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of July 31, 2009 No. 256

About fundamentals of the state youth policy

Accepted by Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on June 25, 2009

This Law determines bases of creation of the legal, economic, social and other conditions directed to realization of the rights and interests of young citizens, the youth organizations, their potential for the benefit of the state and society.

Chapter 1 General provisions

Article 1. Scope of this Law

Subject of regulation of this Law is determination of the purposes, the principles, the main directions and measures of realization of the state youth policy.

Article 2. The basic concepts used in this Law

For the purpose of this Law the following main terms are used:

active youth - young citizens (the youth organizations) realizing own initiatives for the benefit of society and the state;

volunteer activities - implementation by physical persons and legal entities of the socially useful work directed to satisfaction of public or state interests, rendered on a voluntary basis in different forms without receipt of the monetary reward during which they can acquire knowledge, experience, skills and to show the capabilities;

the state youth policy - system of the measures directed to creation of legal, economic, social, organizational conditions for self-realization of youth, the development of its potential for the benefit of the state realized by state bodies and local government bodies;

young citizens (youth) - citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic and stateless persons aged from 14 up to 28 years;

young family - circle of the young citizens connected by the established mutual rights and obligations following from relationship or scrap in which both spouses or one of them did not reach 28-year age;

the young specialist - the citizen who did not reach 28 years as whom working life does not exceed 3 years;

the youth organization - non-profit organization, participation (membership) in which shall constitute at least 75 percent of young citizens whose activities are aimed at the development, self-realization, protection of the rights and interests, and also satisfaction of spiritual and other needs of youth;

unorganized youth - the young citizens who are not involved in socially useful activities not realizing the available opportunities by means of employment, increases in education and realization of other forms of civil participation;

informal associations of youth - the group of the young citizens combined by common interests which is not registered in the procedure established by the legislation as legal entities;

social services for youth - legal entities, and also the citizens performing business activity without formation of legal entity, rendering services in social support to the young citizens and families which are in difficult life situation;

talented youth - the young citizens having the high creative, intellectual and cultural potential which can be used for increase in the level of development of society and the state;

difficult life situation - the condition which is objectively breaking life activity of the young citizen which he cannot independently solve owing to the following reasons:

1) it is not capable to self-service in view of limited opportunities of health;

2) is without care of parents (legal representatives) or has the nearest relations who are in its dependence including persons with limited opportunities of health;

3) is needy;

4) is the victim of the armed and international conflicts, environmental and technogenic catastrophes, natural disasters;

5) is refugee, the displaced person;

6) is in special teaching and educational facilities;

7) is subject to which violence was applied;

8) there is no possibility of social adaptation after departure of criminal penalty;

authorized body on protection of the rights and interests the molodezhigosudarstvenny body performing realization of the state youth policy within the powers conferred to it in accordance with the established procedure.

Article 3. Principles of realization of the state youth policy

The state youth policy is based on the following principles:

1) interaction and coordination of state bodies and local government bodies with physical persons and legal entities;

2) target financial support of young citizens (youth organizations) by state bodies and local government bodies;

3) involvement of young citizens (the youth organizations) in process of development of the state and other programs for the questions affecting the rights and interests of young citizens;

4) creations of the equal rights and opportunities for self-realization, and also stimulation of socially useful initiatives through involvement of youth of society, men's and female in social and economic, political and cultural life;

5) assistance to physical persons and legal entities in implementation of non-state support of youth (youth organizations);

6) carrying out monitoring and assessment of public authorities, local government bodies, legal entities and physical persons.

Article 4. Purposes and tasks of the state youth policy

The purpose of the state youth policy is forming of active civic stand and the valuable reference points of youth providing stable innovative development of the country, its territorial integrity and cultural identity of the people of Kyrgyzstan.

Achievement of effective objective is reached through realization of the following tasks:

1) creation of conditions for socialization;

2) forming of spiritual and moral values and culture;

3) strengthenings of health and ensuring access to medical services;

4) creation of conditions for education, professional training;

5) assistance of employment and ensuring social protection;

6) realization of the announced socially useful initiatives;

7) assistance in creation of conditions for leisure and development of creative potential;

8) involvement in processes of life activity of society and state, education of the civil responsibility.

Article 5. Subjects of the state youth policy

Subjects of the state youth policy are:

1) the state bodies and local government bodies providing forming and realization of the state youth policy within the competence;

2) young citizens (youth organizations);

3) legal entities, and also the citizens giving support to young citizens (the young organizations) involved in realization of the purpose and tasks of the state youth policy.

Article 6. Legislation on the state youth policy

2. If the international treaty which came in the procedure established by the law into force establishes other rules, than those which contain in this Law then are applied rules of the international treaty.


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