of September 30, 2009 No. ZRU-225
About power industry
Accepted by Legislative house on June 24, 2009
Approved by the Senate on August 28, 2009
The purpose of this Law is regulation of the relations in the field of power industry.
The legislation on power industry consists of this Law and other acts of the legislation.
If the international treaty of the Republic of Uzbekistan establishes other rules, than those which are stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Uzbekistan about power industry then are applied rules of the international treaty.
In this Law the following basic concepts are applied:
power industry - the sphere of production, transfer, distribution, sale and consumption of electrical energy;
single electric utility system - set of the companies for production of electrical energy, the high-level power networks, territorial power networks and supervisory control of them;
power generation facilities - the companies for production of electrical energy, and also objects of electric grid economy;
the companies for production of electrical energy - stationary power plants (thermal power plants, combined heat and power plants, hydroelectric power stations, and also other power plants using the renewable energy resources) connected to single electric utility system;
objects of electric grid economy - power line, transformer substations, distribution points intended for implementation of transfer of electrical energy;
the high-level power networks - the set of objects of electric grid economy used for ensuring interregional and (or) interstate transfer of electrical energy;
territorial power network - set of objects of electric grid economy within respectively territory of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, areas and the city of Tashkent;
supervisory control - process of centralized continuous management of technology coordinated work of power generation facilities and the technology mode of functioning of single electric utility system;
electrical energy - the goods of special type which are characterized by simultaneity of its production and consumption;
the consumer of electrical energy (consumer) - the legal entity or physical person using electrical energy for production and (or) domestic needs according to the agreement of electric utility service;
emergency operation - inadmissible variation of technology parameters of work of power generation facilities which can lead to violation of reliable functioning of single electric utility system and restriction of delivery of electrical energy to consumers.
The main directions of state policy in the field of power industry are:
ensuring electrical power safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
ensuring safe and reliable functioning of single electric utility system, satisfaction of needs of consumers in electrical energy;
ensuring equal access for consumers to territorial power networks;
investment attraction in processes of reconstruction, upgrade, development of the generating capacities and power networks;
implementation of the market principles and mechanisms in management system and economic communications on production, transfer and sale of electrical energy;
ensuring the balanced development of power industry;
rational use of electrical energy and fuel and energy resources.
State regulation in the field of power industry is performed within the powers:
Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
specially authorized body in the field of power industry determined by the legislation;
the state supervision body in the field of power industry determined by the legislation;
public authorities on places.
Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
will organize development of development programs of power industry and approves them in accordance with the established procedure;
enables the realization of the basic principles and the priority directions of deepening of economic reforms in the field of power industry;
creates balance of production and consumption of electrical energy;
determines procedure for financing, construction, commissioning and conclusion from operation of power generation facilities;
promotes projects implementation on production of electrical energy with use of renewable energy resources;
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approves Instructions for use by electrical energy.
The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan can perform also other powers according to the legislation.
Specially authorized body in the field of power industry:
provides safe and reliable functioning of single electric utility system and satisfaction of needs of consumers in electrical energy;
develops development programs of power industry;
participates in forming of balance of production and consumption of electrical energy and makes offers on rates for electrical energy;
sets the mode of functioning of single electric utility system;
manages the high-level power networks;
performs actions for reconstruction, upgrade, development of the generating capacities and power networks;
exercises control of activities of the system operator of single electric utility system (further - the system operator), the single purchaser of electrical energy, the main power networks company;
develops and approves regulating documents in the field of power industry;
exercises engineering and technology supervision over the organization by legal entities of operation of power generation facilities;
coordinates work on technical regulation, standardization, metrology and certification in the field of power industry;
will organize work of test laboratories in the field of power industry;
coordinates research, adjustment, repair and engineering project works on power generation facilities;
will organize development and implementation of measures for rational use of electrical energy and fuel and energy resources, and also for use of renewable energy resources;
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The document ceased to be valid since November 9, 2024 according to article 65 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan of August 7, 2024 No. ZRU-939