Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of June 20, 2001 No. 53

About protection and use of flora

(as amended on 23-03-2020)

Accepted by General Court of Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on May 22, 2001

Flora is property of the Kyrgyz Republic, the major factor in ecological equilibrium of the biosphere, indivisible element of landscape and specific variety of the environment, the largest store of solar energy and biological weight, one of oxygen sources on the earth, the regulator of water drain, temperature condition of air masses and erosive processes of soils.

Flora is subject to protection and rational use for spiritual, material and improving needs of citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic.

This Law establishes the legal basis for ensuring effective protection, rational use and reproduction of resources of flora.

Section I. General provisions

Article 1. Legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic on protection and use of flora

The relations in the field of protection and use of flora in the Kyrgyz Republic are regulated by the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About environmental protection", the Forest code, this Law and other regulatory legal acts.

Article 2. The basic concepts applied in this Law

Objects of flora or natural vegetable to resursyvsa types of wild-growing plants: land and underground speak rapidly, including roots, seeds, flowers, grass vegetable cover, medicinal and technical vegetable raw materials, wild-growing berries, fruits of walnut, pistachio, sea-buckthorn, rare and disappearing plants, trees, groups of trees, bushes, willow plantings, reed, cane, and also Bryophyta, seaweed, mushrooms, lichens, etc. Objects of flora share:

- to destination - on food, fodder, medicinal, technical;

- on prevalence - on mass, restrictedly widespread, rare, disappearing.

Flora (vegetation) - set natural, different on structure, structure, provision and value of types of vegetation or the vegetable communities combined in departments of different phytocenogenesis and the time of origin covering the earth or its separate territories, which are characterized by the number and combination of different vegetable communities, their spaces, structure and dynamics, and also set of vital forms of plants.

Vegetable community - set of populations of the plants growing in the homogeneous territory which specific structure and structure are caused by difficult relations among themselves, with animals and the environment.

Plants (as flora objects) - the organisms breeding disputes, seeds and vegetative parts (including mushrooms, seaweed, mosses, lichens, pteridophytes), capable to synthesize, with energy use of the sun, from inorganic compounds organic substances.

Community - set of organisms of different functional accessory within the homogeneous territory.

Limit - extremely assigned amount of withdrawal of objects of flora established taking into account non-infringement of biological diversity.

Article 3. The principles in the field of protection, use and reproduction of objects of flora

When planning and implementing actions for protection and rational use of objects of flora, and also the actions influencing the circle their growths or condition of these objects it is necessary to observe the following principles:

- the paid nature of use of flora objects for commercial purposes;

- compensation of the damage caused to flora objects, and use of these funds for recovery of the caused damage;

- preserving under natural conditions biological diversity of wild-growing plants and natural vegetable communities formed by them;

- protection of the circle of growth of wild-growing plants and the natural vegetable communities created by them;

- recovery and preserving integrity of populations of rare, disappearing, and also endemic, relic and other persons in need in protection of types of wild-growing plants;

- evidence-based use and reproduction of natural vegetable resources;

- maintenance of the water preserving, soil-protective, sredoobrazuyushchy, improving, recreational and other useful properties of flora for the benefit of public health care, improvements of the surrounding environment and development of the national economy;


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