Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of December 25, 1991 No. 36

About the status of the military personnel

(as amended on 08-10-2024)

Section I. General provisions

Article 1. Legal status of the military personnel

1. The tasks of Armed Forces of the Azerbaijan Republic determined by the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About Armed Forces of the Azerbaijan Republic" conditions and nature of military service determine the status of the military personnel which includes the rights, obligations, guarantees of their realization and the responsibility established by the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic, other legal acts of the Azerbaijan Republic.

2. The military personnel has the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Azerbaijan Republic with the amendments and restrictions caused by features of military service and established by this Law, other legal acts of the Azerbaijan Republic. The military personnel performs all duties of citizens of the Azerbaijan Republic, and also the obligations caused by their status.

3. Nobody has the right to deprive of military personnel and members of their families of any rights and freedoms or to limit them in the rights provided by the Constitution and the laws of the Azerbaijan Republic for citizens of the Azerbaijan Republic, otherwise, as according to the Constitution and the laws of the Azerbaijan Republic.

Restriction of the all-civil laws, and also provision by the serviceman of the additional rights and assignment for them of the subsidiary duties caused by features of military service are established by this Law, other legal acts of the Azerbaijan Republic and charters of Armed Forces of the Azerbaijan Republic.

4. Responsibility of the military personnel is established by legal acts of the Azerbaijan Republic taking into account features of the status of the military personnel.

Article 2. Persons having the status of the military personnel

1. According to this Law the citizens of the Azerbaijan Republic and citizens of other states who are in active duty in Armed Forces of the Azerbaijan Republic, in border troops of the Azerbaijan Republic and the armed connections created according to the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic another other, and also the persons liable for call-up who are on charges have the status of the military personnel.

2. The status of the military personnel does not extend to persons passing alternative service (labor service) in the state labor groups, services of the humanitarian direction and the utility sphere.

3. The status of the military personnel remains for all the time of stay of the military personnel in captivity, and also in the neutral countries as interned if they at the same time did not violate the military oath and did not commit crimes, stipulated by the legislation the Azerbaijan Republic.

Article 3. Acquisition and loss of the status of the military personnel

Citizens acquire the status of the military personnel from the date of appeal, receipts in voluntary procedure or under the contract for service in Armed Forces of the Azerbaijan Republic, appeal on charges, receipts in military and educational institutions, and lose with dismissal from service in Armed Forces of the Azerbaijan Republic from the date of exception of lists of military unit, assignment or exception of military and educational institutions, the end of charges, according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic.

Article 4. Execution by the military personnel of obligations of military service

1. Content and amount of the rights, obligations and responsibility of the military personnel depends on whether there are they in case of fulfillment of duties of military service or are not in case of execution of those.


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