Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The document ceased to be valid since March 14, 2015 according to Item 2 of the Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 24, 2014 No. 247


of December 26, 2003 No. 467

About approval of Rules of conducting cash transactions with physical persons and legal entities in National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan

(as amended on 24-08-2012)

For the purpose of enhancement of conducting cash transactions in branches of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan the Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of conducting cash transactions with physical persons and legal entities in National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. From the date of enforcement of this resolution to declare invalid the resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 25, 1997 No. 281 "About Rules on issued and cash transactions and ensuring safety of values in divisions of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan at No. 415, Habarshysa's Bankinin published on November 24-29, 1997, on December 1-6, 1997, on December 8-14, 1997 in official publications of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Kazakstan Ulttyk" and "the Bulletin of National Bank of Kazakhstan).

3. This resolution becomes effective after ten days from the date of its publication in mass media of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. To management on work with cash (Mazhitov D. M.):

1) together with Legal department (Sharipov S. B.) to take measures to state registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan of this resolution;

2) in ten-day time from the date of state registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan of this resolution to bring it to the attention of the interested divisions of central office, territorial branches of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Center of cash transactions and storage of values (branch) of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

5. To management on ensuring activities of management of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Terentyev A. L.) provide the publication of this resolution in official mass media of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

6. To impose control over execution of this resolution on the vice-chairman of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhamishev B. B.


Chairman of National Bank G. Marchenko

Approved by the resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 26, 2003 No. 467

Rules of conducting cash transactions with physical persons and legal entities in National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. These rules of conducting cash transactions with physical persons and legal entities in National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan are developed according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 30, 1995 "About National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan" and establish procedure for conducting cash transactions in National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - National Bank) and its branches.

2. Regulations of these rules extend to divisions of central office, territorial branches of National Bank and the Center of cash transactions and storage of values (branch) of National Bank (further - the Center), and also the physical persons and legal entities bringing (handing over) and (or) receiving cash in branches of National Bank (daleekliyenta).

Chapter 2. The basic concepts used in these rules

3. In these rules the concepts provided by regulatory legal acts of National Bank and also the following concepts are used:

1) turnover cash desk - the cash desk of branch of National Bank including receipt, account, credit and debit cash desks, cash desk of recalculation, change (exchange) cash desk and evening cash desk;

2) surplus - the exceeding difference between the cash amount of money specified on packaging of banknotes or coins and the amount of the banknotes and coins which are actually in this packaging;

3) the module of cash desk - the module of issued and cash transactions which is part of subsystem of the integrated automated system;

4) shortage - missing difference between the cash amount of money specified on packaging of banknotes or coins and the amount of the banknotes and coins which are actually in this packaging;

5) doubtful banknotes and coins - the banknotes and coins having damages for establishment of solvency and which authenticity needs conducting examination;

5-1) financial automated system of transport of information (further - FASTI) - the special communication channel having necessary protection against unauthorized access to the sent documentation;

6) division on work with cash - the division of central office of National Bank performing activities for the organization of cash circulation and issued and cash transactions in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

6-1) division of accounting of monetary transactions - the division of central office of National Bank performing reflection in financial accounting of issued and cash transactions;

7) accounts department of branch - division of financial accounting of branch of National Bank.

Chapter 3. Organization of cash work

4. Cash operations in branch of National Bank are performed during the whole operational day. Time of the beginning and completion of work of cash desk (operational day) is established by the order of the head of branch of National Bank.

5. All cash which arrived from clients during the operational day is accepted by branch of National Bank in turnover cash desk of branch of National Bank (further - turnover cash desk) with transfer of their amounts into the corresponding customer accounts in the same operational day.

All cash issued to clients from cash desk of branch of National Bank during the operational day is charged off the corresponding customer accounts in the same operational day.

6. For transportation of cash between branches of National Bank in the Center the division of collection and transportation of values is created.

7. Transportation of cash between branch of National Bank and clients legal entities is made by division of collection and transportation of values of branch of National Bank based on the relevant agreement.

8. The branch of National Bank accepts only payment banknotes and coins to payment.

The shabby, withdrawn from circulation and damaged banknotes which kept more than 50 (fifty) percent of the complete size are accepted by branch of National Bank and exchange according to these rules.

9. The branch of National Bank considers messages (claim) connected with the facts of counterfeit of banknotes or coins. Counterfeit and not payment banknotes or coins to clients do not return and do not exchange. The branch of National Bank informs on the fact of detection of counterfeit banknotes or coins law enforcement agencies.

Chapter 4. Making of cash transactions

Paragraph 1. Organization of work on acceptance of cash by receipt cash desk

10. The receipt cash desk of branch of National Bank (daleeprikhodny cash desk) performs acceptance of the cash placed (handed over) by clients.

11. Acceptance of cash by receipt cash desk from the legal entities having the bank account (-and) in branch of National Bank or division of accounting of monetary transactions, is performed based on the contracts for cash servicing signed between branch of National Bank and the specified legal entities.

Acceptance of cash by receipt cash desk from the physical persons and legal entities which do not have bank account (-ov) in branch of National Bank or division of accounting of monetary transactions, is performed without the conclusion of the contract for cash servicing with sheet recalculation of banknotes and coins on circles.

12. The receipt cash desk accepts from clients legal entities only the banknotes and coins (separately on new and earlier issued monetary ranks) packed by clients legal entities into complete packs and sacks sorted by degree of depreciation.

In complete packs with banknotes and the sacks with coins accepted by receipt cash desk from clients being banks of the second level, the national operator of mail, the organizations performing transactions on collection of banknotes, coins and values with combination of activities for recalculation, sorting, packaging, storage of banknotes, coins and values and also their issue to banks and their clients at the request of banks (daleebanka), there can be packs with banknotes and the sacks with coins created by cash employees of branches and exchange points of banks.

Packs with banknotes and sacks with coins are created in time, not exceeding 1 (one) calendar month from the date of their forming.

Acceptance of incomplete packs with banknotes and sacks with coins is made according to the written permission of the head of branch of National Bank. Not sorted banknotes and coins at nominals and on validity degree are not subject to acceptance.


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