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The document is cancelled since  December 4, 2015 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 4, 2015 No. 993

Approved by the order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 29, 2008 No. 189

Requirements of industrial safety when crushing, sorting, mineral processing and okuskovaniye of ores and concentrates

(as amended of the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 21.10.2009 No. 244)

Section 1. Basic provisions

Paragraph 1. General requirements

1. These Requirements extend to designing, construction, operation and reconstruction of objects, on okuskovaniye (agglomeration, briquetting, okomkovaniye), crushing, crushing and sorting portable and collapsible crushing and classifying sections and enrichment installations (including drags, industrial devices).

Conversion of minerals in underground conditions and pits is made taking into account requirements of these Requirements, Requirements of industrial safety when conducting the works as underground method approved by the order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 25, 2008 No. 132 and Requirements of industrial safety in case of development of mineral deposits by open method.

2. On the basis of these Requirements the technical lead of the organization are developed and affirm:

1) regulations on production supervision;

2) production schedules;

3) liquidation plan of accidents.

Production schedules are reviewed in case of change of engineering procedure or working conditions, in case of use of the new equipment, change of rules, regulations.

Training of personnel and works are performed according to requirements of industrial safety.

3. All workplaces and approaches to them are kept clean, workplaces and passes are not encumbered.

4. All servicing platforms, transitional bridges and ladders strong, steady are also supplied with handrail at least 1 m high with crossbeam and continuous covering on bottom of handrail on m 0,14 height.

5. Ladders to working platforms and mechanisms have tilt angle:

1) constantly operated - no more than 45 degrees;

2) visited 1-2 times in change - no more than 60 degrees;

3) in sumps, wells - to 90 degrees.

Width of ladders is at least 0, m, height of steps - no more 0,3 of m, width of steps - is at least m 0,25. Application of brackets is allowed in sumps and wells.

6. All mounting apertures, priyamk, sumps, wells, ditches and so forth located in rooms and in the territory of the company are protected with handrail 1 m high with continuous covering on bottom of handrail on height of 0,14 of m or blocked by floorings (lattices) on all surface, and in necessary places are supplied with transitional bridges at least 1 m wide.

7. Pipes, trenches and other communications are located so that not to encumber working platforms, and in cases of crossing by them of passes and working platforms, are placed at height of at least 2,0 of m from floor level.

When crossing pass and working platforms of reagentoprovodama, the last have pallets: the minimum height from the pass level (the working platform) to the most acting part of the pallet - is at least m 1,8.

8. For servicing of the shutoff valves which do not have remote control and use of the instrumentations located over floor level at height of more 1,5 of m stationary platforms width of at least 0,8 of m are arranged.

9. The minimum distance between machines and devices and from walls to equipment dimensions:

1) on the main passes - is at least m 1,5;

2) in case of working passes between machines - at least 1 m;

3) on working passes between wall and machines - is at least m 0,7;

4) local narrowings in case of observance of normal working passes between machines and between wall (building construction) and the mashinoyena of less 0,7 of m;

5) on passes to tanks, tubs and reservoirs for servicing and repair - is at least m 0,6.

10. The minimum width of the passes intended for transportation of large replaceable nodes and details during repair of the equipment is determined by the largest cross size of nodes and details with addition by m 0,6 on the party.

11. Operation of chimneys is performed according to requirements Construction Norms and Regulations 2.09. 03, III-24 Construction Norms and Regulations.

12. Protection of personnel against all dangerous production factors is provided.

Paragraph 2. Operation of the equipment

13. All moving and rotating parts of machines and mechanisms, elements of the drive and transfer have reliably fixed barriers excluding access to them to operating time.

The rotating parts (shaft, muftis, pulleys, drums, frictional disks and so forth) have continuous or mesh barriers with cells no more than 25x25 mm.

The mesh barrier of drums of conveyors is allowed with size of cell no more than 40х40 mm. Tooth and chain gearings, irrespective of height of their arrangement and speed of movement, have continuous barriers.

14. Before launch of the equipment in work the warning light or sound signal is given.

Before start in operation of the equipment which is out of visibility range the sound warning signal, lasting at least 10 seconds, distinguishable aurally near the mechanisms which are subject to start-up is given. The second signal lasting 30 seconds is given with interval at least 30 seconds after the first. Start of mechanisms and the equipment is blocked with the device providing the above-stated prestarting alarm system.

Start of the equipment is notified by loud-speaking communication with indication of the name and technological numbering of the started equipment. In places with the increased noise level the duplicative light alarm system is provided. The procedure for giving of signals is brought to the attention previously of all workers occupied with servicing and operation of the started equipment. Symbols of the given signals are hung out on workplaces.

15. Acceptance in operation of the equipment is made by the commission appointed by the director.

Launch of the equipment in work after installation or repair is performed by person of control after check of absence of people in the danger area.

16. It is not allowed to make repair and servicing of moving parts and barriers, manual cleaning of pro-rash and manual lubricant of the operating machines and mechanisms.

17. Operation of the equipment is made with observance of production schedules.

Paragraph 3. Fire protection

18. Fuel and lubricants and cleaning cloths on workplaces are stored in the closed metal vessels in quantities not over the three-day need for each of material types. Storage of flammable substances (gasoline, kerosene and others) on workplaces is not allowed.

19. On roads of production appointment journey of fire trucks is provided. The distance from the region of the carriageway to walls of the building makes no more than 25 m.

