratified by the Republic of Armenia, and the laws of the Republic of Armenia regulations of international treaties are applied.
1. State bodies and local government bodies and officials are competent to perform only such operations on which they are authorized by the Constitution and the laws.
2. The bodies provided by the Constitution on the basis of the Constitution and the laws and for the purpose of ensuring their implementation can be authorized by the law on acceptance of subordinate regulatory legal acts. Authorizing norms shall correspond to the principle of legal definiteness.
3. The laws and subordinate regulatory legal acts become effective after their publication according to the procedure, established by the law.
Elections to National Assembly and local government boards, and also referenda are held on the basis of general, equal, free and direct suffrage by secret vote.
In the Republic of Armenia the right to property is recognized and protected.
In the Republic of Armenia freedom of economic activity and the free economic competition are guaranteed.
In the Republic of Armenia local self-government as one of essential basic principles of democracy is guaranteed.
1. The Republic of Armenia is recognized and all patterns of ownership are similarly protected.
2. Subsoil and water resources are exclusive property of the state.
1. The state stimulates protection, improvement and recovery of the environment, rational use of natural resources, being guided by the principle of sustainable development and taking into account responsibility to future generations.
2. Everyone shall show care of environmental protection.
The foreign policy of the Republic of Armenia is performed on the basis of international law for the purpose of establishment of good-neighbourhood, mutually beneficial relations with all states.
1. Armed forces of the Republic of Armenia provide protection, safety, territorial integrity and immunity of borders of the Republic of Armenia.
2. Armed forces of the Republic of Armenia observe neutrality in political affairs and are under civil control.
3. Each citizen shall participate in the procedure established by the law in protection of the Republic of Armenia.
1. The state stimulates cultural development, science and education.
2. Armenian and the Armenian cultural heritage are under guardianship and protection of the state.
Family as natural and basic cell of society, basis of preserving and reproduction of the population, and also motherhood and the childhood are under special protection and special protection of the state.
1. In the Republic of Armenia freedom of activities of the religious organizations is guaranteed.
2. The religious organizations are separated the state.
1. The Republic of Armenia recognizes the exclusive mission of the Armenian Apostolic Sacred Church as national church in spiritual life of the Armenian people, in development of its national culture and preserving its national originality.
2. The relations of the Republic of Armenia and the Armenian Apostolic Sacred Church can be regulated by the law.
1. The Republic of Armenia performs the policy aimed at the development of comprehensive communications and preserving armyanstvo with the Armenian Diaspora promotes repatriation.
2. The Republic of Armenia on the basis of international law assists preserving Armenian, the Armenian historical and cultural values, development of the Armenian educational and cultural life in other states.
State language of the Republic of Armenia is Armenian.
1. Flag of the Republic of Armenia – three-colored, with uniform horizontal strips of red, blue, orange color.
2. The coat of arms of the Republic of Armenia – the image in the center on Mount Ararat board with Noah's Ark and the coats of arms of four kingdoms of historical Armenia. The board is supported by eagle and lion, and under board the sword, branch, sheaf of ears, chain and tape are represented.
3. The detailed description of the Flag and Coat of arms is established by the law.
4. The anthem of the Republic of Armenia is established by the law.
The capital of the Republic of Armenia is the city of Yerevan.
Advantage of the person is indestructible.
1. Everyone has the right to life.
2. Nobody can be randomly deprived of life.
3. Nobody can be sentenced to death or subjected to capital punishment.
1. Everyone has the right to physical and mental integrity.
2. The right to physical and mental integrity can be limited only to the law for the purpose of state security, suppression or disclosure of crimes, protection of public order, health and morality or basic rights and freedoms of other persons.
3. In medical and biological spheres, in particular, eugenical experiences, transformation of bodies and tissues of the person in profit source, reproduction cloning of the person are forbidden.
4. Nobody can be subjected to scientific, medical or other experiences without the freely and accurately expressed consent. The person is informed previously on possible consequences of such experiences.
1. Nobody can be exposed to tortures, cruel or degrading treatment or punishment.
2. Corporal punishments are forbidden.
3. Persons imprisoned have the right to humane treatment.
1. Everyone has the right to personal liberty. Nobody can be imprisoned personal differently as in the following cases and in the established law procedure:
1) when person is condemned for the committed crime by competent court;
2) for non-obedience to the lawful court order;
3) for the purpose of ensuring accomplishment of the certain obligation established by the law;
4) for the purpose of the drive of person in competent authority when there is reasonable suspicion of making of crime by it or when it reasonably is necessary for the purpose of suppression of crime execution or escape of person after its making;
5) for the purpose of transfer of the minor under educational supervision or its drive in competent authority;
6) for the purpose of prevention of spread of infectious diseases, dangerous to society, and also the danger proceeding from persons having mental violations, drunkards or addicts;
7) for the purpose of suppression of illegal penetration of person into the Republic of Armenia or expulsion of person or its transfer to other state.
2. Each person imprisoned personal instantly is informed on the imprisonment reasons, and in case of presentation of criminal charge also on accusation in language clear to it.
3. Each person imprisoned personal has the right that person elected by it was instantly informed on it. Implementation of this right can
to be postponed only in case, procedure and for the term which are established by the law for the purpose of suppression or disclosure of crimes.
4. If concerning person imprisoned on the basis of item 4 of part of 1 this Article, court in reasonable time from the moment of imprisonment, however not later than within seventy two hours does not pass the decision on permission to its further detention, then it is immediately exempted.
5. Each person imprisoned personal has the right to contest of legitimacy of deprivation of its freedom in this connection the court in short time passes the decision and disposes about its release if imprisonment is illegal.
6. Nobody can be imprisoned personal only for the reason that he is not able to fulfill civil obligations.
All are equal before the law.
Discrimination depending on floor, race, skin color, ethnic or social origin, genetic signs, language, religion, outlook, political or different views is forbidden, to belonging to ethnic minority, property status, the birth, disability, age or other circumstances of personal or social nature.
Women and men are equal.
1. Everyone has the right to immunity of the private and family life, honor and kind reputation.
2. The right to immunity of private and family life can be limited only to the law for the purpose of state security, economic well-being of nation, suppression or disclosure of crimes, protection of public order, health and morality or basic rights and freedoms of other persons.
1. Everyone has the right to inviolability of home.
2. The right to inviolability of home can be limited only to the law for the purpose of state security, economic well-being of nation, suppression or disclosure of crimes, protection of public order, health and morality or basic rights and freedoms of other persons.
3. Search in the dwelling can be executed only by a court decision – in the cases and procedure established by the law. By the law other cases of restriction of the right to inviolability of home by a court decision can be set.
1. Everyone has right to liberty and the mystery of correspondence, telephone negotiations and other forms of messages.
2. Freedom and the secrecy of the message can be limited only to the law for the purpose of state security, economic well-being of nation, suppression or disclosure of crimes, protection of public order, health and morality or basic rights and freedoms of other persons.
3. The secrecy of the message can be limited only by a court decision, except as specified, when necessary for protection of state security and is caused by the special status of the reported faces established by the law.
1. Everyone has right of defense of the personal data concerning it.
2. Processing of personal data shall be made honesty, with the purpose established by the law, in the consent of the personality or without such consent - in the presence of other lawful basis established by the law.
3. Everyone has the right to acquaintance with the data collected about it in state bodies and local government bodies and to the requirement of correction of doubtful data, and also to elimination of the data acquired in the illegal way or which do not have more legal basis.
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