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of October 2, 2009 No. 780

About features of ensuring unity of measurements when implementing activities in the field of defense and safety of the Russian Federation

(as amended of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 03.06.2017 No. 677)

According to part 7 of article 1 of the Federal law "About Ensuring Unity of Measurements" Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the enclosed Regulations on features of ensuring unity of measurements when implementing activities in the field of defense and safety of the Russian Federation.

2. To the federal executive bodies performing activities in the field of defense and safety of the Russian Federation to bring the regulatory legal acts into accord with this resolution.

3. Declare invalid the paragraph of the seventh of Item 1 of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1994 N 100 "About the organization of works on standardization, ensuring unity of measurements, certification of products and services" (Collection of acts of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation, 1994, N 8, the Art. 598).

Russian Prime Minister

V. V. Putin


Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 2, 2009 No. 780

Regulations on features of ensuring unity of measurements when implementing activities in the field of defense and safety of the Russian Federation

1. This Provision establishes features of ensuring unity of measurements when implementing activities in the field of defense and safety of the state, governs the relations of participants of works on ensuring unity of measurements in this area and extends to the federal executive bodies performing activities in the field of defense and safety of the state according to the Federal Laws "About Defense" and "About Safety", and being under their authority the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military forming and bodies, and also the organizations of the industry executing the state defense order.

2. Main objectives of ensuring unity of measurements in the field of defense and safety of the state are:

a) achievement of required accuracy, reliability and comparability of results of measurements in case of the accomplishment of the state defense order and operation of arms, the military and special equipment, technical means (further - arms, the military and special equipment) providing their readiness for application and efficiency of proper use, safety and fail-safety;

b) ensuring innovative development of military technologies, retrofitting of troops (forces) with modern precision weapons and military equipment;

c) ensuring efficiency of scientific research, developmental works, production and operation of arms, military and special equipment, reducing terms of their creation and testing;

d) maintenance of fighting capacity of military units and health of staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military forming and bodies;

e) achievement of necessary accuracy and reliability of results of measurements in case of fighting, technical and logistic support of troops (forces), implementation of actions for protection of economic safety of the state;

e) providing mode of privacy and protection of the state secret;

g) increase in efficiency of anti-terrorist activities;

h) economy of all types of resources during creation and operation of arms, the military and special equipment;

i) quality assurance of arms, military and special equipment and increase in their reliability.

3. Ensuring unity of measurements in the field of defense and safety of the state will be organized taking into account requirements of survivability, mobility, autonomy, efficiency, cost efficiency and protection of the state secret.

4. Activities for ensuring unity of measurements in the field of defense and safety of the state are performed by metrological services of federal executive bodies, metrological services of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military forming and bodies and the metrological organizations which are under their authority solving problems of ensuring unity of measurements and also metrological services of the organizations of the industry executing the state defense order.

5. The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation determines the parent research assessment authority on ensuring unity of measurements in the field of defense and safety of the state which is carrying out tasks of scientific providing and interagency methodical coordination of metrological works, researches, maintenance and application of military standards of units of sizes of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation as initial standards for ensuring unity of measurements in the field of defense and safety of the state and reserve of the state primary standards of units of sizes, metrological support of perspective military technologies and innovative development of arms, the military and special equipment.

6. The technical basis of ensuring unity of measurements in the field of defense and safety of the state is formed by the military standards of units of sizes of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation traced to the state primary standards of units of sizes, standards carriers, working standards and mobile metrological complexes of different function, standard examples and working measuring instruments of military and special purpose.

The measuring instruments developed and (or) applied to measurements in the field of defense and safety of the state belong to measuring instruments of military and special purpose.

7. Establishment of mandatory metrological requirements to measurements, including indicators of accuracy of measurements, mandatory requirements to technical systems and devices with measuring functions, to measuring instruments of military and special purpose, their components, the software and standard samples is performed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation about technical regulation, standardization and ensuring unity of measurements with federal executive bodies - the state customers in regulatory legal acts, technical documentation (design, technological and program documentation) on defense products and processes and documents on standardization.

8. Establishment of mandatory metrological requirements in case of accomplishment of the state defense order is performed by federal executive bodies - the state customers in regulatory legal acts, technical documentation on defense products and processes, documents on standardization and public contracts.

9. Establishment of features of reference of technical means to measuring instruments of military and special purpose, testing of measuring instruments of military and special purpose for the purpose of approval of type and approval procedure of their type, checking of measuring instruments of military and special purpose, certification of standards of units of sizes and techniques (methods) of the measurements applied in the field of defense and safety of the state, and also special requirements to sign of the specified checking is performed by the federal executive bodies authorized in the field of defense and safety of the state in coordination with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation.


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