of October 29, 2009 No. 48-XVIII
About fields of activity of the permanent commissions of Parliament
The parliament accepts this resolution.
Art. 1. - Determine field of activity of the permanent commissions of Parliament as follows:
1. Commission on points of law, appointments and immunity:
constitutional regulation; regulation in the field of the civil, criminal, administrative right, civil, criminal procedure, process about offenses and procedures of administrative court; judicial system, status of magistrates and prosecutor's office; legislation on elections, legislation on batches and public associations; questions of application of Regulations of Parliament, respect for parliamentary discipline, immunity, appointments and approvals; monitoring of execution of decisions of the European Court of Human Rights by the Republic of Moldova and annual representation at the plenary session of Parliament of the report on results of such monitoring; other regulation of legal nature; execution of resolutions and addresses of the Constitutional court in the field; implementation of parliamentary control in the above-noted areas.
2. Commission on economy, budget and finance:
providing the legislation in the following areas: policy of long-term development and ensuring economic growth; budget, tax and customs policy; financial and credit and cash and bank policy; investing activities and security market; development of information, electronic sectors, telecommunication and energy sector; insurance and reinsurance; protection of the rights of producers and consumers; enhancement of the market relations and free competition; policy of domestic and foreign trade; optimization of field of activity of the real sector of national economy (licensing, certification, accreditation, assessment, etc.); optimization of the sphere of privatization and property; the international agreements in financial and economic area; execution of resolutions and addresses of the Constitutional court in the field; implementation of parliamentary control in the above-noted areas.
3. Commission on homeland security, defense and public order:
questions of state security, service in the specialized structures of the executive authority ensuring homeland security; fight against crime, corruption and terrorism; ensuring public order and traffic safety; protection and observance of the mode of frontier, power of the central and local authorities of the public power in the field of protection of frontier; reform of Armed forces (national army, border troops, troops of carabineers), service in Armed forces and civil (alternative) service, social and legal protection of the military personnel; service in customs authorities, penal system and bodies of civil protection and emergency situations; protection of the state secret; providing citizens with identification documents, personal data protection; execution of resolutions and addresses of the Constitutional court in the field; implementation of parliamentary control in the above-noted areas.
4. Commission on foreign policy and European integration:
parliamentary control of carrying out by the Government foreign policy and policy of the European integration; coordination of process of reduction of the legislation in compliance with the European standards; making the conclusions on agreements and other international acts; cooperation with parliaments of other states and inter-parliamentary organizations; hearing of candidates for positions of ambassadors abroad; execution of resolutions and addresses of the Constitutional court in the field; implementation of parliamentary control in the above-noted areas.
5. Commission on Human Rights and to the interethnic relations:
human rights; problems of ethnic minorities; questions of cults; nationality Republic of Moldova; providing and monitoring of legal regulation in the field of migration; monitoring of application of the legislation on ensuring equal chances for women and men; protection of communities of compatriots abroad; ensuring protection of the victims of political repressions and refugees; monitoring of application of the legislation in the field of nondiscrimination, the economic, social and cultural rights of the personality; regulation of questions of violence in family, the rights of the woman and child; carrying out policy and strategy implementation in the field of human rights and monitoring of these processes; state policy in the field of protection of the rights of the child and family, creation of the legislation in this area and monitoring of its application; providing the legislation of protection of the rights of persons with limited opportunities; execution of resolutions and addresses of the Constitutional court in the field; implementation of parliamentary control in the above-noted areas.
6. Commission on public management:
organization and functioning of bodies of the central public management; public service; administrative-territorial device of the Republic of Moldova; organization and functioning of bodies of local public authority; local autonomy and democracy; property and public finance of administrative territorial units; parliamentary control of activities of bodies of the central and local public authority for the purpose of application of the legislation; organization and control of consideration of petitions and reception of citizens; execution of resolutions and addresses of the Constitutional court in the field; implementation of parliamentary control in vysheotme-chenny areas.
7. Commission on culture, education, science, youth, sport and mass media:
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The document ceased to be valid since November 29, 2019 according to the Resolution of Parliament of November 29, 2019 No. 72