of July 24, 2009 No. 248
About public health care
Accepted by Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on June 25, 2009
This Law is directed to improvement of health of the population through increase in access to services of public health care, promotion of questions of protection and strengthening of health of society in general.
If the international agreements which became effective in accordance with the established procedure establish other rules what provided by this Law, then rules of international treaties are applied.
Adaptation - processes of adaptation of live organism to the changing environmental conditions which reflect expansion of functionality of organism, increase in its working capacity and increase in resilience to external impacts.
The adaptive capability - capability of system to adapt to climate change (including variability of climate and the extreme phenomena) for the purpose of mitigation of possible harm, use of favorable opportunities or overcoming consequences.
The state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance - activities for the prevention, detection, suppression of violations of the law of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of ensuring sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population for the purpose of protection and strengthening of health of the population.
Health of the person - condition of human body as live system, characterized by its complete steadiness with external environment and lack of any expressed changes connected with disease. Health, by determination of the World Health Organization, is condition of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just absence of diseases or physical defects.
Public health - the health of the population or certain groups and communities on geographical, social or other feature estimated by demographic indicators, characteristics of physical development, incidence and disability.
Public health care - system of the actions directed to protection of public health, prevention of diseases, prolongation of life and strengthening of health of the person by means of organizational efforts of all concerned parties, informing the population, the state and private organizations, communities and physical persons.
restrictive actions (quarantine) - system of the temporary organizational, regime and restrictive, administrative, sanitary and epidemiologic actions directed to the prevention of spread of infectious diseases, mass poisonings and emergency situations, ensuring localization of the epidemic center with subsequent its liquidation and providing specific mode of economic or other activity, restriction of movement of the population, vehicles, freights, goods and animals.
Public health care - set of the measures of political, economic, legal, social, cultural, scientific, ecological, medical nature directed to preservation and promotion of health of the present and future generations of people.
Impact assessment on health - complex assessment of direct and indirect consequences from the point of view of the state of health of the population, development of health care and social and economic development in general, carrying out certain policy or the program, or activities of specific services or organizations.
Prevention of diseases - the actions directed to the prevention or decrease in probability of origin and spread of diseases or stop of their current, prevention of recurrence and complications.
Preventive actions - the organizational, administrative, technical, medical and sanitary, veterinary, adaptation and other measures directed to elimination or reduction of harmful effects on the population of factors of the habitat, prevention of origin and spread of infectious diseases, mass poisonings, emergency situations and their liquidation including from climate change.
Mental health - set of installations, qualities and functional capabilities which allow the individual to adapt by environment.
Sanitary and quarantine control - type of the state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance (control) concerning persons, vehicles and products (goods) under control to the state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance (control) at check points through frontier, at interstate transfer railway stations or butt stations for the purpose of prevention of import of products (goods) potentially hazardous to health of the person, delivery, origin and spread of infectious and mass noninfectious diseases (poisonings).
Sanitary and epidemiologic situation - the illness rate of the population and condition of the habitat in certain territory in certain time.
Social mobilization - the planned process in which all main sectors of society are effective together for the sake of achievement of common goal.
Sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population - the state of health of the population, the habitat of the person in case of which there are no harmful effects of factors of the habitat per capita and are provided favorable conditions for its activity.
Strengthening of health - the process allowing people and communities to realize impact of social, economic, ecological factors, the habitat and conduct of life on health and to strengthen control over them for the purpose of improvement of health.
Contents of other terms used in this Law are determined by individual clauses of this Law.
The main objectives of this Law are:
- public health care;
- forming of healthy lifestyle of citizens in the Kyrgyz Republic;
- prevention of infectious and noninfectious diseases.
The basic principles of state policy in the field of public health care in the Kyrgyz Republic are:
- preventive orientation of health care and forming at the commitment population to healthy lifestyle;
- creation of conditions for protection and strengthening of human health on the basis of equality and availability of medical services;
- strengthening of mental and physical health, as the factor increasing quality of life and level of psychosomatic wellbeing of all population;
- development of public health care according to needs of the population for protection and strengthening of health, creation of equal conditions for functioning of the organizations of public health care;
- providing citizens with objective and reliable information concerning prevention of diseases, protection and strengthening of health;
- coordination of activities of state bodies in the field of public health care;
- cooperation and interaction of public and other organizations with active participation of the population in the solution of questions of protection and strengthening of health of the population;
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The document ceased to be valid since July 16, 2024 according to part 2 of article 86 of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of January 12, 2024 No. 10