20. All production and utility rooms, installations, constructions and warehouses are provided with primary means of suppression and fire stock which quantity and content corresponds to GOST 12.4.009.

The place arrangement of emergency firefighting equipment and fire stock is established by the project.

On platforms the device of the fire-proof water supply system combined with production or economic and drinking is provided. Fire hydrants are located along roads and moving at distance no more than 150 m from each other, at least 5 m from walls of the building and near intersections, but not further 2 m from the region of the carriageway.

Paragraph 4. Sampling, packaging of products of production

21. Sampling is performed by mechanical samplers in the automatic mode or remotely-controlled.

Manual selection is made only in the established points of the technological scheme determined by the order of the technical lead. For sampling convenient and safe places (platforms) having local lighting and barrier are equipped. Make selection from the accidental, not equipped points it is not allowed.

22. Warehousing of the ready-made product packed into packets, boxes or sacks in zone of workplace of the operator of packaging and weighing automatic machines and the line of packaging is made according to production schedules.

23. The room for packing machines is isolated from warehouse of commodity product by wall with apertures for passing of conveyer belts. Apertures are blocked by consolidations in the form of the special aprons or curtains which are not interfering passing of product on the conveyor.

24. Transportation of container to workplace of the operator of the packing machine is performed by the mechanized method.

For the direction of sacks with ready-made product in front of press conveyors special guides are established.

25. The Shnekovy loading cranes located indoors with open entry of the servicing personnel are equipped with the portable device closing unloading apertures.

Shnekovy loading cranes have cart course limiters.

Section 2. Crushing and crushing of materials

Paragraph 1. Ore delivery, reception and intermediate bunkers

26. In front of the case (department) of acceptance of ore the traffic light permitting or prohibiting entrance of structures (dump trucks, skips, the ropeway and others) on the platform of bunkers is established. In some cases unloading is performed on the permitting signals of the traffic light blocked with barrier and established in front of the bunker.

Working platforms of receptions and discharging gears and bunkers, are equipped with the sound and light alarm system intended for the notification of service personnel about arrival of railroad trains. Signals are given for 1,5-2 of minute until arrival of structures and the beginning of operation of skip hoists and ropeways.

27. On working platforms of intakes, at the level of head of rails of railway tracks passes for servicing of railway vehicles are provided. Between rails floorings aflush with the level of head of rails are for this purpose equipped.

Dimensions of railway tracks are timely exempted from pro-rashes of ore and foreign objects.

28. In case of production of repair work in reception funnel of bunkers the ways conducting to intakes are closed by barriers with the notification about it transport personnel. Structures of trains are removed from the region of intakes. In the presence of two and more reception bunkers for ensuring repair work in one of them, the procedure for the organization of works approved by the technical lead is developed.

29. Between the reception platform of the bunker and platforms of feeder and crusher of large crushing contact is kept (telephone, loud-speaking, light and so forth).

30. Loading openings of intakes from sides and from outside, opposite unloading, are protected with trial handrail. In case of bilateral unloading the barrier is carried out from lateral faces.

31. Reception platforms of bunkers and the platform of shipment of products in case of dust formation are equipped with effective remedies of dust suppression (pyleulavnivaniye).

32. Elimination of the codes, lags of ore in bunkers and its shurovka are made by means of special devices and devices (electrovibrators, pneumatic devices, hydrowashout and others). Descent of people for these purposes in bunkers is not allowed.

Loading of reception bunkers in case of open unloading hatches is not allowed.

33. Intermediate bunkers if they are not filled with self-dumping carts, are equipped with floorings. In case of use of self-dumping carts or reverse conveyors loading openings are blocked by lattices with openings no more than 200х200 mm wide or equipped with barriers at least 1 m high. Such barriers or lattices are established also on bunkers in places of overload of conveyor transport.

34. For safety of the works connected with descent of people in reception funnels (bunkers) for survey or accomplishment of repair work the plan of the organization of works with obligatory observance of the following conditions is constituted:

1) works are performed on the work permit;

2) complete cleaning of the bunker, its designs, nadbunkerny platforms and railway tracks on this site from material, airing and control of condition of the air circle of the bunker;

3) on working platforms of reception and transport devices of intermediate bunkers and at mechanisms of bunker locks the precautionary signs specifying the works which are carried out in bunkers are established;

4) before descent of workers in the bunker loading and unloading feeders stop and disconnected, and posters are hung out: "Not include! People work!", electric circuits understand and drives of the previous and subsequent processing equipment are cut off power;

5) in case it is impossible to prevent fall of objects in the bunker where works are performed, the reliable overlappings excluding injuring of the people working in the bunker are arranged;

6) the crew during the works in the bunker consists at least of three people, two of whom are in nadbunkerny part;

7) the workers performing repair work put on safety belts and become attached to strong support. The cable or rope in case of work holds observing, being in nadbunkerny part. Safety belts and safety ropes in case of operation are tested on statistical load of 2250 kN within 5 minutes at least once in 6 months and have brand about date of the last testing;

8) in the bunker portable lamps not higher than 12 Volts are applied to lighting.

Paragraph 2. Crushing

35. When jamming in working space of crushers of big pieces of ore, their extraction from crusher is performed by lifting means or blasting with observance of the existing Requirements of industrial safety during the explosive works, approved by the order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 19, 2007 No. 141. Extraction of the pieces of ore which got stuck in crusher manually is not allowed. Break the large pieces of ore which got stuck in working space of crusher, hammers or sledge hammers do not allow.


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