of June 26, 1992
The governments of the State Parties of this agreement which are referred to as further "Contracting parties"
attaching special significance to question of strengthening and public health care of the State Parties of the Commonwealth;
considering extremely important value of health care in social and economic development of the State Parties of the Commonwealth;
aiming to keep and develop the developed interrelations in the field of health care;
recognizing relevance of cooperation in the field of health care, production of medicines and medical equipment, delivery of health care to citizens of one State Parties of the Commonwealth in the territory of others, natural disaster response and catastrophic crashes, exchange of information in carrying out different researches;
proceeding from the principles of neighborliness, equality, respect of sovereignty, mutual advantage and mutual assistance agreed as follows:
Contracting parties intend to hold consultations and to exchange work experience on enhancement of management system health care, including on introduction of medical insurance of citizens, implementation of other progressive forms of the organization of health care, creation of the health care market.
Contracting parties will not allow the actions connected with the organization of medical care, introduction and control of execution of sanitary and hygienic standard rates which can exert adverse impact on health of citizens of other states.
Contracting parties, being guided by the principles of humanity, shall render emergency and emergency medical service to citizens of the State Parties of the Commonwealth without mutual compensations of costs, planned medical care in the direction of bodies and healthcare institutions with compensation of actual costs by the sending party, or on the conditions provided by special bilateral agreements.
Contracting parties shall cooperate in area:
development and implementation of joint programs on priority and urgent problems of health care and medical science;
preparation, use and advanced training medical, scientific and research and educational personnel on the basis of the approved qualification requirements to the graduate, the specialist;
developments and productions of products of medical equipment, medicinal, diagnostic means and immunobiological medicines, including developments and approvals of harmonized standards, and also in the field of registration, certification and quality control of products of medical appointment;
developments of basic and applied scientific research in the field of experimental, clinical and preventive medicine according to requirements of protection of public health;
coordination of development of the sanitary legislation, introduction of sanitary and hygienic standard rates, organization and performing immunoprevention, actions for sanitary protection of the territories;
exchange of medical and other information on questions of the state of health of the population, the factors creating it, the main indicators of health care and the provided medical care;
holding actions of educational and information and scientific nature;
expansions of direct connections between bodies and healthcare institutions;
developments of resort case and recreation.
Contracting parties shall:
give help in case of natural disaster response, environmental and other disasters, epidemics, and also to help efforts of other countries, the international and public organizations, on rendering such help;
provide coordination of actions for minimization of medical effects of catastrophic crash on the Chernobyl NPP, in zones of ecological catastrophe in Priaralye, Semipalatinsk, and also in other places of environmental, spontaneous and other disasters.
Contracting parties recognize the documents received in state and others officially the organizations equated to them in the territory of the State Parties of the Commonwealth about education of medical, pharmaceutical and other health care providers, their qualification and assignment of academic degrees and ranks.
Contracting parties realize the directions and conditions of cooperation by the conclusion of bilateral agreements between the State Parties of the Commonwealth.
Contracting parties create Council for cooperation in the field of health care of the Commonwealth of Independent States as a part of Ministers of Health and the Chief State health officers of these states. Approve the enclosed Regulations on this Council. For technical supply of work of Council to create the Secretariat.
Working language of Council for cooperation in the field of health care is Russian.
This agreement is signed for one year and will be prolonged automatically for the year period for each participant if he in two months prior to the expiration of the corresponding term does not inform Council for cooperation in the field of health care on the intention to change the Agreement, or to leave it.
Any state can join this agreement by giving in Council for cooperation in the field of health care of the corresponding address. The agreement becomes effective for this state after receipt of consent to it of all his participants.
Contracting parties agree that this agreement becomes effective from the moment of its signing. The agreement can be added or changed with the consent of the parties which signed it.
It is made in the city of Minsk on June 26, 1992 in one authentic copy in Russian. The authentic copy is stored in Archive of the Government of the Republic of Belarus which will send to the states which signed this agreement, its verified copy.
For the Government of the Azerbaijan Republic |
For the Government of the Russian Federation |
For the Government of the Republic of Armenia |
For the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan |
For the Government of the Republic of Belarus |
For the Government of Turkmenistan |
For the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
For the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan |
For the Government of the Republic Kyrgyzstan |
For the Government of Ukraine |
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