of August 24, 2009 No. 73
About approval of the Regulations on requirements to diagnostic stations
It is approved State committee on standardization Republic of Belarus August 21, 2009 |
It is approved Management State automobile inspection Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus August 20, 2009 |
Based on article 12 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of January 5, 2008 "About traffic" and subitem 5.9 of Item 5 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of July 31, 2006 No. 985 "Questions of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus", the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:
1. Approve the enclosed Regulations on requirements to diagnostic stations.
2. Declare invalid the resolution of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus of February 29, 2008 No. 17 "About requirements to diagnostic stations and procedure for issue of permissions to carrying out the state technical inspection of vehicles by them" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2008, No. 69, 8/18358).
I. I. Shcherbo
Approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus of August 24, 2009 No. 73
1. This Provision determines organizational and technical and production requirements to diagnostic stations (further - DS).
2. Work of DS will be organized in stationary conditions.
In the territory of the administrative and territorial units of the Republic of Belarus which do not have stationary DS work of mobile DS can be organized.
3. Control and diagnostic works are carried out without carrying out adjusting, dismantling and assembly and (or) other works with use of the operational gage devices which underwent in accordance with the established procedure metrological control and also other production (diagnostic) equipment.
4. Carrying out control and diagnostic works on DS is performed by engineers on technical inspection of vehicles (further - TS) with the relevant qualification requirements, stipulated by the legislation.
The chief of DS determines person according to qualification requirements, stipulated by the legislation for the engineer on technical inspection of TS.
5. The number of engineers on technical inspection of the TS which are at the same time working at the diagnostic line cannot be less than two.
6. DS are completed with the technological instruction describing engineering procedure of carrying out the state technical inspection (further - the technological instruction), with indication of necessary reference information.
7. The owner of DS and the republican unitary service enterprise "Beltekhosmotr" (further - Beltekhosmotr Unitary Enterprise) in the agreement determine the mode of carrying out the state technical inspection of TS (further - state checkup) on DS corresponding to operational mode of the worker Beltekhosmotr Unitary Enterprise, procedure for development and filling of the technological instruction, the protocol of data exchange on results of carrying out state checkup and issue of permissions to the admission of TS to participation in traffic (further - permission), and also other questions concerning the organization and performance of works according to the admission of TS to participation in traffic on DS.
8. On DS the possibility of calculations by means of the automated information system of single settlement and information space is provided.
9. In the territory of DS the following obligatory elements are placed:
platforms for the CU, expecting and undergone state checkup;
sidings and passes to rooms and platforms;
the measuring site for control of brake systems of motor-vehicles (in the absence of possibility to control of brake systems of motor-vehicles with use of the DS roller brake stand);
premises of DS (the production room, the room for servicing of customers (clients), the room for issue of permissions).
On mobile DS availability of separate posts of the control and diagnostic works placed in different production rooms and (or) on the open areas is allowed.
10. For the organization of movement, placement of TS, safety control the territory of DS is equipped:
information plates and marking. In case of entrance on the territory in which DS is placed the information stand at which traffic patterns of TS, operational mode of DS, contact information and data on the nearest DS (at least two) are specified is established;
artificial lighting in night-time of the sidings and platforms for the CU which are expecting and underwent state checkup.
11. Platforms for the CU, expecting and undergone state checkup, sidings and passes to rooms and platforms, the measuring site for control of brake systems of motor-vehicles have equal asphalt or cement-concrete pavement.
12. The measuring site for control of brake systems of motor-vehicles by road method is equipped taking into account requirements of technical regulatory legal acts to methods of conducting check of brake systems. Width of the measuring site constitutes at least 2,0 of m, length - at least 40 m.
13. Requirements to premises of DS, production processes and the equipment, microclimate, ventilation and lighting, water supply and water disposal, sanitary household to providing, working conditions are established according to sanitary standards, rules and hygienic standard rates, regulations and fire safety regulations.
14. Planning solution of the production room is chosen taking into account outline dimensions of TS, the used gage devices and other production (diagnostic) equipment.
15. The sizes of diagnostic lines for carrying out state checkup are determined according to appendix to this Provision proceeding from categories of the checked TS.
16. On facade of the production room in case of entrance to it information stands with information on operational mode of DS, procedure for entrance of TS to the diagnostic line and other reference information are established.
17. The sizes of apertures of gate of the production room constitute at least:
for TS of categories M1, N1: width - m 2,4, height - m 2,4;
for TS of category Sq.m: width - m 3,0, height - m 3,0;
for TS of category N2: width - m 3,0, height - m 3,6;
for TS of categories M3, N3: width - m 3,6, height - m 4,2.
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The document ceased to be valid since September 22, 2022 according to Item 2 of the Resolution of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus of August 26, 2022 No. 79